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The Most Expensive Lie of All

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Cruz felt a well of rage at Anderson for hurting her. He wanted to reassure her that he was actually being honest, but he suspected she’d see his words as hollow.

‘Spend the day,’ he found himself saying instead.

‘Why?’ Her shocked eyes flew to his and he made sure his own surprise at his invitation didn’t show on his face. But why shouldn’t she spend the day? He had a first-rate polo tournament starting in a few hours. She loved polo. She ran a horse stud.

‘I thought you were busy today?’ she said.

‘I am.’ Her reserved response had him putting the brakes on the surge of pleasure he’d experienced at the thought of her staying with him. ‘But there’s plenty for you to stay for. The polo, for one. It’s going to be an incredible event.’

She gave him a wan smile that made his teeth want to grind together. ‘I don’t want to complicate things.’

Confused by his own reaction to her reticence, he took refuge in annoyance. ‘And how is watching a polo tournament complicating things?’

‘Our deal—’

‘Forget the deal.’ He got out of bed. ‘Stay because you want to. Stay because the sun is shining and because there’s going to be a world-class polo tournament here that’s sold out to the general public. Stay because you work too hard and you need a break.’

‘Well, when you put it like that...’

Torn between wanting to kiss her and sending her home, Cruz nearly rescinded his offer when the cell phone on his bedside table rang.

They both looked at it.

‘What’s your decision?’

She dampened her lips. ‘Yes, okay, I’d like to watch the polo.’

* * *

Aspen stood on the penthouse balcony and stared out over the shiny green polo field. Horse floats, white marquees, riders, grooms, horse-owners and hotel employees scurried about as they readied themselves for the day ahead.

Yet despite the heady anticipation in the air that preceded a major event all Aspen could think about was what she was still doing here.

Replaying their awkward morning-after conversation in her head, she cringed. When Cruz had first asked her to stay Aspen had felt her heart jump in her chest at the thought of spending the day with him. Then he’d confirmed that he’d be busy and she’d felt like an idiot. Of course he was busy. He had invited her to watch the polo, not to spend the day with him.

When his phone had rung she had automatically said yes because he’d looked beautiful and sleep-tousled and she hadn’t wanted to leave.

Now she didn’t think she could leave fast enough.

Because last night had changed her. She felt it deep within her bones. Last night had been everything she’d ever dreamed making love could be, because Cruz had taken the time to make it that way for her and she could already feel herself wanting to make more out of it than it was. Wanting to make it special, somehow. But what woman wouldn’t want to do that when she’d just been so completely loved by a man like Cruz Rodriguez?

No, not loved, she quickly amended. Pleasured.


She buried her forehead against her arms, which were resting on the balustrading.

It was beyond clear that Cruz had asked her to stay out of politeness or—worse—pity. She, of course, had said yes out of desire. Desire to spend more time with him. Desire to experience his lovemaking again. Desire to re-experience the pleasure she felt sure only he could give her.

But he was as much of a Jekyll and Hyde character as Chad when it came down to it, because he had come to Ocean Haven specifically to try and take her farm.

She had forgotten that. Again.

Was she a glutton for punishment? Was she so used to having men control her that she’d gladly fall in with the plans of another self-interested, power-hungry male?

Because while Cruz might have shown her the best night of her life, it didn’t change the reality of why she was even here.

‘Forget the deal,’ he’d all but snarled.

Last night she had. This morning it was impossible to do so in the cold light of day.

Or course last night she had been in the grip of a wonderful sense of feminine power with Cruz that could easily become addictive if she let it. A smile curved her lips, only to fade away just as quickly. Cruz had freed her from years of feeling as if there was something wrong with her and she’d be forever indebted to him for that. He was also trying to buy her home out from under her, and that was like a sore that wouldn’t heal. If she stayed today it would be for the wrong reasons. It would be because she was hoping for more from him. Something she didn’t want from any man. Did she?

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