A Celebration Christmas
Page 80
“Omigosh—not Miss Louise’s?”
“Yeah. You know it?”
“Know it? I took classes there for more than ten years! She’s still alive?”
“Barely, but yeah—”
And naturally, Bella picked that moment to bounce into the kitchen in her pink tights and black leotard. “Is Baba here yet? ’Cause I’m all ready, see? And can I have a piece of bacon?”
“Help yourself,” Jules said, holding the plate out for her sister as Ethan said, “You’re not supposed to leave for an hour yet. But in any case—”
“Your grandmother’s not feeling well,” Claire said, chomping the end off her own piece of bacon, “so I’m going to take you.”
Ethan’s brows slammed together. “What?”
“My morning’s free, so why not? Besides, I’ve always been a sucker for trips down memory lane. So what do you say, Isabella?”
That got the Very Concerned Face. “But I don’t know you. And Baba always takes me for lunch afterward.”
“It’s okay, Belly,” Jules said, “Ms. Jacobs is one of my teachers, she’s cool—”
“And maybe Juliette could go with us, if that would make you feel better,” Claire said, adding, at the teen’s nod, “and we can still go to lunch after.”
“Promise.” Then she grinned at her breakfast. “Even though I probably won’t be hungry for hours. This looks amazing, Juliette.”
“Thanks,” she said, then shot Ethan a grin that sent a brief, sharp pain shooting through his skull.