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Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 2)

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“Relax.” I stand and pat Riley’s shoulder. “We’re living in sin, not getting hitched in Vegas.”

Riley groans, and without another word, he turns around and leaves.

“You’d think he’d be used to us dating by now,” I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Diesel leans down and gently presses his lips to mine.

“I could be the King of England, and I still wouldn’t be good enough for his little sister.” He shrugs, knowing there’s no use in worrying about it.

“Would that make me your queen?”

“You are most definitely my queen. Royal title or not.”

I smile. “Ready to be roomies with me?”

“Ready to have a three-year-old around half the time?”

“Well, I grew up with Riley so…” We both laugh, and we hear him shout from the room across the hall.

“I heard that!”

“Dawson’s a good kid. I love watching you be a dad and getting to experience him learning something new. Do you think Chelsea will be okay with me being around more?”

“Of course. I told her so she’s aware, but Trace is around him all the time too. As long as his parents are happy, he’ll be happy.”

“And that’s all that matters, right?”

“All that matters to me is you, my son, and this ranch. I don’t think I could be happier if I tried.” He cups my face, and our lips merge.

A throat clearing from behind interrupts us, and we pull apart. “Y’all can’t wait till you’re under your own roof to make out?” my mother scolds. Then she looks at Diesel. “I hope you take good care of her. You hear me?” She steps in and hugs me. “This is my baby.”

“Mom.” I grin. “I’m not going very far,” I remind her.

“But still. I wasn’t ready for this. Seems too soon.”

“If it helps, I’ll still come over and raid the fridge while you do my laundry.”

“Nice try.” She pats my butt.

Like clockwork, my father enters. He’s been working all morning and gives Diesel a curt nod. “You’re really leavin’?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Five minutes away,” I say. “You won’t even notice I’m gone.”

He pulls me in for a long hug. “I’ll always notice the absence of your bobby pins lying around the house and tripping over your boots you never put away.”

“Geez, it’s like you two want me to be here until I’m eighty.”

He pulls back and kisses the top of my head. “We’re gonna miss you. You know we will.”

“I’ll miss you guys too. As soon as I figure out how to cook, we’ll have you over for dinner.”

They both laugh and nod. I’ll have Maize help me.

“Well, we’re burning daylight. Let’s get your stuff loaded up and outta here,” my dad says and recruits Riley to help.

It only takes one trip to bring my essential boxes over. Since Dawson needs room for his things too, I left some of my stuff at my parents. Most of it I need to go through and toss or donate anyway. I don’t want to crowd the house with all my useless crap.

After everything is unloaded, I say goodbye to my parents and Riley, and then it’s just Diesel and me in a house surrounded by boxes.

“Well, this is it. No turning back now,” I tease as he wraps me up in his arms, and we fall onto the couch.

“You wouldn’t get very far. I’d chase you.”

I sit on his lap. “Ahh, yes. The stalker is back.”

“Always and forever, baby.” He cups my ass. “You’re mine.”

Smiling, I bring our lips together. “And I couldn’t be happier about it.”




I can’t believe Rowan and I have been together for almost a year. Knowing that she took a chance on me and loves my son as much as I do is everything I could’ve ever wished for. Today’s the big Fourth of July party at the Bishop Ranch, but it’s also going to be a day to remember for everyone, especially Rowan.

John and Jackson are busy grilling burgers and hot dogs while the other men are setting up the firework display. Alex takes me off to the side, and Riley follows suit. “You ready for this?”

Riley looks at me, smiling. He’s finally somewhat used to me being with his sister, which is a relief.

I glance over my shoulder and see Chelsea sitting on a blanket next to Trace. Elle and Kenzie chat with Rowan as Dawson sits on her lap. I’m so goddamn lucky.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I tell him without hesitation. Riley calls one of his friends on the phone and makes sure all of my plans are in place. “You’ve got ten minutes.”

Alex gives me a side hug and grins. “Mama B is gonna start asking about babies.”

A chuckle escapes me. “She already has! What are you talkin’ about?”

“Before marriage?” Alex asks with his eyebrows raised.

I shake my head. “She said ring first, five babies second. In that order.”

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