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The Last Song

Page 19

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"Usually when someone introduces himself, the other person does the same."

"I'm not most people." Ronnie crossed her arms, careful to keep her distance.

"I already figured that out." He flashed a quick smile. "I'm sorry about running into you at the volleyball game."

"You already apologized, remember?"

"I know. But you seemed kind of mad."

"My soda went down my shirt."

"That's too bad. But you should really try to pay more attention to what's going on."

"Excuse me?"

"It's a fast-moving game."

She put her hands on her hips. "Are you trying to say it was my fault?"

"Just trying to make sure it doesn't happen again. Like I said, I felt bad about what happened."

With his answer, she got the feeling that he was trying to flirt with her, but she didn't know why. It didn't make sense--she knew she wasn't his type, and frankly, he wasn't her type, either. But at this early hour, she wasn't in the mood to try to figure it out. Instead, she motioned to the items he was holding, thinking it was probably better to get back to the subject at hand. "How is that tape supposed to keep the raccoons away?"

"It doesn't. I'm just here to mark the nest. I run the tape around the dowels so the guys who do put up the cage know where to find the nest."

"When are they going to put it up?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Maybe in a couple of days."

She thought about the agony she'd experienced upon waking, and she began to shake her head. "No, I don't think so. You call them and tell them that they have to do something to protect the nest today. Tell them I saw a raccoon last night hovering around the nest."

"Did you?"

"Just tell them, okay?"

"As soon as I'm finished, I'll make sure to call. I promise."

She squinted up at him, thinking that was too easy, but before she could dwell on it further, her dad stepped onto the back porch.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he called out. "I've got breakfast going if you're hungry."

Will looked from Ronnie to her dad and back again. "You live here?"

Instead of answering, she took a step backward. "Just make sure you tell the people at the aquarium, okay?"

She started back toward the house and had stepped onto the porch when she heard Will call out.


She turned.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"No," she answered. "I don't suppose I did."

As she headed for the door, she knew she shouldn't look back, but she couldn't help stealing a quick peek over her shoulder.

When he raised an eyebrow, she kicked herself mentally, glad that she hadn't told him her name.

In the kitchen, her dad was standing over a frying pan at the stove, stirring with a spatula. On the counter beside him lay a packet of tortillas, and Ronnie had to admit that whatever he was making smelled terrific. Then again, she hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon.

"Hey there," he said over his shoulder. "Who was that you were talking to?"

"Just some guy from the aquarium. He's here to mark the nest. What are you making?"

"A vegetarian breakfast burrito."

"You're kidding."

"It has rice, beans, and tofu. It all goes in the tortilla. I hope that's okay. I found the recipe online, so I can't vouch for how it tastes."

"I'm sure it's fine," she said. She crossed her arms, thinking she might as well get this over with. "Have you talked to Mom yet?"

He shook his head. "No, not yet. I did talk to Pete this morning, though. He said he still hadn't been able to talk to the owner yet. She's out of town."


"It seems the man who works there is the owner's nephew. But Pete said he knows the owner pretty well."

"Oh," she said, wondering if that would make any difference.

Her dad tapped the spatula on the pan. "Anyway, I just figured that it might be a good idea if I held off calling your mom until I have all the details. I'd hate to have to worry her unnecessarily."

"You mean you might not have to tell her?"

"Unless you want me to."

"No, that's okay," she said quickly. "You're right. It's probably better if we wait."

"Okay," he agreed. After one last stir, he turned off the burner. "I think this is just about ready. Are you hungry?"

"Starved," she confessed.

As she approached, he took down a plate from the cupboard and added a tortilla, then scooped some of the mixings onto it. He offered it to her. "Is that enough?"

"Plenty," she said.

"Do you want coffee? I've got a pot going." He reached for a coffee cup and handed it to her. "Jonah mentioned that sometimes you go to Starbucks, so that's what I bought. It might not be as good as what they make in their stores, but it's the best I can do."

She took the cup, staring at him. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Why shouldn't I be?"

Because I haven't been very nice to you, she could have said. But she didn't. "Thanks," she mumbled instead, thinking the whole thing felt like some weird Twilight Zone episode, where her dad had somehow completely forgotten the last three years.

She poured herself some coffee and took a s

eat at the table. Steve joined her a moment later with his own plate and began to roll his burrito.

"How was it last night? Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, when I slept. Waking up wasn't so easy."

"I realized too late that I probably should have picked up an air mattress."

"It's okay. But after breakfast, I think I'm going to lie down for a while. I'm still kind of tired. It's been a long couple of days."

"Maybe you shouldn't have coffee."

"It won't matter. Believe me, I'll be out."

Behind them, Jonah walked into the kitchen wearing Transformers pajamas, his hair poking out all over. Ronnie couldn't help smiling.

"Good morning, Jonah," she said.

"Are the turtles okay?"

"They're fine," she said.

"Good job," he said. He scratched his back as he walked to the stove. "What's for breakfast?"

"Breakfast burritos," her dad answered.

Warily, Jonah studied the mixings in the pan, then the items on the counter. "Don't tell me you went over to the dark side, Dad!"

Steve tried to stifle his smile. "It's good."

"It's tofu! It's disgusting!"

Ronnie laughed as she pushed back from the table. "How about I get you a Pop-Tart instead?"

He seemed to be trying to decide if this was some kind of trick question. "With chocolate milk?"

Ronnie glanced at her dad.

"There's plenty in the fridge," he said.

She poured him a glass and set it on the table. Jonah didn't move. "Okay, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't normal," he said. "Someone should be mad. Someone's always mad in the mornings."

"Are you talking about me?" Ronnie asked. She put two Pop-Tarts in the toaster. "I'm always cheerful."

"Yeah, right," he said. He squinted at her. "Are you sure the turtles are okay? 'Cause the two of you are acting like they died."

"They're fine. I promise," Ronnie assured him.

"I'm going to check."

"Go ahead."

He studied her. "After breakfast," he added.

Steve smiled and glanced over at her. "So what's on your agenda today?" he asked. "After your nap?"

Jonah reached for his milk. "You never take naps."

"I do when I'm tired."

"No," he said, shaking his head. "This isn't right." He put the milk back down. "Something weird is going on and I'm not leaving here until I find out what it is."

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