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Captivated by the Millionaire

Page 22

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“How are you sinking so many holes in one?” she demanded in exasperation.

Jordan gave her a sheepish grin. “I have an admission to make.”

“What’s that?”

“I golf regularly. Started when I was barely a preteen. Mini-golf isn’t any different than putting on the green.”

She should have guessed. Someone of Jordan’s wealth and status probably had access to some of the most elite courses on the East Coast. No wonder he was beating her so badly. But her pathetic score did nothing to dampen her fun. In fact, this was the most fun she could remember having in quite a while.

The next hole took them through an artificial cave. Jess suddenly found herself in a tight, dark space completely alone with the most enigmatic man she’d ever encountered. In an instant everything else around them faded into the background. Only the two of them seemed to exist.

Jordan was so close, she was certain he could hear the increased pounding of her heart. So close that it would be so easy to lean toward him with a clear invitation. So easy to ask him to kiss her.

Heat and excitement curled deep in her belly at the thought. What might it feel like to have his lips on hers? She could smell the subtle scent of his aftershave. That same smoky, woodsy scent she was now beginning to associate with the man.

Was he wondering about kissing her, too?

The breath seemed to be leaving her chest in gasps. He had to notice the effect he was having on her. Was probably too much of a gentleman to acknowledge it. Oh, but a part of her so wished he would.

She knew Jordan was far out of her league. From what Clara had told her so far, he was successful and accomplished. Together enough to not only be in charge of an international finance business but also for a little girl he’d taken on complete responsibility for.

Whereas she was barely making ends meet with no idea what her plans for the future were, aside from a part-time teaching gig and various artistic projects that paid if and only if they came to be.

They were from two completely different worlds. She had no business being attracted to him. And she certainly had no business acting on it anyway.

Even in the dark, she could read hunger on his face. Desire for her. He was attracted to her, too. The idea made her giddy and downright terrified at the same time. How she had ended up here she had to wonder. A few short days ago she hadn’t even known Jordan Paydan existed. Now she couldn’t imagine going even one day without thinking about him.

It wouldn’t take much for him to kiss her. She had no doubt that if she so much as leaned farther toward him, he would take her up on the clear invitation. But this was all so confusing. They’d only just met, for heaven’s sake.

She made herself pull away.

Finally, Jordan cleared his throat and stepped back, as well. He was barely tall enough to fit inside the makeshift cave. They had to get out of here for more reasons than one.

“I...uh...” Jess stammered like a confused toddler. She’d never felt at such a loss for words before.

“I think it’s your turn,” Jordan said simply, sparing her the need to try and complete her sentence.

Not that she really had any idea of what she’d been planning to say.

* * *

Dear Lord, he’d almost kissed her back there. Jordan rubbed a hand down his face and tried to compose himself as Jess returned their golf clubs to the teenage worker at the mini-golf stand. What had he been thinking? The fact was he hadn’t been. The first half hour of being alone with her and he’d almost lost control.

It absolutely could not happen again. He’d just have to be sure never to be alone with her anymore. Starting right now.

As soon as she approached him, he said as much. “We’ve probably been gone too long.”

Her breath seemed to puff out in little gasps. Was that because of his effect on her? If only he could test that theory by taking her into his arms, despite the myriad people around them. If only he could kiss her like he’d so badly wanted to in that silly plaster toy cave.

“Of course.” She nodded. “Though Sonya’s definitely in good hands. Clara was a teacher for over twenty years and has all those grandchildren she helps take care of.”

He knew all that. It had come up in the center’s office when he’d signed his sister up for the gymnast classes. He would have never let Sonya go with the woman if he hadn’t been confident of her skill level. “Nevertheless.”

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