Blow My Fuse - Kickstart Trilogy - Page 2

I’m glad she understands, because I sure as fuck don’t. More than ever, I miss home. Miss my MC family. I made a mistake thinking my bandmates had the same loyalty as my MC brothers.

Back home, if a brother even joked about passing another brother’s old lady around, the punishment would be severe. In this world, I’m the one who stands to be punished. By the record label, my manager, my band, as well as Bloody Revolver if they decide to kick us off the tour.

Even if I end up losing everything, I wouldn’t change a thing about the way I handled it.

Still doesn’t change the fact that sending her home will rip my heart in two.

Chapter Two


Saying goodbye to Chaser is almost impossible. I can’t release his hand, and every time I look at his beautiful face, my heart constricts with pain.

We’re at the gate, and I need to board the plane, but I can’t let go.

Our eyes meet, and he draws me into a tight embrace. “It’s okay, little dove. I’ll be home next week. You won’t have time to miss me.”

“I already miss you.” My throat’s so tight I barely get the words out. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry. I’ll cry by myself on the plane where Chaser can’t see me and feel any worse about this than I already know he does.

He leans down and presses his lips against mine. My hand tunnels into his hair, holding him to me for a much deeper, longer kiss.

“Call me as soon as you’re settled. I don’t care how much it costs”

“I will. I’ll call my agent tomorrow too, so she knows I’m back early and can set some stuff up for me.”

He hesitates. “Wait until I get back, please. Or at least don’t go to any auditions alone.”

“I went on auditions alone before while you were away.”

“Please.” His simple plea can’t be ignored. “I hate being so far away if something happens.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

“I love you so much, little dove. You’re my whole world.”

Agony tightens its fingers around my throat. “I love you, too,” I whisper.

I can’t stall any longer. I have to go. With trembling fingers, I take my bag out of his hands. I turn once, before stepping into the long hallway leading to the plane. Chaser stands there, thumbs hooked in his pockets, legs wide, stoic expression in place. He nods and mouths, “Go on. I love you.”

“Me too.”

I make it onto the plane and into my seat without shedding a tear.

The gentleman in the next seat leers at me and rubs my arm. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing traveling all alone?” His fingers graze the side of my breast. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”

I’ve had it with creeps invading my personal space. “I’m fine,” I answer tartly, jerking my arm away.

I take out my Walkman and snap in a cassette. As I’m adjusting my headphones, he mutters, “Bitch” under his breath.

If not wanting to be groped makes me a bitch, then so be it. I bet if a man were in this seat, he wouldn’t have rubbed his arm.

When the stewardess walks by, I reach out to grab her attention.

“Is there another seat I can move to?” I tilt my head and put as much effort as possible into my get-me-away-from-this-jerk eyes.

She shifts her gaze toward the creep next to the window and nods. “Come on. There are a few empty seats on this flight. I’ll set you up near the back.”

Once I’m settled in my new, creep-free spot, I slip my headphones into place, rest my head against the seat and close my eyes.

The pilot makes an announcement.

The plane moves down the runway.

Sadness intertwined with pain comes in waves. Ripping out my heart and leaving it in England might have hurt less.

Fear scoots in behind the pain of leaving Chaser.

Only time will tell if our love is real or if I’ve been living in a fantasy.

He put everything on the line for me. Over the next few weeks, will he see it as a mistake? Resent me for making things difficult for him? Did I ruin everything he and his band have worked so hard for?

We’ll survive this separation, right?

Chapter Three


Rage beats against my skin from the inside, threatening to break free and pound the next person who pisses me off into oblivion.

It hurt like hell leaving Mallory at the airport. Watching her walk onto the plane? It took every ounce of strength not to run after her.

Foul is the only way to describe my mood when I walk into our band meeting later that afternoon.

“Are we calmer today?” Val asks in a neutral tone.

“No, Val. I’m not calm at all. But I’m here to do my job, so let’s get to work.”

Ignoring the seat she points for me to take, I flatten my back against the wall and cross my arms over my chest. Alvin stands and takes up the spot next to me. Given the circumstances, it’s a bold move, and I appreciate his support.

Tags: Autumn Jones Lake Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025