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Take Me Now (The Knight Brothers 3.5)

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“I will.” Susie slid her own card across the table and Harper pocketed it, feeling like she’d connected with her and made a friend.

She and Susie were talking about what they’d learned today when the other woman’s eyes opened wide. “Oh, wow. They don’t make men like that where I come from,” Susie said in an appreciative tone of voice, fake fanning herself with her hand.

Harper grabbed the back of her chair and turned to see Matt striding towards them, an intense feeling of possessiveness filling her as she looked over the handsome man, from his bearded face – a beard which she’d indeed felt against her thighs late last night – to his bulky body.

Before she could pivot back to Susie, Matt reached her, leaned down, and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was long and equally as possessive as she’d felt towards him. By the time she turned around, her cheeks were flaming as she met Susie’s startled gaze.

“Oh! I didn’t realize he was yours,” the other woman said, clearly flustered.

Was he hers? Harper wondered. Or was this a weekend outside of their normal routine and he’d go back to ignoring her when they returned to Montlake? As much as she wanted to know, she wouldn’t ask and ruin their time together. She’d find out where they stood soon enough. They were going home tomorrow.

“I’m Matt,” he said, extending his hand to Susie to shake.

“I’m Susie.”

“Nice to meet you, Susie.” Matt looked down at Harper. “Are you all finished?”

She nodded, rising from her chair. “Save me a seat tomorrow if you get there first?” she asked Susie.

Her class was an hour in the morning and then they could start their trip home.

“I will. And you do the same.” Susie rose and threw her cup in the trash. “See you tomorrow!” She strode out into the lobby.

Matt turned to Harper. “Did you have a good day?”

“I did. It was so much fun, and I learned amazing techniques.”

“I’m glad.” He grasped her hand and led her to the elevator. “I’m also glad we have one more night here,” he said as they stepped into the lift.

Once the doors closed, he backed her against the wall and pressed his mouth against hers. His tongue swirled around the deep recesses of her mouth and she moaned, rubbing her breasts against his chest.

He broke contact long enough to look into her eyes and touch his nose to hers. “I missed you.” He dipped his head once more to continue the kiss, but the elevator dinged, announcing they’d come to their floor.

He took her hand and led her to their room, opening the door and letting them inside. She kicked off her shoes and walked into the room, stopping short when she saw an ice bucket with champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries on a plate.

“Matt?” She spun to face him.

“I just wanted to do something nice for you.” He lifted the bottle out of the ice, untwisted the wire covering and popped the cork. “I have dinner coming up in half an hour. I thought you’d be tired after a full day of classes.”

Even as her stomach growled at the thought of food, her eyes misted, and though she felt silly, she couldn’t help it. No one had ever done anything so sweet for her before. She never thought she’d have this caring man in her life. And she didn’t want to lose him. That was the thought behind the tears, but she wasn’t ready to express her fears.

Instead, she stepped over and accepted the glass of champagne he’d poured for her and took a sip. The bubbles tickled her throat. “Mmm.”

His sexy grin aroused her and she forgot all about being hungry. Well, hungry for anything but him, that is. “How about a quickie before we eat?”

He picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. Laughing, they rolled over and stripped each other out of their clothes, coming together in the center of the mattress. Their bodies aligned, his hard cock pressing against her belly.

She moaned and he rolled onto his back, easing her on top of him. “Condom,” he reminded her. “I picked some up this afternoon.” He gestured to the bag on the counter.

She leaned over pulled one out, handing it to him so he could cover himself. His gaze came to rest on hers. “Ride me, beautiful.”

She pushed herself to a sitting position, coming astride him, her core settling over his erection. She gripped his shaft and lowered herself onto him, feeling him fill her up completely.

She groaned loudly, the sound coming from deep inside her. She felt so much for him and wanted to tell him. She needed to say the words, but she didn’t know if he reciprocated or if in his mind this was pure desire, not love. But she also understood this was new and they had a lot to learn about each other. So she cautioned herself to take things slow and appreciate what they had now.

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