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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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Ramsey chuckled and shook his head. "Whatever Bek. But just to clarify, in case you weren't following along. Lexi slept with Jack before we were together, and she slept with someone else after we broke up. While I hate the thought of anyone else ever touching her again," he said openly glaring at Jack, "the woman has a point. She never cheated on me, and I don't think she ever intended on it. Stop trying to ruin her. Stop trying to ruin our relationship."

Just then the door to the door to the groomsmen suite burst open, and in sauntered Amber, Maddie, and Kersey. Parker stood awkwardly in the door way uncertain whether to take part in what was going on or to make a quick exit. Kersey glanced back when she noticed, and grabbed her rather forcefully for a girl who didn't even reach five feet tall. "Bekah, what are you doing in here?" Amber demanded her eyes wide in surprise that so many people were in the room. "We have been looking for you everywhere. Don't you know it's bad luck to see the groom before the wedding." Her thick Southern accent drawled out the last word an unnecessarily long time.

"Yeah honey, let's get out of here," Kersey said openly eyeing Adam up and down like he was something she was going to eat for lunch. Chyna possessively stepped in front of him, and Kersey just shrugged as if that didn't matter.

"Actually we're having a serious problem," Maddie interjected. "We couldn't find you or the wedding planner and the band cancelled."

"What?" Bekah yelled shocked out of her silence for the first time. "I thought you were on this Maddie! Don't you know the lead singer?"

"Well…yeah," she said her cheeks flaming slightly at the mention of the lead singer, "but uh…they're getting really famous, and when I tried to call him about showing up, he said that something came up. He was really vague."

"You promised me that they were going to be here tonight at my reception. Have you had my daddy call their manager or anything?" she demanded instantly turning into Business Bekah.

Maddie shook her head. "No I just tried calling him. He said that he had to go home to Seattle for an emergency, and he was really sorry he couldn't make it. You should have heard his voice…it was practically delectable. God, I can just imagine him with his shirt off all over again with that gorgeous body…"

Bekah waved her off. "Don't even right now Mads. This is serious. I was promised a band, and I don't have a band."

"You still have a DJ," Kersey piped up. "We double booked, remember?"

Bekah shot her a look that would kill. "I don't care if I have a DJ. I want that band here. Find the wedding planner, find my daddy, and make it happen."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait…you can't be serious. You're still going to marry him after what you just found out?" Chyna gasped out.

She wasn't the only one who looked shocked either. Lexi, Ramsey, and Adam all held the same blank expressions. Lexi never wanted Bekah to know about what had happened between her and Jack that night. Bekah had won. The sex didn't matter to Jack. She was just another one night stand to him. She had realized that. She had always thought Bekah would leave him if she had found out about what had transpired, and Lexi hadn't done it for that purpose. She had done it thinking Jack would choose her, and he hadn't. But the fact that she wasn't even going to leave him after that just amazed her.

Was this woman who had everything in the world that desperate for someone to care about her that she wouldn't even accept reality? Was she that desperate to get married?

"Of course I'm marrying him," she said through gritted teeth as if it were the most obvious course of action. "The wedding is happening within the hour. Everything is prepared. All the guests are arriving. It's all paid for…"

"Bekah you know the money doesn't matter!" Ramsey said speaking out against this insane wedding.

Bekah sent him a mutinous look. "I love Jack," she said stepping towards him as he drew closer towards her.

Lexi couldn't even believe what was happening in front of her. Bekah and Jack were still going to go through with his? It had to be the worst decision on the face of the planet. Not only had Jack cheated on Bekah, but it had happened the day before he proposed. And he had tried to do the same thing on their wedding day! She couldn't fathom it. Jack had been having second thoughts all week. There was no way that could have changed in the span of this conversation.

"What are they talking about Bekah?" Maddie asked realizing for the first time that they had just interrupted something.

"Nothing ya'll, let's just go," Bekah said turning her back on the group.

"What you want to hide the truth from them too?" Chyna demanded not willing to let the absurdity of the situation go.

"Chyna," Adam whispered warningly.

"No, Adam this is outrageous. She just found out that her boyfriend cheated on her prior to their engagement, and she's just cool with that? Doesn't that seem f**ked up to everyone else in the room?"

"What?" Parker asked. A chorus of gasped followed with Amber asking, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, but if I had just found out that my fiancé was a total douchebag, I wouldn't just be like, 'yay, that's fine!' I would be freaking out. So, I just can't fathom how Bekah could be so stupid to just let this go. How she could be more concerned that the band cancelled for her reception than her future husband is a cheating sleaze ball."

Bekah glared daggers at Chyna. "Look we weren't even engaged at the time, and he's over this stupid girl," she said jabbing her finger in Lexi's direction, "which is the whole goddamn point. So mind your own f**king business, you little bitch."

Lexi started giggling. She actually started giggling. The girl was manic. She had completely gone off the deep end. She had been told she was a princess one too many times, Lexi was sure of it. She had no idea why Bekah would continue in this delusional state of existence, but she was stuck to it apparently. To think that Jack would ever be completely over Lexi after he continually tried to get together with her over the course of seven years was ridiculous. He was terrified of commitment. He was terrified of really letting anyone see who he really was, but Lexi knew. She knew who he was and what he was capable of….the life he was capable of destroying. He cared for himself and that was it. If he really loved Bekah like he was claiming, he would have never wanted to look at another woman let alone sleep with Lexi before their engagement.

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