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Take My Breath Away – Second Chance Babies

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Violet walked me back to my dorm, both of us knowing that he’d be there. Sterling wasn’t the type to give up.

It took one day for him to be knocking at the door. I opened it and Sterling hurried by me.

“You turned off your phone,” he said, facing me with an angry expression.

“I know. I was upset and just needed a break. I’m sick of our families and their shit.” I told him as he stared down at the floor.

“I talked to Dad. The business was failing, Rosie. Your father wasn’t running it anymore and the firm that was in the red. He does his research and swears that it wasn’t personal. He wanted to save it and make it a strong business again.” Sterling told me gently as he walked forward to clasp my hands.

“It’s sentimental on my part, Sterling. That and the years of useless pain caused by both. I just boiled over, I guess. Hormones make me crazy sometimes and my emotions are all over the place.” I smiled weakly. “What a mess this is.”

“I want you to stay here. I went home and spoke to my parents. I told them about the baby, Rosie.” I stared at him in shock.

“What did they say?” I asked as he pulled me against him.

“He was angry, and Mom cried. I think that she always loved you and missed you, Rosie. She’s happy about another baby in the family.” I gasped. “It’s not going to be perfect, Rosie. There’s a lot of pain to get over and that will take time. But you don’t have to run off to Texas. We can do this here.” Sterling kissed my hair. “I love you, Rosie. I think I always have but all of this made me realize how much. Stay with me.”

“Sterling,” I said softly as I looked at him.

“You’re moving in with me. They know it and accept it. I’m going to go to your dad and ask for your hand in marriage. I’m going to make him proud of the business, Rosie. We’re going to do all of this right.” He promised me as my eyes widened.

“I have to tell my parents?” I asked as he laughed.

“We’re together. We can’t lie, and we can’t hide it. With a baby coming, we really can’t hide it. They need the chance to accept it be happy if that’s their choice.” Sterling lowered his mouth to mine.

“I love you,” I whispered before he kissed me.

Violet came back to the dorm to find us wrapped up together on the couch, planning our future. She hugged me but cried as she wrapped her arms around me.

“You’re not coming to Texas, are you?” She whispered as I closed my eyes. I was crying now.

“I’m not. We’re going to try to make it work. The families are all going to know about this and they’ll accept it, or they won’t. I am going to miss you so much, Vi.” I promised her as Sterling looked on from the couch.

“I could work for a firm here and stay. I don’t want to live without this baby. I have to be here to find out what it is in a month!” She said excitedly as I laughed.

“You can have a job on my building, Violet. Hell, it’s multiple stories and maybe one can be an architecture firm. I think a little variety is good, don’t you?” Sterling asked with a laugh as she went to hug him. Violet congratulated him about the baby and made him promise to take care of both of us.

He took us to the condo to show it to us and Violet stared at the building in horror.

“Is that three stories?” She asked as I felt my mouth drop open.

“Yeah, it is. We’ll make it work for the time being and sell it later for something more practical.” He laughed as he unlocked the door. We walked through every level and I thought it was beautiful. I knew the stairs would be tough later down the line with a toddler, but it worked for now. When I walked into the master bedroom and gazed over the city, it took my breath away. “Like it?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“It’s gorgeous. It has a bed already.” I said as I glanced at the only piece of furniture in the entire place.

“Mom wanted me to be able to sleep here.” I told her as she laughed. “I’ve ordered some living room stuff and kitchen supplies. It should be here by the end of the week. I’ve been eating out a lot. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, I don’t. I crave something different every day.” I laughed as he kissed my hair.

EPILOGUE: Three years later


I watched as Miriam toddled across the living room to a pile of toys with a smile. She was going to be three in a few months and I couldn’t wait for her party. She was so beautiful with my dark hair and his eyes. She could be a handful at times but loved to cuddle with us when she was tired. I adored her. I glanced down at the sauce in the pan, stirring it as I heard the garage door open.

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