Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding 1) - Page 14

Despite the fact that she had taken a late flight into the city and she had worked for nearly fifteen straight hours the day before, Lexi couldn't even imagine falling asleep just yet. Jack was away on business until the next morning so he had offered her his guest bedroom instead of having her take a cab forty-five minutes out of town to her parents' place. She had been wary at first; even more wary now that she was actually situated in his apartment with all the familiar sights and smells surrounding her. But she had eventually accepted. The convenience of the arrangement had drawn her in. She was beginning to regret her moment of weakness.

"Hola chica," Lexi uttered into her cell phone. She made her way back to the kitchen to search for something to get her mind off the fact that she was in Jack's apartment. Rummaging through his cabinets, she zeroed in on the box of Shark Bites. After fishing out a pack, she pulled out a Coca-Cola from the refrigerator and set it onto the counter.

"Alexa!" Chyna yelled through the blaring background noise.

"Where are you?"

"What?" Chyna screamed into the phone. A giggle broke through the line.

"Chyna, where are you?"

"Hold on. Gimme a second." Lexi pulled the phone from her ear to cancel out the obnoxious techno vibes blasting through the wireless. A short minute later, the noise started to fade. Then, it turned into just a buzz in the background. "Alexa, I'm so sorry," she slurred slightly into the receiver, clearly inebriated.

Lexi laughed. "You're drunk." She should have guessed that Chyna would be in this condition on a Saturday night. She had know her for a long time, and this was pretty much par for the course.

"Psh, I'm just a liiiiiitle tipsy. It's my natural state of being, but you know that. What's up?"

"Just wanted some other human being to know that I landed fine."

"Oh fantastic," she said another giggle filtering through the line.

"You don't sound concerned," Lexi said feigning hurt feelings.

"Why would I be concerned? Flying is way safer than driving," she said nonchalantly. "Stop, stop," she squealed obviously flirting with some random guy.

"Do I know your man of choice for tonight?" Lexi asked popping open the soda and taking a long swig.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," she feigned innocence.



"Are you moaning into the phone? Are you f**king serious Chyna? Can you chill out for one second to talk to your best friend who just traveled a thousand miles away from home?"

"You're from Atlanta so it's like going to your home away from home. So…no, I'm not concerned." Lexi heard her shoo her boy nonetheless.

"I'm locked up in my sorta-non-ex-boyfriend's apartment, and you're not concerned?."

"Is that how you refer to me?" a voice questioned from behind her.

Lexi whipped around in surprise. Her mouth dropped open and the phone slipped from her hand hitting the tile floor, and shattering into several pieces. This didn't phase her at all. She was borderline comatose.


He looked exactly as she remembered him. Maybe a bit more handsome. He leaned against the kitchen doorframe, one leg crossed over another, hands resting in his pockets staring at her with his piercing blue eyes. His shaggy brown hair was at her favorite length, just before he needed a haircut. Black slacks with charcoal pinstripes hung loosely on his narrow hips. A black long-sleeve button-up was open at the neck where a charcoal tie had been pulled loose from its proper place; a matching overcoat had been left unbuttoned. A smirk crossed over his face as his eyes scanned her scantily clad body. Lexi couldn't really be embarrassed that he saw her in her ridiculously small night clothes. Let's just be honest, he had seen her in less.

She could feel her heart through her chest like a marathon runner at the sight of him. Her body felt frozen in place. She hadn't been prepared for this. She assumed she would have all morning to look presentable, and get herself into the right state of mind. Then, she would have been able to face him. But this was completely unexpected. What was he doing here? He wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow.

His smirk widened at her apparent shock. "I guess surprise doesn't really cover it, does it?" he asked her, bending forward and retrieving the loose pieces of her cell phone that had scattered across the cool tile floor.

"Not...not exactly," she warbled. She watched as he slid the battery back into place, secured the backing, and switched it on. Lexi felt a chill run down her spine when his gaze returned to her. Reaching out, he handed her back the cell phone letting their hands brush briefly. Lexi commended herself for not flinching. "So," she began clearing her throat, "what are you doing here?"

"I live here," he said smiling down on her.

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Jack, come on. What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to get in until tomorrow."

"Wow, Lex," he said using her pet name as if it had been only yesterday when he had been in New York City with her, "no, hello how are you? No, oh my God, I've missed you? Not even a hug? What the hell?"

Lexi couldn't help herself. She giggled. This was the Jack she knew and loved. "Hello. How are you? Oh my God, I've missed you," she said tossing her phone onto the counter. She swung her arms around him in earnest knocking her body against his in abandon. He pulled her into him gently wrapping his arms around her slight waist. What she had intended to just be a short almost dismissive hug had instantly changed as she felt him breathe her in.

"I know you were just joking, but it really is good to see you," he whispered into her ear.

When they pulled away, she watched as Jack took an extra step farther from her. His eyes had gone crystal clear blue, and seemed to be looking straight through her. She knew what that look meant, and every muscle in her body willed her to step forward into him. It was with great effort that she broke his determined stare and took another step backwards. This was going to be harder than she had thought.

Lexi reached up and brushed her hair behind her ears several times anxiously. It was a habit she had never been able to kick. Even as she did it, she knew she was giving herself away, but she really couldn't help it. As if saved by the bell, her phone began to buzz noisily on the countertop. Knee jerk reaction Lexi swiveled and silenced the noise. She glanced down at the screen groaning as she saw the hairline fracture across the surface. "Hey," she said answering the line.

Tags: K.A. Linde Avoiding Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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