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Lovely Baker (Lovely 2)

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“Hey Reed!” Cyrus calls and then puts his hand over his mouth and apologizes. “Sorry, I didn’t realize the little man was sleeping.” He’s the manager of the hotel and is an old friend of mine. I called in a couple of favors since this is the place the whole wedding party is staying. “We’ve got you all set, here’s your keys and I’ll have your bags sent up.”

I take the card from him and mouth my thanks as I walk towards the elevator.

“Reed, I need to check into my room.” Jenna tries to walk in the direction of the check-in counter, but I grab her hand.

“I got you covered, babe.”

She looks at me in confusion, but I don’t answer as I tug her onto the elevator. I slide in the key so it unlocks our floor and then pass it to her. Her eyebrows pull together but she doesn’t say anything as the doors open.

When we get to the door at the end of the hallway she swipes the card and it unlocks. She holds the door as I carry Lucas in and then look around until I see the entrance into the master.

I feel Jenna following me as I carry him over to the bed and lay him down in the middle. His cheeks are red like he’s been sleeping hard but he doesn’t move from where I lay him.

“Does he usually sleep so sound?” I ask as I brush the light brown hair away from his forehead.

When Jenna doesn’t answer me I turn around and see she’s just watching me. She’s got the oddest expression as she stands there and I straighten.

“Will he sleep like this for much longer?”

She blinks a few times and nods, backing out of the room. I follow her and she closes the door.

“Um, yeah, he’ll nap for probably another hour. He’s always been a good sleeper.” She looks around the room and then back at me as if she doesn’t know what to do next.

“That’s your side.” I nod to the closed door. “There’s a master with an attached bath. I’m on the other side and there’s a kitchen and dining room between us.”

“We’re sharing a room?” She glances around the living space that’s bigger than the coffee shop like there’s not enough distance between us.

“I thought you might need the help.” I shrug as I take a step toward her. “And I didn’t want to be too far away.”

“You’re always close.” She says it like she’s talking to herself and not me.

“If you don’t want me to stay I can get another room, but it will be the one next door because I already booked that too.”

A smile pulls at the corner of her lips as she drops her purse on the couch. “Why am I not shocked?” She walks over to the coffee table that’s got a big spread Cyrus must have laid out for us. “How long have you known about him?”

She’s got her back to me as she plucks a grape from the fruit tray and doesn’t turn around.

“For a while.” From the beginning is what I want to say, but I’m trying not to make her run.

She nods but still doesn’t look at me as she takes a chocolate-covered strawberry.

I move closer to her because I’m pulled to her like the earth around the sun. I can’t not go to her when she’s right here, and I can already tell sleeping in my room alone is going to be almost impossible. But she has her son and I’ll respect that, as long as when it’s like this I can be near.

“Are you angry with me?” I reach out and touch the back of her arm with the tip of my finger and let it trail down. I can see goosebumps rise on her skin and I smile to myself knowing at least she’s as affected as I am.

“Yes.” Her voice is soft and we both know it’s a lie.

My other hand moves her waist and I rub my thumb against the bare skin where her tank top has ridden up. “Do you wish I wasn’t here?”

“Yes.” Another lie.

She leans into me so that her back is pressed to my front. I keep one hand on her hip and the other I wrap around her chest above her breasts as I pull her close. I bury my face in the crook of her neck and inhale the scent I’ve missed for days.

“I won’t let you go.” I kiss the soft skin on the top of her shoulder and then up her neck to her ear. “Don’t ask me to.”

“Reed.” She closes her eyes and leans her head back so my mouth can move lower.

My hand dips into the top of her shirt and I cup her heavy breast in the palm of my hand. Her ass pushes against my hard cock and we both groan when my fingers find her hard nipple.

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