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Insatiable A Dark Romance

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Disappointed beyond compare, I hobble to bed and go to sleep.

Chapter Three


“Come with me,” he growls. His voice rolls through my body, makes me quiver. I feel almost as though I am under a spell. I wonder if I have been drugged, but I didn’t feel this way until he walked into the club and spoke those words to me, and my drink hasn’t left my hand since it was mixed by the bartender.

He is pure masculine. He is magnificent. I am aroused. More than that, I am awed. This is a fantasy I didn’t know I had. I’m not alien to the concept of a one-night stand. I’ve just never had one before. Is this how they happen? A handsome stranger decides to fuck you and you let him because you’ve never seen anybody so hot before, let alone been to bed with one?

It’s been a hard day. A hard week. A hard year. I lost my job three months ago, and I can’t seem to find another one. I’m single, and I have no kids. If things don’t turn around soon, I don’t know what I’m going to do. People keep telling me that things will get better. If I just hang in there, maybe I’ll magically become more employable. I’m lucky I still have friends with husbands and families willing to find sitters and drag me out to the bar to enjoy myself.

I’m ready to be swept off my feet. I’m old enough to know that no man can ever really rescue you, but looking into this guy’s eyes, I’m willing to suspend disbelief. He’s not offering to save me. He just wants to fuck me. But maybe, right now, that’s enough. Something about the way he makes this easy is almost enough to seduce me on its own.

No good girl fucks a guy she just met. No smart woman lets a man put his cock inside her without even knowing his name, because good girls and smart women understand things like consequences. I understand them too, but… fuck them.

He releases my chin, turns and walks away from me. It’s my choice to follow. I can sense that what’s about to happen is going to leave a mark on me forever. He made his intentions very clear up front. He’s going to fuck me.

I’m not the sort of girl who does things like this. But I want him to fuck me. I want to be wild. I want to forget everything. I want to abandon myself to stupid blind passion. And in spite of how powerful and dangerous he could potentially be, I feel safe.

I have no reason to feel safe. This is how girls get hurt, going off with strange men. It’s also how girls get what they want. What they need. And there’s something familiar about him. I almost feel as though I know him, though I am absolutely sure I’ve never met this guy before. I would know if I had. He’s utterly unforgettable in every way.

My eyes keep running over him as he leads me away from the rest of the crowd. His shoulders. His back. His arms. All so muscled beneath that tight shirt I could use him as an anatomy teaching tool. But I think it’s me who is going to be taught a lesson.

I would never usually do this. I would never have sex with a man I don’t even know. I would never. But I am.

He leads me to the back of the club, through a door marked No Entry. He pushes through it and I follow after him, knowing we’re doing something very, very wrong.

There’s another door at the back that also gives to his hand. It leads to a storeroom. Buckets and bottles of cleaning liquid and a couple of mops, a sink. None of it matters. His hands are on my body, large and powerful and moving over my ass with a hungry motion. I open my mouth to say something, but the words are cut off in his kiss.

His hand finds the back of my head, his long, thick fingers wrapping through my hair. His lips press against mine and part them, making entrance for his tongue. He kisses thoroughly, hungrily. He kisses me as though he wants to devour me.

My curves are soft and generous. His body is thick and hard, the perfect foil for me. The ridge of his cock is tenting his pants and pressing against my belly. I am too short for him, but he takes care of that by hiking my ass up onto the sink behind me.

My legs part, thighs wrap around his powerful waist.

That kiss is broken, and those eyes glower down at me. I feel a spark of fear that immediately becomes arousal.

“You ready to be fucked, girl?” His hand runs up the back of my neck and settles around it in a firm grip. He’s holding me in place with that one hand, pushing the zip of his fly down with the other.

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