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Boss Next Door

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I stand up, ending the conversation between me and my mom, but her words stick with me the whole time as the afternoon rolls on. I can feel her looking at me the entire time as well, questioning me with her eyes which doesn’t help things. How am I supposed to come to some sort of logical conclusion with her gaze on me the entire time? It’s hard because I want to give in to her idea so badly, I want to have it all, but I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if anyone should ever get to be that lucky. Especially after everything that I have been through…

But the moment that Will steps back into his house and his eyes meet mine, I am flooded by the wisdom that my mother has imparted on me. I feel the love that I have been doing my best to suppress overcome me once more. God, he really is the perfect man, isn’t he? I would be utterly crazy to say goodbye to him right now.

Mom leaves for her room. She pretty much fades away into nothingness, almost as if she knows what’s about to happen. Will can sense it as well. His eyes nearly pop out of his head as he edges even closer to me.

“I love you,” I gasp out, unable to stop the unexpected words from flying from my mouth. “I have been trying to ignore it because of the work situation, but after everything that’s happened…” The words get caught in my throat as a ball of emotion grabs me. “And after you being a hero all the time… well, I can’t ignore it anymore.”

“I love you too.” He drops his briefcase by his side as if it’s nothing. “I love you so much and I have wanted you to be mine ever since I first met you. But I don’t want to push you into anything that you don’t want…”

I shake my head and run to him, leaping up into his arms so that I can possessively grab him and make him my own. Yep, Mom was right, this is definitely right for me, nothing could be more perfect than this. Will came into my life for a reason, fate brought him to me, and I don’t want to turn my back on that.

He lifts me up and spins me around with a giant smile on his face before crashing his lips to mine and kissing me like there’s no tomorrow. My heart explodes, it erupts like a volcano, the lava of love flows over me and clings to every inch of my skin, finally making my life complete. I don’t know how, but it seems like I am going to try and have it all. My mother with me, the job that I love now working from home so I can look after my family, and the man of my dreams. Maybe luck finally has come my way and I have just finally been brave enough to take it.

I don’t know what my future will look like with Will, there is no guarantee that it will be perfect forever, but I’m willing to put my heart and my life on the line to give it a try because Will is worth the risk. The heart ache will be terrible, but the potential rewards if this does work out will be absolutely everything.

“I love you,” I tell him again as we finally pull apart. “So much.”

“I will never get tired of hearing that.” He kisses me again. “And saying it too. I love you as well, Serena.”

Chapter 20 – William

Six Months Later…

“Wow, you really have made this place your own.” I smile at Maria as I look around the apartment which she has brought to life. I knew that it would be a good idea, bringing her in as a tenant. “When I lived here it was always blank and boring. But that’s because it was a weekday apartment, not my permanent home.”

I want to give her a good start in life, so I kept my apartment even when I stopped staying in it during the weekdays. Maria needs a landlord who will look after her even when times are tough because although she is doing well at her job right now, Serena is worried that at some point the past will come back to haunt her and that Maria at some point might crumble. She is being strong at the moment, and she has been ever since David got locked up, but there’s no guarantee that will remain. That’s why her rent is minimal and I won’t kick her out no matter what happens. This apartment is near to her work place as well, and of course it leaves her near to her daughter, so it works out well for everyone. Serena adores having her mother nearby. It’s great for the pair of them to keep that bond going. They missed out on a lot of years as mother and daughter just because of David. They can get that back now.

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