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Their Festive Island Escape

Page 33

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“Ms. Frajedi. Good morning. This is Prita at the front desk.”

“Is everything all right?”

“Absolutely,” Prita answered cheerfully with the slightest creole accent.

A wave of relief washed over her at the announcement.

“I’m just calling to let you know that you have a spa package waiting for you. You can come in anytime today.”

“The spa? I didn’t book anything at the spa.”

“This is complimentary, Ms. Frajedi.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It was booked at the direction of Mr. Evanson.”

“I see.”

“The package includes a full massage, facial, followed by a manicure and pedicure. It will take a few hours if you’d like to decide on a time.”

“Thank you, Prita. I’d like to think about it and get back to you.”

“Certainly, Ms. Frajedi. I’ll give you the line to the spa and you can contact them directly.”

Celeste made note of the number and disconnected the call. Reid had set her up with a day of luxurious pampering. She’d be a fool to turn it down.

Why had he done it?

Was this some manner of apology for the way things had turned out yesterday? Or was she to approach it as his employee and give him feedback on her spa experience? Perhaps he’d simply wanted to do something nice for her?

The latter was the least likely possibility.

So many lines were blurred between them now. They were former enemies but now she was technically working for him. She’d been engaged to one of his good friends.

She couldn’t get the thought of kissing him out of her head. Or the way his touch had warmed her skin every time he’d caught her while climbing the falls. How it had felt to be embraced in his arms when he’d congratulated her afterward.

Enough already! What a pointless waste of brain cells to go over all of it repeatedly in her head. What was the use?

So much for staying in bed all day. Suddenly, she was too restless and wired up to just lay there. A day at the spa wasn’t such a bad idea.

With a deep sigh, Celeste got up and made her way to the shower. She had some pampering to prepare herself for.

Thanks to Reid.

* * *

Reid’s focus was completely shot. For what had to be the umpteenth time during their morning meeting, he tried to lure his concentration back to what Alex was saying. Instead, his mind kept wandering to thinking about what Celeste might be doing at this very moment. Had she taken him up yet on the spa offer? Was she there even now, lying on a massage table having some of the tension kneaded out of her muscles?

Would she accept his overture as the apology that it was intended to be?

Alex was making another point. “And I’ve spoken with the entertainment committee to put together a showing of The Nutcracker ballet with you dancing the major roles.”

Reid nodded. “That’s good, thank—”

Wait a minute.

Reid dropped his pen on the desk. “Ha-ha. That’s really funny, partner.”

“Just checking to see if you were paying attention. Where is your head at this morning, man?”

If he only knew. “I have a lot on my mind.”

“Including the woman who’s been helping you pull together a potential marketing campaign?”

Reid quirked his eyebrow. “Why do you ask that?”

“Let’s just say you haven’t quite been the same since she arrived on the island.”

So it was that obvious.

Luckily, his partner wasn’t the type to delve into his personal life. Not usually, anyway. “How’s that whole project going anyway?” Alex asked, reverting back to business matters.

Reid wasn’t quite sure how to answer. Where exactly did things stand now between Celeste and himself? “We just started yesterday.”

Alex tilted his head. “And?”

“And we have a couple more excursions on the schedule tomorrow. She’ll provide a written analysis and suggestions for each one we take.”

Though, after the way yesterday had turned out, Reid wasn’t even sure if Celeste was even still on board with it. He was half-afraid she’d already made the decision to end their agreement. Something told him she wouldn’t do that. That she took her professional commitments far too seriously.

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