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The Boyfriend Experience (The Boyfriend Experience 1)

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Leo frowned at the dressy attire Eric was wearing. “What’s with the suit and tie?” he asked. “Did I forget about an important meeting we had with a client tonight?”

“No.” Eric adjusted the knot of his tie against the collar of his dress shirt and grinned at Leo. “I’m going to an awards dinner.”

His confusion increased. “For?”

“To support my soon-to-be fiancée.”

Understanding dawned across Leo’s features. “Ahhh. You finally pulled your head out of your ass and realized that Evie is the best thing that has ever happened to you.”

Eric couldn’t even be irritated at Leo’s comment, mainly because it was the truth. “Damn right I did. I’m going to go and get the girl and make her mine. The San Diego Chamber of Commerce is presenting her with this year’s Humanitarian Award at tonight’s dinner, and after that, well, we’re going to go and celebrate our engagement.”

“You sound pretty sure of yourself,” Leo said, bracing his shoulder against the doorjamb. “There’s usually groveling involved in this sort of thing to win the girl back. They love it when you grovel.”

Eric laughed. “There will be a little groveling.” He’d gladly get on his knees for Evie, for a variety of reasons.

“And don’t forget about a grand gesture,” Leo suggested helpfully. “Trust me, that’s the clincher for women.”

“Got it all covered,” Eric assured his friend, feeling confident that he’d managed to achieve the wow factor for Evie.

Was he nervous about tonight and her reaction? Maybe a tiny bit, but deep down, he knew that Evie wasn’t the kind of woman who would change her mind about her feelings for him overnight. She was tried and true, which was one of the things he loved about her.

He was the one who’d walked away from her. He was the one with the hang-ups and fears, but she’d already assured him that she wanted him, even knowing the risks. He’d be a fool to give up a lifetime with her over something that might never happen. Going forward, there would be no doubts, no unfounded fears, and no constant what-ifs overshadowing his feelings for her.

No, there would only be Evie and their life and future together, which was all that mattered to him.

“And this year’s humanitarian award goes to Evie Bennett for her Beautiful You program that supports the local women’s domestic abuse shelters.”

A round of applause broke out in the room where the Chamber of Commerce was hosting the awards dinner. Evie was one of the last recipients of the evening, and with Scarlett and Jessica sitting at the same table in support of Evie and her nomination, she scooted back her chair and made her way up to the podium in the little black dress she’d worn for the occasion.

She wasn’t much of a public speaker, but she’d written a few notes so she didn’t forget the key points of her thank-you speech, which was her biggest worry. Standing in front of the filled room with all eyes on her, she kept her gaze mostly on Jessica and Scarlett—who was taping the acceptance speech—as a focal point as she explained the Beautiful You program and why she’d created it. She talked about women’s abuse issues, then thanked her partners at the salon for their time and donated products and the Chamber of Commerce for putting a spotlight on the Beautiful You program.

Another round of applause ensued, and as she picked up her award and started down the stairs from the podium, she caught sight of a man standing in the very back of the room in a black suit with his arms overflowing with at least two dozen long-stemmed red roses.

Shocked to see Eric, she felt her breath catch in her throat, and she faltered on her heels before regaining her balance and composure and did the only thing her heart was telling her to do. She didn’t know why he was there, but she set her award on the table next to Scarlett, then kept walking straight toward Eric, trusting her instincts, trusting him, that he’d somehow, someway, come to his senses and was there to sweep her off her feet.

Please let him be here to sweep me off my feet.

It was a lot to ask for, but she wouldn’t accept anything less from him.

She stopped a few feet away and nearly melted when he gave her one of his sexy, disarming smiles.

“I hear that grand gestures are a way to a woman’s heart,” he said, indicating the flowers he was holding, the gorgeous, deep red roses contrasting against his black suit.

Truly, there was only one way to this woman’s heart. She didn’t need her gestures to be grand, just heartfelt and real.

He looked into her eyes, narrowing this moment down to just the two of them, even though they were in a room with over one hundred other people watching Eric’s grand gesture play out.

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