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Take My Breath Away – Second Chance Babies

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We talked about our upcoming projects for school and finished dinner. We were throwing our stuff away when I glanced up to see Sterling walking in with a couple friends. I pressed my lips together and was just looking away when our eyes locked. He seemed to scowl for a moment and I raised my hand in a wave as I smiled weakly. Violet looked at me and I told her that we should get back to the room.


I felt angry when I saw Rosalind in the cafeteria. She looked a little tired, and I imagined her being touched by the asshole from the night before. I knew just how responsive Rosie was when you touched her in the right places. I didn’t want anyone else doing that, but it wasn’t like I was giving up other women for Rosie. How could I ask her to be exclusive to me? That was such an asshole move.

I reached deeper inside and wondered if I was worried about losing her. I did in high school for a time when everything became competitive between our families. It wasn’t like it was when we were younger. We’d be back and forth constantly back then with our cousins. I missed it, but I never even mentioned her name in front of my family now. I wanted to sometimes but my family valued business over friendships.

She only waved and smiled at me. It wasn’t even a real smile for Rosie and Violet seemed to be uncomfortable with seeing me. Judging from their appearances, they hadn’t done much today other than slept and eaten. That was a normal thing after a party for me. I slept in a lot later than normal. I watched her leave and headed to the food to choose something for dinner.

Grace had my number somehow and already sent me a text earlier today. I thought that she might understand that we weren’t going to be anything based on my exit, but maybe not. I wasn’t planning to answer her and fall into another friend with benefits situation like I had with Rosie.

Damn it. I couldn’t get Rosie out of my mind. I ordered a burger and fries and grabbed a Vitamin Water from the fridge. When I paid, I realized that it was the orange flavor. That was Rosie’s favorite since she said it was the closest thing to orange juice since she was trying to give up sugar.

I carried my tray to a table and sat down with a sigh. I needed to finish some schoolwork and tried to think ahead to that over what Rosie did last night. It didn’t matter. We’d never be more than friends since our families would hate anything else. They were too involved in our lives.

I chatted with the guys about school and the party next weekend as we ate. They were into Grace and her friends and asked me about her. As much of a player as I could be, I didn’t kiss and tell. I respected women too much for that. With Rosie, I kept her practically under wraps. I didn’t want my friends thinking about her in a sexual way at all. I shut that down from the beginning where she was concerned.

We split up to go back to our rooms to get school work done. I walked in and turned on some music before I settled myself on the bed to study. I felt like I had a shit ton of tests the following week and I leaned back against the pillows and sighed. I could take a nap right now so easily and regretted drinking so much last night. Rosie probably had one beer and was perky right now. Did she want that guy virtually sober? I’d had her sober, and a bit buzzed and she was willing either way. When she was drunk, Rosie talked dirty, and I liked it more than I wanted to. I glanced back down at my open history book and narrowed my eyes at the blurry words.

I woke up in the middle of the night, surrounded by notebooks and schoolbooks. Shit. I fell asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before glancing around the bright room. Something was vibrating beside me and I reached down, finding my phone in the mess.


They were coming back in droves. I was aware that some of the girls I slept with grew feelings for me as girls do. I tried to avoid it by being as honest as possible with them, but shit still happened. I tossed the phone on the bed before going to grab a soda, so I could study some more. My hours were total shit.

I went back to sleep around five after reading the chapters and taking notes. I had no plans the following day and needed to think about this. I woke up and went to get some coffee, pausing just outside the door. I reached into my pocket for my phone and sent Rosie a text, asking her if she wanted to come to my room. If so, I’d get her a coffee as well. I leaned against the building and waited for a response as I stared up at the gray sky.

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