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Take My Breath Away – Second Chance Babies

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That wasn’t what I was saying at all. I knew that there would be hell to pay if I was caught with her and even worse for her given the same situation. I was just making sure things were good at home and meant to continue things when I got back to campus. I was getting ready to call her when a message came through from one of my buddies. There was a party to celebrate being back on campus tonight at one of the houses in frat row. Did I want to go?

I shot back a quick yes before I dropped onto the bed. I opened the text thread I had going with Rosie, asking if she was in her room.

R: Yeah, I’ve been back for a few days. You?

S: A few days? I just got back. Want to have some coffee?

R: Sure. Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you at the coffee shop on the corner.

S: Happy New Year, Rosie.

I wanted to make it a year that involved her, involved us. We were graduating and adults, despite the fact that our families wanted us to feel dependent on them. I changed into some clean jeans and a university sweatshirt, slipping on my favorite worn Cons before tucking my key into my pocket. I headed downstairs and out of the front door, turning right to head to the coffee shop. I didn’t know what to expect from her since her texts were so neutral, but I was anxious to see her.

The streets were crowded with returning students and I waved at a few that called my name. It was hard to believe that I’d be leaving this campus in a few months without no real idea of where I was going. I didn’t look into law school early because I knew my family might not approve. They already had control of my trust fund until I was thirty and I didn’t work. They had me by the balls and the sad thing was that I allowed it. I saw the coffee shop ahead and walked a bit faster. It had only been a few days since I saw Rosie last, but they were long. After being with her at the park under the cover of darkness, I was fucking addicted. I pushed the door open and walked inside, taking a quick look around.

I frowned when I saw her talking to a tall guy near the end of the counter where you picked up drinks. She was smiling, looking beautiful and I could see that he appreciated that. They laughed together as the barista called her name, sliding a cup across the counter. Rosie grabbed it and said something to the guy before turning to look around. Her eyes met my narrowed ones and Rosie raised an eyebrow at me. She walked towards me, telling me quietly that she was going to grab a table and would wait for me. I knew that look and walked up to order coffee, waiting in the long line. The guy that she was talking to walked out just as I went to order, giving me a long look at him. I recognized him as one of the basketball players though I didn’t know his name.

I got my coffee and moved to join her at the small table in the corner. Rosie was reading something on her phone as she waited, tucking some hair over her shoulder. She glanced up and her eyes were dark on me.

“What was that?” She asked in a low voice as I leaned back to stare at her.

“I was just wondering who he was,” I defended myself as she rolled her eyes. Rosie was full of angst tonight.

“I have a class with him and we were just catching up. Is that okay? I’d be exhausted if I worried that much about every girl that you talked to on campus.” I heard the sarcastic tone in her voice. She frowned and looked down at the steaming cup of liquid for a long moment.

“What’s with the personal attack? I thought we were doing okay over break. At least, as much as we could,” I added as she shook her head.

“I did too. Then you sent that text about not wanting to risk it anymore.” Fuck. She did take it the wrong way, and the hurt was all over her face.

“Rosie, I didn’t mean forever. I just saw how upset your dad was making you. I know that he’s a workaholic like mine and didn’t want you to get in trouble.” I told her as she lifted her eyes to mine.

“I am an adult. I can leave my house,” she reminded me as I sighed.

“You lied to go to the club that night. I doubt that he’d be okay with you fucking me at the park.” Heat flushed her skin and anger filled her eyes as Rosie stared silently at me.

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