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The Dare

Page 34

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“This is a nice place,” I declare quietly over the candle light towards Zack. “A bit fancy though.”

“Yeah, it might be a bit much,” he chuckles, despite the fact that I’m sure with his money and caliber be must be more used to this sort of thing than I am. Not that I can imagine him eating at places like this often. He might be wealthy, but he clearly isn’t pretentious. He isn’t a lot of things I first assumed. “The food was great.”

“Do you want dessert or are you full now?” he replies with a twinkle in his eyes.

I don’t want the night to end. I’m not ready to go anywhere, but at the same time I do know that I am full. I couldn’t eat another bite even if it is the best meal that I have ever had in my life.

“I don’t think I can eat more,” I tell him honestly. “But it was really delicious.”

He leans across the table and rests his hand on mine while staring lovingly in to my eyes. I’m sure that anyone looking at us would assume that we have been a couple for years and that we have been together for years. But I have learned the hard way that assuming from an outsider perspective doesn’t give you all the answers.

No, we might not have been together for years, but we are on the brink of something incredible, I can just feel it. If we can overcome those bumps early on and still be really seeing each other as we are then the future looks bright for us, I’m sure of it. Other people might have their doubts, but we will prove them wrong.

“Would you like to come back to mine for a bit? You haven’t seen my place yet…”

“But your daughter,” I gasp back. “Your mother. They aren’t going to want me coming back with you.”

“Amelia is staying at the guest house with my mother. We can have the place to ourselves.” His thumb brushes over my fingers sending an electrical shiver racing down my spine. “Plus, a secret rendezvous could be fun, right?” The wink he sends my way lets me know exactly what he’s thinking, and immediately the flames flicker all over me. “Me and you… all alone, in my bedroom. Could be exciting, don’t you think?”

How can I resist an offer like that? I don’t even want to resist it. I’m not even scared to climb back in to bed with Zack once more because I don’t think he’s going to use me and leave me again. He has met Tracey now and must know that she will tear his balls off if he ever tries to harm me once more.

“Sure.” I nod eagerly. “Sounds good. Sounds like a lot of fun actually.”

Zack covers the bill and takes my hand as we leave the restaurant. I don’t know if the sensation of all eyes up on is an accurate one, but if it is then I don’t mind being in the lime light for a moment with this man. This is a clue that he is finally willing to open up more of his life to me, including his home, and that we are real.

The car ride back to Zack’s place is silent. No words are spoken but the chemistry sizzling through the air between us is damn near overwhelming. The sexual tension could be cut with a knife and every single time I catch his eye, it makes it worse. The pulsing in my panties is starting to overcome me completely…

“Wow, this is your house?” I’m gob smacked as we pull up outside a massive building. I don’t know why I’m shocked, he has a lot of cash and can afford a lot, and of course he wants a big place to live since he is trying to make his daughter happy and comfortable without her mother, he’s trying to make up for the lack of Karen in Amelia’s life, but this is something else. The guest house that his mother lives in is bigger than mine and Tracey’s apartment. “This is beautiful. Oh, my goodness. Amelia must love it here.”

Before I can say anything else, Zack surprises me by cupping my cheeks in his hands and catching me in a kiss. His lips are soft and gentle against mine; it feels so sweet and romantic that my heart skips about ten beats, this beautiful man has totally stolen my breath away. I lean in to him, I deepen the kiss, and it feels incredible.

“Having a big place like this is going to make it easier to sneak around as well… I’m hoping.”

I get all giddy and dizzy with joy as he says this. His words remind me exactly why we’re here and now it seems like we’re about to follow through with this. We slide out the car together and creep across the brick drive way until we’re inside the front door… revealing even more of the gorgeous house that he has inside. I can’t even express my glee because Zack is tugging me through the house and using every surface he can to press me up against it to kiss it. As fore play goes, this is the most thrilling I have ever had. My body is honestly in flames. I can’t wait to experience him more deeply this time. I hope I finally get to have him inside of me.

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