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Boss Next Door

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I’m loud as the pleasure creeps up through me, I can’t contain myself as the orgasm comes for me, I’m just glad that as my body shatters under the intense bliss, my next door neighbor is in this with me or I would be getting some serious complaints. But who knew that sex could have me so out of control, so wild and care free, that it could transform me into an animal? Well, now that it has happened once, I want to do it again. I never want it to end. Losing my virginity to Will was definitely the right thing to do because he has unleashed a dragon of desire that will not be tamed.

Chapter 4 – William

The light streams through the bedroom window, dragging me from my sleep way before I’m ready for it. I suppose I should leap up from bed so that I can be the first person in the office as usual, but it isn’t often that I get to arise with a beautiful woman in my arms, and I want to take advantage of it. My staff will be fine for a few hours anyway, I have things sorted out nicely so they can cope. Right now, I want to hang out with Serena some more…

God, she is quickly becoming my new obsession. I’m addicted to her after just one date and a surprise night of intense passion that was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. If I’m not careful, I will end up losing my head over yet another woman. Although I definitely think that this is a good one.

I prop up onto my arms and smile down at the sleeping beauty beside me. She has a sweet angelic look about her all the time, but even more so when she’s sleeping. Each breath in and out is flooded with warmth and goodness. I couldn’t be happier that she is the person who has now taken the apartment next to mine.

“Breakfast,” I whisper to myself. “I’m going to make her breakfast. She has no food in the house.”

I slide out of the bed, careful not to wake her up, and I grab my clothing and my keys as well. I have plenty of food in my apartment, the cupboards are always full, so this will be a nice treat for her to wake up to. I want to treat Serena, but in smaller, sweeter ways than I have done in the past to other women. Ways that don’t need money, but heart. I feel like she deserves that. I don’t yet know the full story of why she ended up here, but I feel like it hasn’t been an easy trip.

I almost laugh to myself as I do the walk of shame back to my apartment. Not that it’s really a walk, more a few steps, nor is it shame because that wasn’t a one night stand, it was the start of something special, I’m sure. But still, there is something about me creeping away, even if it is to make breakfast rather than running, it feels silly.

But as I flick the radio on, singing along to the playing song while cooking bacon and eggs for the first woman who has made me feel excited for a very long time, years in fact, I don’t feel silly at all. I’m simply happy. There is hope blooming in my chest and I’m pretty sure that this encounter will be something that I will cherish throughout my life. I might well be getting carried away but I feel like this is it. The one.

“You soppy bastard,” I chuckle to myself. “What the hell has happened to you? You’re being too romantic…”

Once the food is cooked, I plate it up on dishes that I will bring back later to clean because I know that Serena has enough on her plate. I wouldn’t want to add any extra task for Serena and with that thought in mind, I head back in to her apartment. I left the door slightly ajar so I could get back inside, and I’m glad when I find her panicking in the kitchen.

“Oh God, you brought food.” She laughs weakly. “I thought you had just run out on me. I was trying to decide if that was something I should confront you on or not. I don’t know how I should act in this situation…”

“Well, you should always kick some ass!” I assure her. “Don’t let anyone ever disrespect you, but that isn’t what I was doing at all.” I hold up the plates to highlight the food. “I was cooking for you. I hope you like bacon.”

She groans in ecstasy and takes a seat on the small table she has in her apartment. I join her and we squash in together, eating like a blissful old married couple. Well, aside from the lustful sideways glances every so often and the thought that anything could happen at any moment. Serena seemed nervous last night, but now she looks like an animal has consumed her and she might well strip me down right here. I would let her as well…

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