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Take My Breath Away – Second Chance Babies

Page 19

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“Hi. How was dinner?” I asked him as he led the way through the glass doors.

“The usual. Work, work, work.” He replied as I nodded in agreement. “Dad is looking to start another company.”

“Same here.” We approached the counter, and I looked over the selections as if I didn’t have them memorized. I ordered a rocky road cone and Sterling asked for a vanilla cone, paying with some money from his wallet. We went to a round table near the window and sat down as he looked at me for a long moment. “Did they ask you to move back in after graduation?”

“It makes sense financially,” he mimicked his mom’s voice as I couldn’t help but laugh. “I took that to mean they’re not footing the bill anymore for me after college is over. Too bad it isn’t over for me.” I watched as he licked his cone and felt my body tense deep inside.

“I love seeing Sabrina. I might get her one weekend and rent a hotel room or something. She wants to hang out while Paul barely knows that I’m alive.” Sterling didn’t know them well at all. His family had their kids early and by the time my siblings came along, our families were at odds. I saw Sterling away from the house at first and then we barely saw each other at all. Not until college.

“He’s a teen?” Sterling asked as I shook my head.

“Almost twelve. Isn’t it the same thing?” I asked as he nodded with a smile. I licked my cone, saving a drop from falling to the table.

“Were you okay earlier today?” Sterling asked me as I cleaned up the melting edge of my cone. I thought about my answer.

“It was just weird. We’ve never stayed that way before.” I shrugged and licked a walnut into my mouth as he watched with a dark look in his eyes.

“I know. I didn’t hate it, Rosie. It felt good but I’m not ready for that with anyone. If I was, I am sure it would be you,” he said as I nodded.

“Until we returned home after graduation.” He frowned but knew I was right. “It’s fine, Sterling. It happened. It’s over.”

“Are we? Over?” He asked as I ate some more ice cream.

“You mean the sex?” My voice was low, and he nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

“It isn’t. I just can’t offer more right now, other than friendship. That means more to me than everything else.” He smiled, and I felt my heart melt a little inside.

“Yeah. For me as well.” I did appreciate his friendship so much after not having it for a few years. I could admit that the sex was amazing though. He probably ruined it for any other guy for me for life.

We finished our cones and wandered back out into the parking lot. Sterling gave me a hug goodbye and told me to drive safe. I reminded him to do the same with a wink before turning to walk across the parking lot. I wasn’t completely sure what we just agreed to, but it sounded like sex was on the table. Casual sex that likely didn’t involve sleeping in his dorm, but that was for the best. I started the car and pulled out, heading to the freeway to get back to school. I arrived in just over an hour and parked in the usual spot before unloading the car and locking it with the button. I carried the heavy bag of food into the building and took the stairs to my room. The door was open, and I walked inside to see Violet sitting on her bed with Brian watching something on TV and smiled at them.

“Hi. How was it?” Violet greeted me as I scowled at her.

“Same thing as always. I have food. Are you two hungry?” I asked as his eyes lit up.

“What is it?”

“Spaghetti and bread. Some tiramisu.” I replied, and Violet smiled as she stood to get a paper plate and start reheating some for him. She brought it over to him and he dug in with a plastic fork as she chuckled.

“Damn. Your mom can cook.” He spoke through a bite of the food and I laughed.

“She can,” I agreed as Violet took some dessert. She looked happy, and I wondered if it was serious with her and Brian now. I stepped into the bathroom and changed into some sweats and a fresh sweatshirt before going to sit on my bed. I went through my week in my head mentally as I lay back and closed my eyes, breathing in slowly.


Monday came too soon. I didn’t sleep well without Rosie’s warm body next to me and took a quick shower before heading out to get some coffee to face the day. I had a shit load of tests this week and was jumping right into one this morning.

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