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The Two of Us (Love in Isolation 1)

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Whatever he has planned for us, I’m in. If it means spending more time with him, I’d agree to just about anything.

Chapter Eight


Inhaling the mountain air, I close my eyes and smile. Bruno runs around, and I laugh at his playful antics.

Four days ago, my world turned upside down, and I thought I’d go stir-crazy being here alone. Having Cami here too has changed everything.

And for once, it’s changed it for the better.

Away from her high-profile life and the pressures of status, Cami’s the same girl I first met before any of that shit mattered. Before she let the idea of who she was allowed to date get into her head. I resented her for a long time, even while crushing on her, but those hurt feelings are long gone. Before now, it’d been months since I’d last seen her, and being around her has only cemented the way I’ve always felt.

Yes, she did just get out of a long-term relationship, but I know he wasn’t right for her. She was arm candy for their public appearances and played along to appease her parents. Cami might’ve thought they had the picture-perfect relationship, but her eyes always gave away her true feelings regardless if she smiled wide. I know her well enough to see the sparkle was missing, proof she didn’t love him like everyone thought she did. Every photo printed and posted was forced and had no real meaning behind it.

Given that we’re here together and we have this second chance, I’m not taking it for granted. I’ll get Cami to admit she hid her feelings for me and find out if she still has them.

“What’d you make? It woke me up from my nap.” She laughs.

I arch a brow. “Nap, huh? Thought you had lots of schoolwork to do.”

She groans while taking a seat at the table. “I do, but I get fatigued after a panic attack.”

“You feeling better now?”

“Yes, very much so. I took a hot bath and fell asleep to an audiobook.”

“Couldn’t have been that interesting then if it made you pass out.”

“It’s one I’ve listened to a hundred times. The narrator’s voice is soothing,” she explains, which I find adorable. I never thought to do that.

“Well, I made pork chops slathered in cream of mushroom soup with a side of angel hair pasta.”

“More pasta.” She releases a dramatic sigh. “I’m going to leave here fifty pounds heavier.”

“I doubt that.” I set the plate in front of her. “But even if you did, you’d still be gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” she says, but I’m not sure if it’s for the food or compliment. Either way, I meant it. Cameron St. James is a beautiful woman, always has been.

“Wow…this is really good,” she admits after she tries the meat.

I grab my plate and sit across from her. “You sound surprised.”

“Well, kinda. It sounds so simple, but it’s really flavorful.” She shoves another bite into her mouth, making me smile.

“I’m genuinely curious how you planned on surviving here without knowing how to cook,” I add with amusement. “Once the Lean Cuisines were gone…you were gonna do what exactly?”

“I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. My focus was getting out of the city as fast as possible, and the shelves at the grocery store were already bare.”

“Lucky for you, I brought a lot of frozen meat.”

“And double lucky that you know how to cook it,” she adds, grinning.

“I’m determined to turn you into a chef before we leave.” I cut into my pork. “This recipe is so easy, it’d take a miracle to fuck it up.”

“Don’t underestimate my ability to do just that.”

We chat as we eat, and the conversation’s never forced or awkward. The fact that it flows so easy should be weird, but I’m soaking up every second. Once we finish, I take our plates and rinse them in the sink.

“I’d help you, but you’re gonna have to roll me and my food baby off this chair,” she says, leaning back and patting her flat stomach.

I chuckle. “Don’t worry about it. Gonna put them in the dishwasher anyway.”

“So you gonna tell me what your payback plan is?” she asks once I finish wiping the counters. “I’m getting nervous, so just tell me.”

“Well…” I move around the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Jack and two shot glasses. “It includes these things and a TV.”

She squints her eyes, looking confused as hell. “Hmm…you’re going to get me drunk and make me watch porn?”

I raise a brow. “Is that an option?”

Cami scowls, shaking her head.

“Alright, well then onto plan B. C’mon.” I wave my hand, and she huffs.

Begrudgingly, Cami stands and follows me to the couch. I grab the remote, turn on the TV, and click to A&E.

“What are you gonna make me watch?” she asks, curling her feet underneath her butt.

“You ever seen Live PD?” I ask, setting the bottle and shot glasses down on the coffee table.

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