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The Arrangement 14 (The Arrangement 14)

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Miss Black drops her hands and sits straight up. “That wouldn’t be a prudent move.”

I laugh. “Nothing about this job is prudent, and the one you’re offering is even worse on the moral scale of life.”

“You already broke the scale when you took money for fu**ing Mr. Ferro, so I doubt that’s a sincere concern. What you should be asking is, ‘what happens if I say yes?’”

Folding my arms across my chest, I tug Sean’s supple jacket tighter. “If I say yes, you have an easy out when the police come looking for the owner of that bracelet. If it leads back here and you’re gone, they’re going to blame me for the dead girl in Sean’s room. I may look stupid, but believe me, I’m not.”

Sean moves behind me and sits down so that only Black and I are standing. He’s fuming, but he doesn’t speak. This is my mess and he lets me fight my battle.

Miss Black’s lips curl into an amused grin. “I think you’re juvenile and naïve, but not lacking in intelligence. The bracelet in the hotel room wasn’t your friend’s. It belonged to the dead girl. I sent her over to check on things and something went wrong. No one will track that bracelet back here, and if they do, we’re all screwed anyway. Although I try to leave no trails that point back here, there are still signs.”

I need more time to process the information. This is news to me. “And if I say yes?”

She grins broadly. “Then you will become my protégé and make more money than you ever thought possible. You’ll own Long Island because every politician and bureaucrat will come calling, and when they do, you’ll have them by the balls. It’s a pretty place to be, Avery. And with the girl-next-door charm you have, combined with the can-do attitude, you’ll own Nassau and Suffolk County. You’ll never have to worry about money again. You’ll always have a roof over your head and it doesn’t matter that your parents left you destitute.”

The comment about my parents slices through me and leaves my jaw hanging open. It feels like she sucker-punched me in the stomach. There’s no air. My parents didn’t leave willingly. They did everything they could for me when they were alive, but now they’re gone and I’m alone. If things don’t work out with Sean, I’m screwed. I have no plan B and everything I’ve worked so hard for has been torched. My life is comprised of cinders, ash, and tears. And I’m so ready to move on, so desperate to shirk the grief and pain, that her offer sounds tempting.

“Enough.” Sean stands and takes my hands, before pulling me toward the door.

“I think she’s able to make up her own mind, Mr. Ferro.”

Sean glances back at Black. “I know what she’s capable of,” he smirks, “You’re the one who needs to look out.”

I pull out of Sean’s grip and look back at Black. “I can make up my own mind, Sean. I don’t need you to protect me here, and maybe it’s not a bad idea. If I say yes, will I have my own bodyguards the way you do?”

Black’s smile turns sincere as she nods. “Of course, and Gabe will be one of them. I already know you’re comfortable with him.”

I nod, and contemplate what she’s saying. Sean is standing next to me and looks completely shocked. “You’re not seriously considering this?”

“I owe her a freaking fortune, so I can’t leave.”

“I’ll pay it, Avery.”

“You can’t. It’s my mess.” I glance over at Black behind her desk. “You paid my medical bills too, didn’t you?”

“Of course. I couldn’t have collectors examining one of my girls. I added it to your tab. That debt would vanish in a matter of weeks if you took the job I’m offering. And remember, I only offer it once.”

The wheels in my head are spinning fast. “Can I take Mel?”

Black smirks. “No, I want you starting over and hiring the kind of woman you are, not more who are like Mel.” Because Mel’s a dime a dozen is implied by her tone.

“You’re wrong about her.”

“Regardless, I own her, like I own you. The question is will you continue to work on your back or do you thirst for something more?”

I don’t know what to say. Part of me wants to say yes, but the other part wants to take Sean up on his offer to pay off my debt. The truth is, I don’t want to owe either of them anything. I need to go look for that buried treasure on Oak Island or something. I’m so screwed. This is a life changing moment, but it’s not one I welcome. “I don’t—” I don’t know what I’m going to say… I just start speaking.

Miss Black lifts her hand and cuts me off. “Don’t decide now. One thing at a time. Let’s put the person who’s trying to shoot you in the ground, and then we can move forward with our business plans.”


