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Justin's Bride

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His hands touched her back, her sides, then pulled her closer and tilted her hips against his. He was all male need, frightening and very exciting. Through the layers of her dress, she felt little except for the vague outline of his form. Was he engorged as he had been in her shop? She wanted to look, or even touch, but she didn't dare. She was still in shock from her own bold behavior. She couldn't believe

she'd actually invited him to teach her about those secrets that had always intrigued her.

"Megan/' He whispered her name like a prayer. As if his desire for her was greater than both of them combined.

He moved his mouth from hers and trailed kisses along her jaw to her neck, then lower, lower still, until firm, warm lips traced the curves of her bosom. Until her fingers curled into his white shirt.

Instinctively, she arched her head back. It was difficult to breathe, so very difficult. Everywhere he touched was like fire on her skin—searing heat that made her blood run faster, and her heart flutter in her chest.

He dipped his tongue into the shadowed valley between her breasts. She nearly swooned from the sensation. Again and again he licked her skin, sipping deeply, slowly, taunting her with silent promises.

When she thought she would perish from pleasure, when she knew that this magic touch was the most wonderful she had ever encountered, he moved from her breasts and nibbled along her chest up her neck, until he reached her ear. In the back of her mind she wondered if she should protest his liberties, then almost laughed aloud. She wanted this. She had deliberately come to his room, knowing what might happen. At first, she'd just thought to stay for an hour or so, just long enough for the scandal to begin. But after she'd watched him watching her, after she'd seen the passion flare in his eyes and felt the flickering answer deep in her soul, she'd known she couldn't leave. Not until she knew. Not until she'd been with him.

It wasn't just about learning the mysteries that had been denied her, or the fact that once she was ruined, no one would ever want her. It was that Justin had said he was leaving. Still. In a few months he would be gone, taking Bonnie with him. Megan knew he would never trust her enough to ask her to go with him. She would never be able to make up for what had happened between them all those years ago. No matter how she protested youth, or fear, he wouldn't forgive her. There might never be another time for them. Colleen might very well force her from town. She didn't know, and as he took her earlobe in his mouth and

sucked, she found she didn't care. This was wrong, by the world's rules. It was probably the worst thing she'd ever done. Yet nothing else had felt so right.

He returned his lips to hers. He kissed her slowly, thoroughly, until she was sure every inch of her mouth had been attended to. Until she was tingling down to her toes curling in her shoes. Her breasts ached, as if they were calling him back to them. Her nipples pressed against her chemise. Even the cool silk was too much of a barrier. She remembered how he'd placed his mouth on her nipples once before. She wanted him to do that again.

She arched against him, turning her head slightly so he could deepen the kiss between them. She moved her hands from his shoulders to his head. His hair slipped through her fingers as she held him still. She rubbed her chest against his, trying to get closer, to be with him, a part of him. His hands cupped her waist, then moved up her back to the long row of hooks. She'd about dislocated her shoulder getting them all fastened. Justin unhooked them easily, one by one.

Fear nibbled at the edge of her consciousness. She pushed it away, but the insidious creature returned. She didn't want to be afraid. She wanted to be with Justin. She needed this.

Squeezing her eyes tightly closed, she thought about how much she cared for him, about the contrast between his silky hair and the stubbly line of his jaw. She stroked his throat and neck, finding the line where the stubble ended and his smoother skin began.

His mouth slid away from hers. "Did you do this with him?" he asked.


"That man you were engaged to. Did you do this with him?" He bent low and placed his lips against her neck. She felt the intensity of his sucking, followed by the nibble of teeth. She inhaled her pleasure.

"No, never. He kissed me a few times, but not like you do."

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