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Take My Breath Away – Second Chance Babies

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“You’re here, sweetie.” I dropped the bags as she hugged me tightly, smiling for a moment. I liked when it was just my mom and me. We got along but when we were inside with Dad, Vince, and Michael; she was different. She catered to the strong personalities of the men in my family.

“I am. It’s good to see you,” I told her warmly as we parted. I looked a lot like my beautiful mom while my brothers took after Dad with their dark blue eyes.

“Come inside. It’s cold out here.” She grabbed my purse, and I took the duffel bag, I stared at the intimidating brick house as we walked to the front door, wondering what was waiting behind it, waiting for me.

I got my things into my old room straight away, needing the moment alone so I could gather the courage to confront everyone. I heard the four kids under eight that were running all over the place as well as the booming voices of my brothers. I could smell the roast that mom was cooking in the oven.

I hoped that she had some wine in the fridge.

I freshened up in my attached bathroom and decided to face the music. I walked downstairs and into the living room with a big smile on my face. My brothers stood to hug me, and I asked how they were doing. I got an earful about the family company, the kids and how both of their wives were expecting another baby. It was exhausting.

I greeted the kids next, getting on the floor for hugs but ending up with them crawling all over me. I loved my nieces and nephews, but they were so active. I looked around as Geneva wrapped her arms around my neck, searching the room for my dad. Nathan jumped on my back and I groaned lightly, feeling the muscles that were still sore from the previous night.

“I’m making dinner. It will be ready in a couple of hours. Will Beth and Rachel be here by then?’ Mom asked as she looked around the room.

“They will. They’re visiting their aunt since she’s not here very often.” My brothers married cousins. It was crazy sometimes, and they fought more than they got along on bad days. I liked both of my sisters-in-law but their giant personalities made me tired.

“Where’s Dad?” I asked as I carried the five-year-old Geneva to the couch to sit down.

“He’s at the office. There’s a thing with a new property. He’s fighting for it because it’s perfect for another farm.” Mom smiled as she spoke, and I asked myself how many properties the man needed. He was rich beyond belief already. “He should be home for dinner.” She asked me if I’d like a glass of wine and I accepted instantly.

“Great. I can’t wait to see him.” I said as she walked into the kitchen. I was glad that the kids were the focus of the room right now, so I could get buzzed on some great wine. I was feeling a bit more relaxed when my father arrived home, walking through the garage door. He was talking to someone, and I glanced up at the sound of a male voice.

“Rosalind. You’re here. Good.” He looked me over as I clutched my glass, stepping aside so Rich James could enter the huge kitchen. I downed my wine at the sight my ex-boyfriend from high school. I knew that he worked for my family but assumed they understood that anything between us was over. “You remember Rich.”

“Of course. How are you?” I asked as I forced a smile on my face.

“Very well. You look beautiful, Rosalind.” His dark eyes were sharp as he looked me over and I shivered. I knew that he was here for a specific reason with the way his eyes roved over me. I knew that it was going to be a terrible week as I shrank back on the couch. I wanted to call Sterling and tell him to come rescue me or buy a plane ticket to Texas.


I pulled up to the modern stone house and stared at all the windows. They did offer a great view of the hills, but the structure was just pretentious. I dropped my head back for a moment and thought about Rosie before I shut the engine off.

I walked through the open garage, noting that Mom and my twin sisters were here but not Dad. Of course not. He was probably trying to find a way to make more money. I walked into the chef’s kitchen and glanced around to see where everyone was. Molly and Callie were looking at something placed between them, laughing the way that only teenage girls can do. I dropped my bag quietly on the floor and walked up to them, waiting for them to notice me. They didn’t.

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