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Her Savage Protector

Page 26

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“But it’s probably going to be just one guy. The others are going to be somewhere else with Chelsea and probably have instructions to kill her. The main guy is probably wired and if they hear you take him down then that girl is dead meat.”

“Right, we’ve thought of all that. This isn’t our first rodeo, you know?”

“Sorry, didn’t realize you were so sensitive. Anyway, tell me the rest of the plan already.”

He sighed. “Ok, I’m currently having my tech guys trace the location of the last call. It was made from a cell phone so they should be able to pinpoint the location where it pinged off the cell tower. That way they can be going there while we are heading to the drop area. Are you satisfied? We’ve got all this covered.”

I didn’t feel any more convinced but we were wasting time arguing on the phone. “Ok, then let’s do it. We will let you know when we get the drop info.”

“Great. Zion will have to go in there alone for a while.”

“I know. She’s prepared. She will be fine.”

“Good. No pressure, but we have to. It all rides on her for it to work.”

I told him it would be fine. Then I sat down on the edge of the bed beside Zion and I put my arm around her. I held her close to me. I could see that she was really scared. She didn’t want to do this. She was almost shaking, but I knew she would never be talked out of it no matter what. And I wasn’t about to try. She had to do this. It was her job and she was the only one who could do this at this moment.

“I’m ready,” she said. “I’m scared but I’m so ready. But I tell you, I’m more scared for Chelsea, and I’m more scared that I’ll kill this bastard with my bare hands when I see him. I don’t trust myself to not rip his eyes out.”

“I know, but you will be fine. Just stay calm and focused. Remember, this is a job. It’s a business transaction. It’s very personal for you, but you must cut that part of it out of your mind.”

“Ok, I got it,” she said. “I’m ready for it. Don’t worry about me. I’m good to go.”

I backed off and grabbed a quick cup of coffee. As I sipped it the silence in the house was deafening around me. We were just waiting for the location of the drop. That phone would chime at any moment and it would be go time. I just hoped that Al and his incompetent gang would be able to pull this shit off.

“You should eat something, to build up your strength,” I said. “It will help calm your nerves.”

“I’m fine.”

I shrugged. I knew when to back off. I wasn’t sure why but I felt an overwhelming urge to help her right now. I had to let her do this on her own. She was tough. She would be fine.

The phone vibrated. She quickly picked it up. “Got it. 124 West Liberty Way. Thirty minutes. There is a mailbox there. I am to leave the drop beside it. I think that is in a park…?”

“Yeah, I know where it is. Let’s go.”

We didn’t say a word to each other on the ride over. I could only imagine just how tense Zion was at the moment. She was terrified and as well she should have been. She was about to come face to face with death. I wasn’t going to let that happen, or at least I would do all I could to help her if it came down to that type of event, but it was still very unlikely that I would be able to prevent it.

I tried to concentrate on driving. Al and his team were going to beat us there by a little margin and they were going to hide out somewhere without being seen. I doubted this would work at all. I had my guns with me. I was prepared to go down shooting if it came to that.

We arrived at the location. It was quiet, dark, and empty. It was surprisingly empty for the middle of the day. I expected there to be more going on, some hustling and bustling, or at least some kids playing around, but they apparently knew their location well enough to suggest this.

I didn’t see any sign of Al or his team anywhere so I took that as a good sign. They might have actually done something good for a change. I hated to be so down on the department but I’d seen them bumble so many things over the years. Being Al’s friend had that drawback. I got to be inside and know what was going on without being a part of it.

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