The Boyfriend Experience (The Boyfriend Experience 1) - Page 34

Beneath the table, Eric instinctively sought and found Evie’s hand. Not questioning why he needed that connection, he entwined their fingers and rested their joined hands on his thigh. Evie had mentioned that her parents knew nothing about ex-Eric’s family background and had told him that whatever story he wanted to fabricate, she’d go along with.

“Unfortunately, my parents are divorced,” he said, keeping things simple.

“That’s always a hard situation,” Lauren said sympathetically.

She had no idea just how difficult, but he nodded in agreement and didn’t elaborate.

“Any brothers or sisters?” she asked, changing the subject to one she thought would be less painful than his parents splitting up.

His heart raced at the question, his throat felt tight, and he found himself squeezing Evie’s hand. He could have glossed over the truth and just gone with a generic, easy, I’m an only child response. But in that moment, he knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t lie and tarnish his sister’s memory. She’d been such a part of him that he’d never deliberately act as though she never existed, even during this pretend situation, when she’d been his other half. He just couldn’t do it. And though he realized Evie would be hearing it for the first time now, he felt it was right to reveal.

“I had a twin sister,” he said, hearing the sudden rough timbre to his voice and the emotion that was there despite how hard he tried to keep it at bay. “She died of leukemia when we were sixteen.”

Lauren’s eyes widened in dismay, and beside him, he heard Evie’s sharp gasp of shock. Even Gene looked completely taken aback by the unexpected revelation.

“I’m so sorry,” Lauren said, her voice soft as she pressed a hand over her heart, her expression as gutted as he felt inside.

“Yes, we are,” Gene echoed the sentiment. “That must have been a terrible thing to go through, for you and your parents.”

Even though Gene was a sexologist, Eric guessed that the other man probably had a degree, or at least a lot of training in psychology, and knew how traumatizing the event had been. “It was,” Eric admitted, completely aware of how Evie now squeezed his hand. Letting him know she was there and that she cared. Her quiet support meant everything to him right now.

Thank God the waitress arrived with their burgers, relieving the uncomfortable atmosphere at the table. They all busied themselves with their meals, and after a few bites into their dinners, Lauren spoke, her tone much more upbeat than it had been a couple of minutes ago.

“Being together this weekend is going to be so much fun I can hardly wait!” she said, excitement infusing her voice. “I already have everything planned out, and what’s happening when. Of course, everyone will have some free time throughout the day, but there are plenty of activities to keep us all busy and interacting.”

Evie glanced at Eric and rolled her eyes. “Every time we do this family reunion, my mother comes prepared with an itinerary.”

Lauren smiled at him. “I like to be organized, otherwise it’s complete chaos, and this is about making memories with all of the family, which means spending time together,” she pointed out. “On Sunday morning, I’m doing a beginners’ tantric yoga session for couples, and I fully expect the two of you to be there. Trust me when I say it’ll be very beneficial to your sex life.”

Evie put her burger down on her plate and groaned in dread. “Mom,” she chastised beneath her breath, clearly embarrassed.

Her dad laughed. “If it makes you feel any better, your mother has instructed me to be there, as well, though I’m well versed in all things tantric.”

Lauren shimmied her arm against Gene’s while giving him a mischievous look. “Oh, yes, you most definitely are well versed.” Her voice spilled over with innuendo.

“That does not make me feel better,” Evie replied, shaking her head. “I don’t want to watch my parents do anything even remotely sexual.”

Evie’s mother blinked at her. “There’s no actual sex involved in the session, honey. It’s all about increasing the connection and intimacy between you and your partner. It’s about becoming aware of your body and what gives you the most pleasure.”

Evie smacked her forehead with her palm. “Mom . . . just stop.”

Eric was grinning, amused by the whole exchange and grateful for the humorous topic. “Sunday. Got it. We’ll be there,” he told Lauren.

She beamed at him. “Excellent.” Then she shifted her gaze to Evie. “See, that wasn’t so difficult. At least Eric is excited about the session.”

Excited was a gross exaggeration. He was just quickly coming to realize that it was easier if they agreed with Evie’s mother instead of fighting the inevitable.

The rest of the dinner conversation was light and superficial. By the end of the meal, Eric decided that he really liked her parents. Were they a little out there? Yes, they were, but ultimately they were a lot of fun and didn’t take life too seriously. And it was clear that Gene and Lauren loved each other and their daughter very much. A long-lasting marriage was nice to see for a change.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Boyfriend Experience Romance
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