Their Festive Island Escape - Page 46

Jack really could be incredibly selfish.

Reid couldn’t help feeling somewhat sorry for him. The man had no idea what he’d had then foolishly lost. If Reid were in any kind of position to be with a woman like her, he’d hold on tight and refuse to let her go.

“Thank you for that,” Celeste said. “It means a lot to hear you say so.”

“You’re welcome.” Walking over to her chair, he cradled her in his arms and lifted her up. “Now I’m gonna get you to bed, beautiful.”

He felt more than heard her sharp intake of breath, and couldn’t decide whether she was reacting to the endearment or the loaded statement. He hadn’t meant either, truth be told. He certainly hadn’t meant to sound so provocative. “I’m sure you’re ready to get some sleep,” he quickly added.

Using his toe to nudge the door open, he carried her inside the house and up the stairs. He could get used to this, the feel of her in his arms. She was light and soft against his chest. Her shapely legs draped over his arms. The scent of her filling his senses. She belonged there, snuggled into him up against his chest.

Reid didn’t bother with the light switch when they reached the room, the moonlight and glow of the still-lit display outside afforded just enough light to see. Reid stepped over to the bed to gently set her down. But two things happened at once. First, the bed was much lower than he was used to. Second, the lights outside suddenly went out right at that very moment. Rather than gently set her down, Reid lost his footing and they both stumbled onto the mattress.

“We have to stop meeting like this,” he quipped as they both landed unceremoniously onto the soft surface. Her lips were inches from his, he could feel her hot, sweet breath against his jaw. His skin felt afire everywhere her body touched his; the softness of her chest, her long legs up against his.

Her response was to tilt her face up toward his. Reid didn’t even know who moved first. But suddenly he was tasting her, devouring her the way he’d so often imagined doing. He thrust his hands into her hair, pulled her tighter against him and deepened the kiss. She tasted like fruit and honey and enticing spice. She tasted like home.

Her hands found his shoulders, then moved over his biceps, toward his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. But it wasn’t enough. He would never get enough of her touch, the taste of her.

The sound of a door shutting from somewhere down the hall served as a warning bell. Though it hurt like a physical blow, he made himself break the kiss and pull away. He had to suck in a breath to try to steady his pounding pulse.

Celeste’s cry of protest nearly undid him. But as much as he wanted to continue kissing and exploring her, this wasn’t the time or the place.

One thing was unarguable. He wanted her. And she wanted him. There was no doubt in his mind judging by the way she’d reacted just now and the shallowness of her breathing as she stared up at him in confusion. He’d had to fight hard the strong urge to throw all care aside and simply join her where she lay on the bed.

Instead, he leaned down and dropped a gentle, soft kiss to her forehead. “Good night, Celeste.” Then he forced himself to turn and walk away.

One and only one thought hammered his brain as he left the room to make his way down to the sofa on the first floor; he could make her forget she’d ever been committed to another man. Hell, he could make her forget that other man even existed.

There was no question of attraction. Not after what had just happened between them in that room and the way Celeste had melted in his arms. Under better circumstances, they could explore whatever this was between them and see where it might lead. If they were two completely different people, Reid would have no doubt in his mind about finding out once and for all.

No, the only question was whether he had any right to want her the way he did.


THEIR TRIP TO the flower garden seemed like forever ago. Hard to believe only one day had passed. Celeste sank deeper into the Italian marble bath and took a deep breath. The hot water and luxurious fizziness of the scented bath bomb was doing wonders for her anxious nerves. But a dip in the bathtub could only do so much. She hadn’t seen Reid all day yesterday once they’d arrived back at the resort, nor this morning or afternoon.

Tags: Nina Singh Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024