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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"These are pretty close to our school uniforms," Bekah said to Lexi who was looking at her dumbfounded. "We went to an all-girls private school."

"Oh," Lexi said putting the pieces together. No wonder Bekah was so catty. You know besides being the only girl in a family that was supremely wealthy and had never heard of discipline.

"Here is yours. I hope it fits," Bekah said handing it to Lexi. "I think it's your size."

"When did you find time to get this in my size?" Lexi asked looking into the skirt to check the sizing. Surprisingly, it was exactly the right size.

"I didn't. It was Parker's," Bekah said simply cocking her head to the side as she looked at Lexi

"What?" Lexi asked dropping the skirt on the hotel room floor. Her mouth hung wide as she stared into Bekah's face.

Bekah smiled brightly. She managed to make even that look devilish. "The outfit was for Parker. You guys are so similar in…well," she said looking her up and down, "...size that I just figured you would fit."

"What?" Lexi gasped a second time. She gulped hard staring down Bekah.

"Well she's my fourth bridesmaid, but she's too busy working now so she couldn't make the trip," Bekah told her simply. Her head was cocked to the side as her eyes bore into Lexi studying her every feature. "I thought someone would have told you." Her tone was sweet, but Lexi knew too well now that it was dripping with venom.

How had she not figured it out before? When Ramsey had told her that Parker was going to be at the wedding, had he been warning her? Of course, he had said that he wanted her there because Parker was going to be in attendance. If he had said she was going to be in the wedding, she probably would have flipped out further.

"Is something wrong?" Bekah asked batting her eyelashes as if she were innocent.

Lexi sighed quietly to herself. The truth was that everything was wrong this picture. Her wearing Parker's clothes felt very wrong. But she also knew Bekah had done all of this on purpose. She was bating her. She had planned this from the minute she had invited Lexi to join her on her bachelorette party. And it had just played into her hand that no one had brought up Parker previously.

And why would they? It was an awkward enough situation without Ramsey bringing her up all the time. He had made his point by telling her that Parker was going to be there. Lexi's ultimate decision to attend might not have had anything to do with Ramsey or Parker, but it certainly had helped spur her forward.

It was only Bekah who was sinister enough to bring up everything in this manner. But besides all that…she couldn't let Bekah win. She might have gotten Jack in the end, but Lexi wouldn't give her the pleasure of hurting her ever again. "No…no there's no problem at all," Lexi said stooping down and retrieving her skirt.

"Oh good," Bekah said a smirk appearing on her lips.

"I'm really glad you didn't have to go to anymore trouble for me," Lexi muttered eyeing her carefully.

"Yes it was convenient," Bekah told her a little surprised that Lexi was agreeing with her.

"I mean you already knew my measurements since you got me that beautiful red dress for Jack's birthday…and I got so much use out of it." Lexi smiled brightly at her as if what she had said didn't have undertones of hostility.

Sure she knew it was catty to bring it up, but she had to say something to ward of Bekah's evil behavior. It didn't matter that Bekah, as far as she knew, still didn't know that she had slept with Jack that night. It was something Lexi could hang over her head without Bekah ever knowing quite what it was. She could always just wonder about it. Perhaps it was petty, but the look on Bekah's face as she tried to make out the meaning behind her words was priceless.

Kersey walked out of the bathroom at that time. "Uh…Bekah," she murmured, running her hands down the length of the skirt.

"Please don't feed me any bullshit," Bekah said tearing her attention away from Lexi.

Lexi quickly darted into the empty bathroom to change. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't have cared who saw her while changing. She had been doing gymnastics long enough to get rid of her inhibitions about changing in front of other people. Not to mention, she knew that she had a pretty rockin' body from all the pilates and running she did back in New York. But still these were not normal circumstances, and she didn't want to be judged by the girls in the other room. There was enough animosity between them that she didn't feel comfortable displaying herself for their critique.

She quickly stripped out of her clothes and pulled Bekah's outfit on. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and did a double take. The outfit was surprisingly flattering…and she really did fit perfectly into Parker's outfit. She took a deep breath to calm herself. It was just clothing. It didn't mean anything. It didn't matter that they were almost exactly the same size and build. Those things didn't matter right now. She would deal with the strangeness of the scenario at another time.

Amber and Kersey were helping Bekah into her dress as Lexi exited the bathroom. Maddie stood off to the side examining a white hairpiece that Lexi realized was a small veil. Lexi focused her attention back on Bekah. After finally having Amber close the zipper in the back, Bekah stood tall and brushed her hands against the silky pink material. Amber pulled a sash over her head that read Bachelorette in large, pink glitter letters. Maddie placed the veil on top of her head, and Bekah adjusted it so it wouldn't come loose throughout the evening. Standing in front of the full length mirror, she swished her weight onto one hip and admired herself.

"Oh my God, Bekah, you look stunning," Amber crowed running up to stand next to her. Maddie quickly backed out of the way.

"So hot," Kersey cried at nearly the same time.

"You're going to get soooo much attention tonight," Amber continued wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Definitely," Kersey agreed following Amber's lead. Lexi watched the back and forth and felt like she had entered the movie Mean Girls.

"Well what do you think?" Bekah asked turning to face Maddie who had thus far been silent.

Maddie shrugged her small shoulders. "You know you look pretty, B."

"I know," Bekah said not taking her eyes from Maddie. "Just love your opinion, dear."

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