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Running Into Love (Fluke My Life 1)

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“Fawn. I wish these were better circumstances.”

“Me, too,” I agree, noticing then that he and Levi have on almost the same uniform of dark jeans, boots, and dark shirts with their blue NYPD jackets, which are hiding the fact they are both carrying. “I’ll introduce you to Tamara, then we will go in and talk to Mrs. Thompson, the principal,” I say over my shoulder as I lead them both into the office.

As soon as we step inside, I get close to Tamara and rest my hand reassuringly on her shoulder. “Tamara, this is Levi and Wesley. Guys, this is Tamara.” I ask Sammy, “Can you do me a favor and just let Mrs. Thompson know that we are all here?” She nods, looking between the two men who seem to be taking up all the space in the office, then she gets up and heads for Mrs. Thompson’s door.

“She said to go on in,” Sammy says, and I take Tamara’s hand in mine. The guys follow us into the office.

“Gentlemen.” Mrs. Thompson stands and introduces herself to both Wesley and Levi, then she looks at Tamara. “Your grandmother is on the way. Would you like to wait for her to arrive before telling the officers what you know?” she asks, and Tamara looks at me.

“It’s okay, honey, if you want to wait, we can wait,” I say gently, and she shakes her head no.

“I . . . I can tell them what I know now,” she says, and I nod at her, then lead her over to the couch in the corner of the office and take a seat next to her.

“Whenever you’re ready, sweetheart,” Levi says after grabbing a chair from in front of Mrs. Thompson’s desk and pulling it over to take a seat. Wesley does the same, only he pulls out a pad of paper and a pen.

“My mom didn’t come home from work two days ago,” she says, and I watch her hands ball into fists. “She’s normally home when I get up for school, but she wasn’t on Tuesday.”

“Has she ever done that before?” Wesley asks, and her jaw tightens.

“Yes, but only once or twice.” She swallows, then adds, “But she always tells our neighbor if she’s going to be out, and she will come over and check on me and make sure I’m up to go to school.” Wesley nods.

“When was the last time you saw her?” Levi asks gently.

“Monday night at around eleven, when she was getting ready to leave for work.”

“Where does she work?” Wesley asks, and Tamara drops her eyes to her lap.

“Mr. D’s in Queens,” she whispers, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

“Did someone pick her up for work?” Levi asks. Tamara nods, keeping her eyes cast down.

“Yes, her boyfriend, Juan, picked her up from the apartment.”

“Have you seen or spoken to him since then?” Levi asks. Tamara lifts her eyes, and her chin wobbles.

“I . . . I called him today when no one was here to pick me up, but he said him and my mom weren’t together anymore and not to bother him again.” Oh my god. My eyes meet Levi’s rage-filled ones for a brief second, right before a knock on the office door drags my attention from him.

“Tamara, honey,” a woman says as she comes into the room. She looks so much like Tamara that I know immediately she must be her grandmother.

“Grandma.” Tamara rushes toward the older woman, burying her face against her chest while wrapping her arms around her. “I didn’t think you would really come.”

“Of course I’d come, you know that, honey. All you have to do is call, and I will always be there for you,” she says, and Tamara pulls back to look at her.

“Mom’s missing,” she says, beginning to cry.

“I know, I wish you would have called me sooner,” Tamara’s grandmother scolds her softly, holding her tighter.

“You and Mom were fighting, I . . . I didn’t think you would care,” Tamara says, pulling back to look at her.

“Of course I care, child.” She shakes her head at her, then pulls her back in for another hug, and I see the tears in her eyes as she does.

“Mrs. Albergastey, this is Officer Levi Fremont and Officer Wesley Jameson. They are with the NYPD. Tamara has been filling them in on what’s happened,” Mrs. Thompson says, and Mrs. Albergastey looks at both men, who are now standing.

“Please tell me you will find my daughter.”

“We will try,” Levi says looking at her, then Tamara. “I think we have all we need from you for right now, Tamara, but I’m going to give my number to your grandmother. If you think of anything else at all, call my cell, and Mrs. Albergastey, if you think of anything, you can do the same.”

