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Her Savage Protector

Page 13

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I calculated the risk of running to my car. They would most likely see me, but they would have to give chase and I would be merged into traffic before they could really pursue me. And then I would be on a busy highway until I reached Bill’s.

I opened the door without thinking anymore about it. These thoughts would only slow me down and make me hesitate. I closed the door behind me and then I ran to my car as fast as I could. I jumped in on the fly and started the engine. Then I drove off as fast as I could.

I heard the men yell at me and in the rearview I could see them scurrying towards their car. They were fast. Would I be able to make it? This was a profoundly stupid plan, but it was all I could come up with on the fly. I had to hurry.

I pressed the pedal to the floor and blasted off down the street. I was almost to the main intersection when I saw the flashing lights behind me. I glanced in my rearview, but the lights were actually moving away from me. And so was the other car…

What had happened?

I saw the two cars tear off down the street and then turn a sharp corner. I began to piece it together. The police had followed me. And then they’d seen the two men show up and they quickly pursued them. They’d probably just saved my life.

When I arrived at Bill’s, his house was silent. I wasn’t sure if he was even home, but his car was in the driveway. I opened the front door with the key he’d given me and then I typed in the six-digit security code.


I heard nothing. The house was silent. I walked through the living room and then past the kitchen towards the hallway that led down towards the bedrooms and bathrooms.

“Bill?” I called again. I heard nothing.

I thought he might be in his room, maybe taking a nap. I decided I’d listen at the door to see if I could hear anything. I wasn’t sure if he snored or not, but maybe something would give away the impression that he was actually there.

As I was passing by the bathroom, the door suddenly swung open. It was Bill. He was nude. He was fully nude standing there freshly showered and still a bit wet. His muscles were glistening over his hard body as beads of water slid along the fine crevices of his masculinity.

His cock was at half-mast and jutting out from his tight body. It was thick and huge. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I opened my mouth instinctively almost gasping. My head began to spin. What was I doing?

“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in,” Bill said. He made no effort to cover himself.

“I’m sorry,” I said. I quickly walked down the hall and back to the living room. I felt so embarrassed, but obviously Bill didn’t. He wasn’t fazed at all.

When he got dressed and came out into the kitchen, I told him what had happened. He listened patiently and I expected him to get mad at me for doing something so reckless. But he didn’t. He just looked at me and said, “I’m glad you’re alright.”

Then he grabbed a beer and took a few steaks out back to his large grill. He began to prep the steak with seasonings. I made my way back there and he handed me another beer from a cooler. I sat there sipping the cool beverage and kicking myself for what an idiotic thing I’d just done. I wondered if the cops had caught these men. It was going to weigh on my mind until I knew for sure.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t have gone there.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. You knew better then and you know even better now.”

“Right. If this isn’t over, if those guys weren’t caught then I want to know if I can stay here for a while. I feel safe here. It’s the only place I feel safe. I hate to impose, and you’ve been so amazing letting me stay— “

“Sure. No problem. As long as you need.”

His voice was calm and cool, very matter of fact.

“Really? Thanks.”

He grabbed a couple of freshly scrubbed potatoes and tossed them on the upper rack of the grill.

I waited a few moments and then I had to broach this subject to him. “I’m sorry about in there, seeing you coming out of the shower. I didn’t know.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not the kind of guy who cares what someone thinks about him. I think this modesty stuff is for the birds. Everyone was born naked and most of human history we were naked. I don’t see the big deal. People shouldn’t be worried about being exposed. I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist I guess, but I don’t do it for that reason. I really just don’t give a damn.”

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