Captivated by the Millionaire - Page 35

A waitress walked by balancing a pot of coffee and a plate that held a massive tower of a sandwich. “Be right with you, sweeties,” she declared with a snap of her gum.

“Oh, dear. Are all the menu options that colossal?”

Jordan winked at her. Such a small, meaningless thing but her stomach quaked at the playfulness. He really did seem to be a completely different person here. Not to make excuses for him, but the idea had to explain at least partly why he’d been just so downright grumpy when she’d first laid eyes on him while painting Sonya’s wall. He’d probably begun missing his true home already.

“Only the ones worth getting,” he answered her question.

The waitress plopped two plastic-encased thick menus in front of them. Her name tag said “Rona” in cursive lettering. She pointed at Jordan. “I thought that was you. Where ya been lately, sugar?”

“I’m only in the city part-time for the foreseeable future.”

Rona snapped her gum once more. “Huh. Well, we missed ya around here.”

“And I missed this place.” There was no doubting the sincerity of his words. Jess got the impression he was speaking of more than just the diner. Whatever had happened to Sonya last year, Jordan had disrupted his entire life in response.

“Then don’t be a stranger when you’re back, doll.”

She turned to Jess. “What can I get ya?”

After they’d each ordered and Rona walked away, Jess studied Jordan from across the table. He’d leaned against the back of the booth and stretched his arms across the top, more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. His shirt appeared molded to his broad, muscular chest. If possible, he looked even more handsome. As if he was more relaxed and it added to his striking good looks.

“What is it?” he asked in response to her scrutiny.

“Nothing. Just that...” Jess hesitated. She didn’t want to impose on his lighthearted mood in any way.

But then he prompted her further. “Go ahead, Jess. Penny for your thoughts.”

“It’s just, you seem really happy to be back.”

She’d been right. His jaw suddenly grew tight and he glanced out the window with a sudden faraway look in his eyes.

“You’re very observant. I am glad to be back in New York.”

She wasn’t expecting the words that followed.

“And I’m really glad you’re here with me to share it.”


HE HADN’T EXPECTED to say that last part out loud. The way Jess’s eyes grew wide with surprise and how she’d ducked her head afterward was confirmation that he shouldn’t have.

But it was so easy to let his guard down around her. And she could clearly read him well. She was right. He was happier to be back in New York than he’d imagined. He was growing fonder of his new home by the day, but that was different. It had yet to feel like home the way being here did.

“Thank you,” she offered simply in reply.

He’d clearly made her uncomfortable. Why was that? Her response was certainly a rather tepid one. Maybe she didn’t want to entertain the notion that he was regarding her as more than a weekend companion—because she didn’t feel the same way.

He didn’t need her to feel uncomfortable around him. Or it was going to be a long forty-eight hours.

“It’s always a pleasure to show someone new around my hometown city,” he quickly added.

See, Jess. Nothing more than two near-friends enjoying a couple of days playing tourist and guide.

Never mind that the thought sent a flow of disappointment through his center. He wasn’t going to read into things or speculate about feelings that weren’t there. Based on their conversation back at his penthouse, she was clearly nursing her wounds from a relationship gone sour. And heaven knew he didn’t have it in him to pursue any kind of real relationship. He had to make things right with Sonya first. Make sure she was adjusted and settled into her new life and reality.

No, he didn’t have much to offer at the moment. And a woman like Jess deserved more than he was ready to give of himself.

He’d never in his life pushed for anything from a woman. Certainly not for friendship. And definitely not for anything more. He wasn’t about to start with Jess Raffi. Even if he had spent most of the morning imagining all the popular spots he could take her to and what her reaction might be to various places he typically took for granted as a native New Yorker. He’d be hard-pressed to explain exactly why he was looking forward to it so much. If someone had told him two weeks ago that he’d welcome the prospect of playing tour guide to a first-time visitor, he would have laughed out loud.

Tags: Nina Singh Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024