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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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Lexi gulped and glanced uncomfortably in Chyna's direction. The woman was about as far from Chyna and her mother as anyone in this world could get. Where Chyna was dark, tanned, and exotic this woman was light, pale, and comely. She certainly had her appeal, but for complete opposite reasons.

Likely the most disturbing part about the entire situation was her utter youth. She couldn't have been a day over thirty, and that was really hitting high. She had a perfectly flawless appearance and not from botox and countless hours of plastic surgery, but from the fact that she was young enough to be her sister.

Chyna's face hadn't changed either, but Lexi could see that the same revelation had dawned on her as well. Her father was marrying someone that she had never met and someone who was nearly her age. If she had been anywhere else, she would have been throwing a tantrum about how ridiculous this entire thing was turning out to be. But she couldn't do that here not in front of everyone who mattered in the Manhattan social life…at least not unless she wanted to be headlining page 6.

Richard made a quick speech thanking everyone in attendance for coming out to his "little" get together to celebrate his beautiful bride-to-be. Lexi about gagged through half of the speech as he made a ridiculous spectacle of cooing at his fiancé repeatedly. Lexi had no idea how Chyna was able to sit through this, but she managed. The couple took their seats at the center of the room and just as another bell sounded waiters appeared from all sides of the room with dinner for the evening.

"Well that was interesting," Lexi murmured to Chyna.

"I don't want to talk about it," Chyna said requesting another glass of wine from a passing server.

"Is that really smart?" Lexi asked concerned.

"I don't give a f**k. It obviously doesn't matter that I'm here. He didn't even glance at me the whole time. So why did he have to put me through this?"

"I don't know if you noticed, but he didn't really look at anyone. Half the time he was talking directly to her so let's try not to get riled up shall we? You know how you are when you're drunk and angry," Lexi reminded her hoping that maybe she would calm down just a little.

She had no idea what she would do if the situation was reversed. Her parents had stayed together through everything so the thought of a step parent was utterly terrifying. Lexi supposed Chyna felt the same way. Even though her parents had split up due to infidelity, she still didn't want some other person coming in and replacing her mother.

"Fine," Chyna said crossing her arms and waiting for their food to arrive. She tapped her toe anxiously under the table, but a smile broke out across her face as she glanced across the room. "Hey stop checking your phone," Chyna commanded. Lexi's head snapped up. "Look straight ahead."

Lexi mouth curved up in a smile as Ramsey strode confidently across the ballroom floor. Eyes followed him as he made his way towards Lexi, but he didn't seem to notice any of them as his green eyes found her brown ones in the crowd. She licked her lips and butterflies took over her stomach. She hadn't seen him in a month, and damn did he look good. She had forgotten how strong and classically handsome his features were. The Armani suit that adorned his body had obviously been tailored specially for him, and Lexi could surely admit that it was worth every penny. His body looked incredible.

When he finally reached her, he bent down and lightly kissed the top of her head. A wave of peppermint filled her nostrils, and she shivered at the memories that scent filled her mind with. "Sorry I'm late," he said not taking his eyes from her face. He yanked the chair out from the table and sat down hardly acknowledging the rest of the room. His hand reflexively came out and fingered a strand of her loose, even curls. "It's shorter."

Lexi bit her lip to keep from pushing a chunk of it behind her ear. "Yeah. I donated it to cancer."

"I'm not sure cancer would appreciate that," he murmured smirking affectionately. She loved the way his right cheek dimpled in a little bit more than the other side. She wasn't sure why she had never noticed that. It had to be one of the most adorable features.

"Oh I mean Locks of Love," she stammered out. She wasn't certain why she was acting so nervous. She had never been nervous around him before. In fact, she typically was pretty forward and rude in his presence. She didn't give into his easy charm and he had seemed to like her more for that. Perhaps, since it had been under different circumstances and her mind had been so focused elsewhere, she hadn't even realized what she felt for Ramsey. She still wasn't sure and that made her more nervous than she would have been.

"Well either way, you look gorgeous," he said reaching forward and capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

Lexi was surprised by his boldness. After turning him down and then not seeing or speaking to him in a month, he was rather forward with his affections. "Thank you," she muttered pulling back her voice breathy.

"Am I playing the boyfriend role well enough?" he asked still staring longingly into her eyes.

Her heart stopped and then sank. He was just acting. Of course that would make sense. She had put him up to this role. She had set up the boundaries. Though she didn't know where that last kiss fell in with everything. But since he had shown up late, he felt he had to put on an appearance of devotion. "Uh…yeah," she said turning from his powerful gaze. "Where were you?"

"I told you my flight was delayed."

"That was hours ago. Why didn't you call or text?" Lexi asked hating that she sounded like the overbearing girlfriend, but she really had been worried. At least if they were acting, everyone would believe her role.

Ramsey dug into his pocket and pulled out a black, touch screen phone. "The damn thing died mid-flight and we were circling JFK for about an hour. I had no way to get a hold of you. I'm sorry," he said reaching out and grabbing her hand under the table. "I got here as soon as I could."

"I'm glad you made it safe," she said forgiving his lateness easily. She was still too concerned about his acting abilities to care.

Suddenly Ramsey seemed to notice that everyone had been watching them and turned to face the table. "How's it going?" he asked smiling like the confident heir to an empire that he was. "Pleasure to meet you all. I'm Ramsey Bridges."

Everyone shared their name with him, but one particular couple seemed fascinated by his name and began speaking in hushed whispers. Lexi could only imagine what they were saying. She really didn't want to think about it.

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