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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"I've never treated you the way I should have. I would do anything I could to go back to that time when we could have been together and change the way I acted. But…"

"But you can't," she finished for him easily. She hardened her gaze and crossed her arms barring him from intruding in her space.

"No…I can't," he said nodding his head sadly. "So what should I do Lex?" he asked his bright blue eyes searching hers.

Lexi sighed and shrugged her shoulders. What could she tell him? She was here to tell him to get married to give up on her, and wasn't that exactly what she had just argued for? Yet, a small part of her still didn't want him to get married. An even larger part just didn't want him to marry Bekah. She was torn. Could she truly tell him to marry someone she thought was completely wrong for him? Was it better to just allow him to be completely and totally off the market even if she was sending him to his grave? She hated thinking like that, but it kind of felt like that.

"I can't tell you what to do Jack," she murmured dropping her arms. "You have to decide on your own."

"I know I should, but what should I do?" he asked begging her for an answer.

"Look, the fact that you are debating this at all should be a sign," finally muttered.

Jack nodded pleading with her to continue. "So you think I should call it off?"

"I am not going to be responsible for you calling off your wedding!" she cried. "You make up your own f**king mind Jack Howard!"

"Don't start yelling at me. You know how I feel about you when you get angry," he said taking another step towards her.

"Do you want to have another injury?" she asked him arching an eyebrow.

"Uh no," he said stepping backwards again. "I just don't know what to do Lex."

"Do whatever you want. I was supposed to come in here to convince you to marry her. Well let's be honest I came here a year ago and was pretty successful at it. Why should now be any different?"

Jack stopped and really looked at her. Lexi wasn't sure why that statement had managed to keep him from advancing on her, but she wasn't going to complain. If she had finally gotten through to him then all the better.

"Alright," he said nodding. "Thanks for coming to see me even though you didn't want to. It really means a lot…everything to me Lex."

Lexi tried to keep her mouth from dropping open. Who was this person? Jack never gave up. Jack never apologized. He certainly never thanked her for her opinion on the matter. They could work together in the easy way that their relationship had formed over time, but this was different. This made it seem like Jack had somehow grown too since she had last seen him, which seemed hella implausible considering he had just kissed her.

"You're welcome Jack," she said taking that opportunity to push the bedroom door back open.

Lexi turned around to face the questioning looks of the groomsmen and found herself face to face with an entire room of people she had not been anticipating.

"I knew it!" Bekah screeched sauntering forward. Her hair and makeup were immaculate, but she had yet to be fitted into her wedding dress for the upcoming event.

Lexi could not figure out what the f**k she was doing here. Ramsey, Chyna, and Adam seemed to be trying to restrain her from walking forward, but what was she doing in the room in the first place? This was her wedding day. She was not supposed to know that Lexi had ever been in that room. It was tradition that the groom wasn't supposed to see the bride on their wedding day. Lexi would have never pinned Bekah as someone who wanted to break tradition. This just didn't make any sense.

"Bekah stop," Ramsey commanded grabbing her elbow forcefully. "You're going to ruin everything."

"I'm going to ruin everything?" she asked twirling around and smacking his hand off of her. "You're little homewrecker is in a bedroom with my fiancé. Don't you think I should be a little concerned with that?"

"Not if you trust Jack like I trust Lexi," he pointed out.

"I trust Jack," she amended quickly, "just not Lexi. You don't know what she's done."

"Actually I think I do. I know you find it hard to believe, but Lexi and I did talk about her past relationships when we dated for the last year."

"Then you know she's a cheating whore!" Bekah cried turning back to glare at Lexi who hadn't moved from her position in front of the door.

Ramsey grabbed her arm even more forcefully and yanked her backwards. "Now you listen and you listen good, because I'm only going to say this once. Don't f**king talk about her like that."

"Don't you f**king talk to me like that or manhandle me," she said pulling away from him again. "She's the one trying to ruin my wedding."

"She's the one trying to fix your wedding," he growled releasing her.

"It wouldn't need to be fixed if she didn't try to ruin everything," she said walking forward towards Lexi. "Isn't that right?"

Lexi didn't know what to say. It was true that she had tried to ruin their relationship, but only under the pretense that her and Jack were going to be together. After that she had left them completely alone. She had only contacted Jack once before this week and it was when her father had had a heart attack so it hadn't really counted. "I'm not trying to ruin anything for you Bekah."

"You sure about that?" she asked, "Because you look like you are coming out of a bedroom with my fiancé."

"Bekah what are you doing?" Jack asked coming and standing next to Lexi.

"Jack," she murmured after he spoke. "She's out to ruin us."

"No she's not. Just calm down," he said trying to reason with her. "What are you even doing here? I'm not supposed to see you until the wedding."

"I just had a sneaking suspicion that she was here. I had to follow my instincts, and look she's here. That doesn't seem like a coincidence. There's something going on."

"There's nothing going on between me and Jack," Lexi grumbled. "I can't f**king believe you would barge in here on your wedding day. You have no concept of reality. You have no concept of trust. You just thought something was going on and came in here unannounced. I'm not ruining your wedding day. You are!" Lexi couldn't believe she had gotten the words out. She had wanted to say something catty to Bekah for so long, but out of respect for the men in her life she had resisted. The accusations she was hurling Lexi's way had just been too much in that moment. She hadn't been able to hold back.

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