Sean is silent. We drive east in his little black sports car and neither of us speaks, but I welcome the silence. Once we talk, things will end in one of two ways—we’ll be together or we won’t. I honestly don’t know what I want. This man has darkness in his blood. It’s part of who he is and no matter how much I love him, it will always be there. I doubt I can handle that. Having sex in the box made me realize that side of him is still alive and craving domination. No, it’s more than that. He wants to own me and control everything I do.

Black’s offer is so similar, but so different. If I say yes to her, then she’ll control me, but that feels more like a job and the money I make is mine. With Sean, I feel like a moocher. Freeloading isn’t my style, but I’m too poor and I’ve run out of options. Stay with the lying psycho or work for the other lying psycho.

Maybe I should buy a tent with the last of my money and become a hermit. I can camp out at Hecksher Park and steal hotdogs from other campsites. Why do all my plans suck? Before I can even think about it, we pull into the strip club parking lot. Sean cuts the engine and gets out. I kick open my door before he can walk around, and then slam it shut. I follow him to the door.

He knocks loudly. Trystan yanks the metal door open and stands in the doorway. He smirks when he sees Sean. “Need something, Ferro?”

“Not from you, you little shit.” Sean tries to shoulder past him, but Trystan won’t move.

“Nah ah.” He waggles his finger in Sean’s face. “Where are your manners? Your mother would be appalled.”

“My mother is already appalled, just like yours, except mine didn’t run off into the night.” Sean says the words lightly, but they sting like acid. I can see it on Trystan’s face.

Before the constant smile slips away, Trystan throws a punch. It catches Sean off-guard and connects with his cheek. In a blink, Sean reacts and the two of them are beating the shit out each other in the parking lot while I stand there, ready to collapse. Why do they hate each other? They seriously have so much in common that they could be brothers. Instead, they fight like lunatics.

More punches fly as the swearing and insults grow louder. I stand there with my arms folded over my chest, annoyed. A moment later, Jon is standing next to me. “Ah, what the fuck. They couldn’t fight inside?”

I glance at him. “So you’re not going to break it up?”

“I’ve tried before. Once the two of them start, it’s hard to pull them apart.” Jon sighs and runs his hands through his hair before walking toward the fight and bellowing at them to cut it out. As he predicted, they don’t listen.

Mel steps out next to me and glances at them. “Holy fuck. What a buncha stupid white boys. Why don’t they just invite the whole fu**ing police force into the bar? Avery, this has gotta stop. Like now.”

I agree and I’m too tired to think. It’s cold out here and I’m not wearing a shirt under Sean’s jacket. My body aches and is so tired that I’m ready to fall over. I could get Mel and leave, but I need to talk things out with Sean. I don’t want to walk around for the rest of my life never knowing what would have happened.

“Fuck it.” I’m exhausted and Mel notices. She also notices that I’m not really thinking. I go to the side of the building where there’s a spigot and twist it on. There’s water, but no hose. That’s not going to stop me. I go back to the door and rip off the thick plastic CLOSED sign.

“Uh, Avery…” Mel tries to stop me, but I don’t listen. If they want to act like children, then I’m treating them that way.

I twist the faucet until the water is spewing out and then press the piece of plastic against the metal head. It wouldn’t work if they were at the other end of the parking lot, but they aren’t. All three of them stop when they get blasted with freezing, cold water. Trystan has a cut on his cheek and when it mixes with the water, it runs down his face in a river of red. Sean’s temple opened up again and the side of his face is covered in blood. I stand there spraying them as they stare at me and I don’t stop until Sean steps away from Trystan.

I’m soaked too. The water sprayed everywhere, soaking me to the bone. When I finally drop the piece of plastic, I say, “I’m going inside, and if you guys have half a brain between you, you’ll follow.”

Mel is on my heels when I walk through the door. “Holy shit! You’re going to get killed by a rock star and two of the Ferro brothers. I can see the headlines now, Poor Little White Girl Never Knew What Hit Her.”

“I’m not in the mood, Mel.”

“Of course you are!” She’s chipper for someone on the run.

“Mel, I need to talk to you. A lot of shit’s gone down and I’m exhausted.”

Her smile fades. “No problem, Avery girl. Let me find you some dry clothes, or do you just want pants? That bra-only look is so 1980’s, by the way.”