“It’s that man . . . ,” she huffs, shaking her head at Levi. “That man Juan that she’s been seeing, I told her that he’s no good, but my daughter is stubborn and refused to listen to reason. He did something to her, I know he did.”

I feel my heart lodge in my throat. I hope she’s wrong. I hope—as bad as it is—that she just needed to get away and took off for a couple of days. I hope that nothing happened to her.

“We will do our best to find your daughter, Mrs. Albergastey,” Wesley says, then his eyes move to Mrs. Thompson. “Where can I get a list of addresses and phone numbers for Tamara’s mother?” he asks, and Mrs. Thompson looks at me.

“I’ll be back in a moment. I’m going to have Samantha print the information out.”

“Sure,” I agree, watching her leave the room with Wesley.

“Will you find my mom?” Tamara asks, and I look at Levi. I can tell he’s torn between lying to her to give her what she needs and telling the truth.

“We will do our best,” he states, and she nods, moving her eyes to me.

“How will I get my schoolwork and stuff?”

“I . . .”

“I will stay with you in the city until this is sorted, honey. That way you won’t have to miss class,” Mrs. Albergastey tells her, and her body relaxes right before she comes over to give me a hug.

“Thank you, Miss Reed.”

“Any time, and if you need me, you can call Levi’s number, okay?” I whisper, and she nods against my chest. Catching her grandmother watching us, I let her go, then stick my hand out toward her. “I’m sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I’m Miss Reed, Tamara’s teacher.”

“I’ve heard about you. Tamara said you are the first person she’s met who may love books more than she does,” she says, and I find myself smiling as she pulls me in for a hug. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Now, we really should get going. We need to go to my place and pick some stuff up,” she says, ushering Tamara toward the door. “And please, the second you know anything, anything at all, you call and tell me,” she says to Levi. He nods as I wrap my arms around my waist, watching them leave huddled together.

“You okay?” Levi asks as soon as they’re gone, and I shake my head no.

“I’m worried. Do you think her mom’s okay?”

“I don’t know, baby. But I’ll find out.”

“Okay,” I whisper, and his eyes soften as he takes a step toward me.

“Got the

stuff we need, you ready?” Wesley asks, breaking into the moment, but Levi doesn’t take his eyes off mine. I can tell that he wants to touch me—I can almost feel the energy flare between us.

“I’ll be okay, I’ll see you tonight,” I say, and his jaw ticks.

“See you tonight. Call me when you get home.”

“I will.” He nods, then looks to Mrs. Thompson, who’s looking between the two of us with curiosity. “It was nice meeting you.”

“You, too.” She gives him a smile, then he and Wesley leave through the open door.

“I hope they find her,” Mrs. Thompson says, and I pull my eyes from Levi’s retreating back to look at her.

“I hope so, too.”

She shakes her head, then pulls in a breath. “Go on home and try to enjoy your evening.”

I won’t be enjoying my evening. In fact, I will most likely spend the rest of the night until Levi gets home pacing the apartment, but I don’t want to stay around the school any longer than I have to.

“Have a good night, Mrs. Thompson,” I say as I head to the door with my stuff, saying a silent prayer as I put on my coat that Levi is able to find Tamara’s mother alive and well.

Hearing my cell phone ring, I drop the book I’ve been reading to my lap and pick the phone up quickly. “Levi?”

“Yeah, baby.”

“Is everything okay?” I ask, glancing at the clock, seeing that it is already after two in the morning.

“Yeah, just wanted to tell you to go to sleep.”

“How did you know I wasn’t asleep when you called?” I smile, rubbing the top of Muffin’s head when she drops onto my lap on top of the book resting there.

“Were you?”

“Well, no.” I sigh. I hate when he’s working late at night, and after today it’s even worse.

“You need to sleep, baby.”

“I know,” I agree, but it’s hard to find sleep when he’s not in bed with me. “Have you found anything out?”

“Nothing yet. What are you wearing?”

“Your shirt.”

I can hear the smile in his voice when he mutters, “My girl misses me.”

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