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The Dare

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“I can order take out, Mom…” I offer, but my mother shakes her head no. “Okay, well thank you…”

As I wander in to the living room and I greet my daughter and Latesha, I know that nothing will ever be the same again. For a long time, ever since Karen left, my life has been rigid, routine, everything has been in a certain way. Working long and hard in the day, and spending time with Amelia in the night, but now I need to open up for more. I need to find a way to work less for my child, to spend more time with her, and I also have a wonderful love life to content with as well. It’s going to be challenging for me to up end everything, but I know it’ll be worth it. I am going to hopefully end up with everything that I want and so much more. I will have it all.

Chapter 19 – Latesha

“Wow, your family are great,” I murmur as me and Zack finally find ourselves alone. His mother has taken Amelia to stay in her house again so we can have some much-needed space. “I love them so much.”

“And they love you too,” he informs me as he tugs me towards him for a kiss. “Very much. I think that Amelia might like you more than she does me, so she is going to want to hang out with you a lot.”

“Good news for me,” I mutter against his mouth as we break apart kissing for just a second. “Because I intend to spend as much time here with you and them as I can because I have had the best time.”

“Well, I don’t know if you over heard before, but Karen is gone for good.” He nods determinedly. “No video will be shared, no more money will exchange hands, she won’t ever come back for Amelia. She legally signed away any rights and she has also agreed to not even come in to this town again…”

I’m shocked. It feels like a punch in the stomach to know that Karen signed away any access to Amelia just for money, but I suppose this is good. It’s for the best anyway because it means that we will never have to deal with her again. She is gone with her toxic ways for good. Thank fuck.

“Wow, that’s intense.” I stroke Zack’s cheek gently, wanting to check that he’s okay. It must be quite hard for him because this is the woman that he trusted enough to have a child with. He hired a private investigator to find this woman to try and rebuild something and it got thrown back in his face. That is far more important than my stupid sex video and the fact that it isn’t leaking. “Are you okay? I know this must be a challenge…”

“It’s good,” he shoots back right away. “It’s for the best. We need her gone.”

He grabs me once more and kisses me even harder, letting me know how glad he is for all of this to be over. I can’t help but melt in to the kiss, to enjoy every moment of his lips against mine, because this time it really does feel real. It seems like me and him are really going somewhere for good this time.

“Come on.” He links his fingers through mine and pulls me up the stairs with him. I nearly trip up in the excitement to go with him which has the both of us laughing like crazy. We’re giddy, light hearted, full of the freedom that comes with all of this being over and us being okay once more. “Oh God, you are incredible…”

His bedroom is a welcome place to be, I really like the warmth and happiness that comes with it. Or perhaps that’s just Zack. Maybe it’s him who makes me feel that way. All content and full of love. No man could ever come in to my existence and do this to me again, which makes him the one for me.

Not that I can remain content for long because in moments the passion and deep desire over comes me, and I push Zack backwards until he’s sitting on the bed. I straddle him, practically wrapping myself around him and I deepen the kiss. My tongue massages around his, my hands run over his shoulders and down his back, they knot up in his hair as a moan vibrates all the way through my body, erupting at my mouth.

I am on fire, so turned on that it hurts, I know that if I don’t have him soon, I will die. I love the feeling of him buried deep inside of me and I need it now. I’m utterly frustrated about the material in the way.

“Lie down.” I slide back off Zack and send him a glare, demanding that he does what I want, and thankfully he is more than willing to go along with my command. He fully understands that he might be the boss, but I’m in charge right now. He lays back and waits patiently with a happy smile on his face as I strip him down.

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