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The Most Expensive Lie of All

Page 65

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‘Open it. It’s not what you think it is.’

Untying the drawstrings with shaky fingers, Aspen carefully tipped the contents of the pouch into her hand.

‘Oh!’ Her breath whooshed out of her lungs and she stared at a tiny, delicate wood carving of a horse attached to a thin strip of leather. ‘Oh, Cruz, its exquisite.’ Her shocked eyes flew to his. ‘It’s just like the ones I saw lined up on your mother’s mantelpiece. You did do them for her, didn’t you?’

‘I did,’ he confirmed gruffly.

Studying him, she was completely taken aback by the raw emotion on his face and her lips trembled as her own deep feelings broke to the surface. ‘You do love me.’

Cruz cupped her face in his hands and lifted her mouth to his for a searing kiss. ‘I do. More than life itself.’

‘Oh.’ Aspen clutched Cruz’s shoulders and welcomed the fold of his strong embrace as the hot tears she had been holding at bay spilled recklessly down her cheeks. ‘You’ve made me cry.’

‘And me.’

Aspen looked up and found that his eyes were wet. She touched a tear clinging to the bottom of his lashes. ‘When did you make this?’

‘During the week. I couldn’t concentrate on anything and my executive team were just about ready to call in the professionals with white coats. I have to say it took a few attempts before my fingers started working again.’

Aspen clutched the tiny horse. ‘I’ll treasure it.’

‘And I’ll treasure you. Turn around,’ he commanded huskily.

Aspen let out a shaky breath, happiness threatening to burst right out of her. She clasped the tiny horse to her chest as he gently moved her hair aside and tied the leather strap around her neck. Then she turned back to face him.

He looked down to where the horse lay nestled between her breasts. ‘You do know that in some countries this binds you to me for ever?’

Aspen smiled. ‘For ever?’

‘Completely. And in case you’re at all unsure what I mean by that I have something else.’

He produced a small box and Aspen knew this time it would be a ring. She also knew that no matter how ostentatious it was she would accept it from him, because she knew it had come from a place of absolute love.

Smiling, she opened it and got the third shock of the day. Inside, nestled on a bed of green silk, was the most exquisitely formed diamond ring she had ever seen. And by Cruz’s standards it must have seemed—

‘It’s tiny! Oh, I’m sorry.’ She clapped her hand over her mouth. ‘That came out wrong.’

Cruz grimaced and slid the beautiful ring onto her finger. ‘It wasn’t my first choice, believe me, but I knew if I got you anything larger you’d think it was impractical.’

Aspen laughed and flung herself into his arms, utter joy flooding her system at how well he did know her. ‘I love it!’

Cruz grunted and then lifted her off the ground and kissed her. ‘I’m getting you matching diamond earrings next, and they’re so heavy you won’t be able to stand up.’

‘Then I’ll only wear them in bed.’ Smiling like a loon, she rained kisses down all over his face. ‘Oh, Cruz, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.’

‘So does that mean you’re going to put me out of my misery and tell me you love me? Because I know you do.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘You called my lawyer a supermodel.’

Aspen pulled back. ‘You think I was jealous of her?’

‘I hope so. Now, please, mi chiquita, say yes and become indebted to me for the rest of your life?’

‘You’ll really lend your wife money and let her pay you back?’

‘If she ever gets around to telling me that she loves me I’ll let her do whatever she wants, as long as she promises to only do it with me.’

‘Yes, Cruz.’ Aspen nuzzled his neck and basked in the sensation of safety and love that enveloped her. ‘I love you and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life.’

Cruz touched the tiny horse that lay between her breasts. ‘And I you, mi gatita. And I you.’

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