Justin's Bride - Page 38

Cameron's dark hair was in need of trimming and his shirt was a little ragged around the collar. It wasn't lack of money that had Cameron Forbes looking a little shabby. He was the most successful farmer in any of the nearby counties. He needed to get married. The women around town whispered that he'd lost his wife and daughter a few years before and had never recovered. Megan vaguely remembered a pretty blond woman who'd loved to dance and who'd made everyone around her smile.

"I'd best be going," Cameron said. He tipped his hat, then walked toward the front door.

Megan turned to Justin and saw him watching her with the most peculiar look on his face. There was an angry, knowing glint in his eyes.

She wanted to throw her hands up in frustration. She settled on taking the clothes Bonnie would need and stacking them into a pile. First Justin judged her because she didn't instantly beg him to let her take in Bonnie. Now he was obviously wondering if there was something between her and Cameron Forbes. Men. She would never understand them.

She shoved the pile of clothing at him. "This should solve Bonnie's immediate clothing problems," she said curtly. "I have some shoes in the storeroom. I'll go see if there's a pair that will fit her."

"You don't have to do this."

"I want to." She took two steps, then turned and grabbed the clothing. "On second thought, I'll keep these here."


"Because I'm going to keep Bonnie with me today."

He shoved his hat back on his head and drew his eyebrows together. "No, you're not."

"Oh?" She smiled sweetly. "What are you going to do with her while you're working?"

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She waited. He glanced at the little girl who was sitting on the floor whispering secrets to her new doll.

"I..." He muttered something under his breath. She thought he might be swearing. That thought perked up her spirits considerably. "All right, but just for today. I'll come get her at closing."

"Oh, thank you, Justin. How gracious you are."

He glared at her.

She laughed, then held out her hand to Bonnie. "Come on. Let's look for some new shoes. We'll see you later, Justin."

Bonnie waved her new doll and trotted along obediently. When Megan reached the curtain dividing the front of the store from the back, she wanted to turn around, but she didn't. It would spoil the effect. Besides, she knew Justin was fuming and that was enough for her.

Justin came through the bare trees just as the last curve

of the sun dipped below the horizon. It had been another

day of mild weather. Winter was almost over. He could see

1 the small buds on some of the bushes, and the first leaves

daring to make their appearance.

He paused in the clearing and stared at the lone three-story house perched at the top of the rise. Light twinkled from behind curtained windows, casting a welcoming glow onto the porch. How many times had he stood here and stared at that house, like a starving man hungering for food? How many nights had he listened to the sound of the family within, knowing they possessed a magic of belonging he could never understand?

He approached the front porch, but hesitated before climbing the three steps up to the door. Megan waited for him. She'd left word at the store that she'd taken Bonnie to the house to try on clothes and for him to come along when he was able. Andrew had spoken the message in a normal tone of voice, allowing whoever was within earshot to hear.

Justin told himself it didn't mean anything. Megan hadn't changed and she wasn't going to change. She would always worry about her reputation. He shouldn't allow himself to hope, to believe there could ever be anything between them.

The young man who had promised her forever didn't exist anymore. They were different people, strangers, really, and the past was simply a collection of what-should-have-beens.

He shook off the fanciful thoughts. They were the product of a too-long day after a night of little sleep. He would collect Bonnie and return to the hotel. Nothing more. He was here about the child, not about the woman.

That didn't stop the anticipation from coiling low in his belly as he raised his hand to knock on the door.

She opened it before he had a chance to rap a second time.

1 'Justin/' she whispered and held a finger to her mouth. "Shh. Bonnie's sleeping." She stepped back and motioned for him to come in.

Tags: Susan Mallery Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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