I forgot. I’m standing there, dripping, with the jacket hanging open. Everyone is staring at me. There are a few girls inside, along with Bryan Ferro. I expect him to tease me, but he doesn’t. He scolds Mel, “Hurry up and grab her a sweatshirt. She’s freezing.” He walks over to me before Sean is inside and the look of concern on his face kills me. This guy who is always laughing and he has no trace of a smile on his face. “How are your stitches holding up?”

“Mine are fine. Thanks.”

Bryan glances around quickly and leans in to say something in my ear, something that he doesn’t want anyone else to hear. But when Sean comes through the door, and sees us, he practically erupts. Bryan reacts by kissing my cheek and grinning at Sean. “Your fiancé is smokin’ hot and freezing. Stop being a jackass for two seconds and take care of her, or I will.”

Sean is ready to take Bryan’s head off, but his cousin walks away laughing before anything else happens. “Sean.” When I say his name the anger melts off his face and he looks down at me. “I ruined your jacket.”

“It’s okay.” Sean runs his fingers through his hair, making water splatter on the floor. “I’m sorry, Avery.”

“Don’t tell me, tell him.” I point at Trystan, who just walked in. He’s in the process of stripping his shirt off, revealing ripped abs and a necklace with a ring hanging on it.

Trystan looks up and dabs his wet shirt to his cut. “What?”

Sean’s jaw locks tight and I think he’s going to lose it, but he doesn’t. “I shouldn’t have said that, Scott. My apologies.”

Jon is standing next to Trystan. His eyes go wide and his chin hits the floor. A second later, Jon and Trystan stare at each other. Then, Trystan smirks and holds up his hands. “If you try to hug me, I’ll have to kick your ass again.”

Sean tries not to grin. “Asshole.”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

I jab Sean in the ribs. “You can’t apologize to someone and then call them names. What’s wrong with you?”

Jon swats his hand through the air and laughs. “We’ve been trying to figure that out for years. Good luck.” Jon and Trystan disappear into the office after locking the front door.

Mel brings me dry clothes, and then Sean and I sneak into the back and find a table. We close the door. I’m afraid and furious. The emotions are battling within me. Sean sits at the little black table. It’s covered in nicks and has names carved into the top. It’s been repainted with black lacquer over and over again. I don’t sit down. I press my finger to the wood and say, “Tell me why I should stay.”

Sean’s silent for a moment and then replies, “Because I love you. Because you love me.”

“And yet, you act like this. You had a business associate kidnap me. They drugged me, Sean!”

“It was the best way to protect you. I’m sorry it didn’t work and the f**ker is still out there. I won’t let him near you, even if you don’t want to be together anymore.”

I’m so frustrated that I make a noise in the back of my throat and tug at my hair. “Don’t you see? I want to be with you! I want to be your wife and share your life, but you can’t seem to grasp the concept of sharing. I don’t want to be forced to be someone I’m not. I’m not okay with you hiding things from me, so tell me the truth, and tell me now or this is over.” The ultimatum. There, I said it, even though I didn’t want to… Things can’t go on like this.

Sean takes a long slow breath and lowers his gaze. He stares blankly, and asks, “What do you want to know? Ask and I’ll tell you, but realize you may not like the answer.”

I slip into my seat opposite him. We don’t touch, even though both of us have our hands on the table. I can’t look him in the eye, but I manage to get the question out. “How many fiancées have you had, including your late wife?”


He’s right; I didn’t want to hear that. “And I’m the fourth? And the third is a fake, and the first was Amanda. So who was the second?” A sinking feeling fills my chest as I watch him. It’s clear that Sean doesn’t want to tell me, but he does.

“Your employer, Miss Black.” His blue gaze flicks up to meet mine. I gasp when he says it. “And she was the first, not the second.”

My lips part in shock. The guy Black mentioned, the one she regretted parting ways with, was Sean? “You dated Black when she was a call girl?”

“Yes, but I had no idea, and when I found out my moral ass couldn’t condone her actions, so I left. When I’m in New York, she sets me up with a girl from her company and we act like nothing ever happened between us. I was so young then, barely out of high school, and she was so worried that I’d leave and she’d have nothing. Her fear spawned the reality.”

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