Their Festive Island Escape - Page 17

He had yet to let her go. Heaven help her, she couldn’t bring herself to make a move to step out of his embrace. Their faces were inches apart, his breath felt hot against her cheek and lips.

“That was quite a while ago, princess. I wouldn’t have pegged you for a late sleeper. Like to linger in bed, do you?”

It wasn’t her imagination, his voice had definitely lowered to a huskier, deeper baritone as he uttered the last phrase. But her imagination did rev upward in response. A slew of images flooded her brain. She was in bed in all of them, all right. Only she wasn’t alone. And she certainly wasn’t sleeping.

His knowing smirk of a smile told her his words had had the intended effect. She shook off the oh-so-dangerous thoughts. What in the world was wrong with her? Two days ago, she would have named Reid Evanson as one the few people on earth she’d be content to never run into again throughout her lifetime. Now, here she was fantasizing about him as he held her in a viselike grip.

“I didn’t notice the envelope right away,” she lied. What was one small fib in an attempt at saving face? His eyes narrowed on her before traveling down the length of the dress she wore. He wasn’t convinced. The truth was she’d agonized over whether to come or not. She’d stood so long in the shower trying to decide, her skin would probably stay pruned into next week.

“I can come back,” she managed to say. With some reluctance, she moved out of his arms. He hesitated for the briefest moment before letting her go. “You were obviously on your way out.”

“No. Come in,” he said then stepped aside, motioning her into the room. “My errand can wait.”

Celeste had to take a steadying breath as she moved past him into the spacious office.

“Have you eaten?” he asked as he followed her in. “The offer was to treat you to breakfast, after all.”

The answer was no. She hadn’t had a bite to eat this morning, just some coffee brewed in the room. But she didn’t think she’d be able to summon an appetite right now. Her heart was still stammering in her chest. Her pulse hadn’t slowed yet. And she certainly didn’t need any more of the strong island coffee in the state she was in.

“Maybe just some tea.”

He nodded then fired off a text. Before she’d even had a chance to sit down, a young woman appeared carrying a tray with a steaming carafe and various tea bags.

“Help yourself.”

“What did you want to see me about, Reid?” she asked as she poured herself a cup of steaming water and dunked two bags of English breakfast in.

He sat down in the large leather desk chair across from her. The massive mahogany desk between them served as a makeshift barrier and calmed her somewhat. But not completely. Why was she finding herself so affected by this man? She remembered there had always been a strange kind of awareness between them when she’d been engaged to Jack. But she’d chalked it up to conflicting personalities. She certainly hadn’t realized all he’d observed about her, the things he’d shared last night.

Reid began to speak. “You mentioned last night that we don’t call enough attention to the various activities and attractions that the resort has to offer.”

“That’s right.”

“I know you have no reason to, but I wanted to ask if you’d help me with that.”

The successful businesswoman in her suddenly stood at attention. Celeste couldn’t deny she was intrigued. “Help you how?”

He shrugged. “It’s what you’re known for professionally. Developing and running marketing campaigns that appeal to as large a target audience as possible. Tell me how to appeal to potential vacationers about all we have to offer. I’m prepared to pay you for your time. Or, since I’m guessing you don’t need the money, I’m willing to offer you a lifetime of free stays with us. As long as we have space, you can come spend a week here completely complimentary.”

“I can afford vacations, Reid. Like you said, I don’t need the money and I don’t need freebie getaways.”

“But you have to admit, it would be a nice option to have at your disposal.”

His statement reminded her just how far she’d come in life. The girl she’d been, the one who’d grown up with hardly enough to get by let alone the means to travel, would never have believed the opportunity before her now. Hard to believe that girl had grown into the woman who was about to turn such an offer down.

Tags: Nina Singh Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024