Running Into Love (Fluke My Life 1) - Page 38

“Yours.” I smile, and her nose scrunches up.

“I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“You were thinking that you wanted to take care of me, so you needed their help to move you out of your space and into mine,” I remind her. The day I got released from the hospital, Lucas asked me if I could help him find a place in the city, and Fawn told him that she knew of the perfect spot, then went on to say that she was moving in with me. I was a little surprised but honestly happy as fuck that she was moving in earlier than February. My family is a little disappointed that Lucas is leaving the town we grew up in, but they understand completely that he needs a change—and since he filed for divorce from Eva two days ago, he needs that change to come with at least a hundred miles attached to it.

No one was happy about Eva showing up at the hospital with Heather, but Lucas was so pissed, he finally broke down and told everyone he was leaving his wife. Not that she really cared. Apparently she had been having an affair for the last year and was all too happy to tell Lucas that she was already planning on moving in with the guy. Thankfully, though, she agreed to give Lucas full custody of Madeline, since her new man isn’t exactly interested in raising another man’s child.

“That’s true—at least one good thing is coming out of their stay,” she mutters, bringing me out of my head.

“It hasn’t been that bad.” I smile, and she glares.

“It hasn’t been that bad? Really, are you crazy?” she huffs, making me grin. “Okay, I will admit the first couple of days it wasn’t so bad because they were occupied with you, but now I swear, every time I go over there, they are talking about weddings and babies. And your mom is constantly trying to convince me to move to Connecticut so she can help raise her nonexistent grandchild. I think that is the only time they really fight.”

“They fight?” I ignore the comments about my mom since I’ve been hearing it firsthand for the last few days. She keeps saying that I need to think about moving home, where there is less crime. I know what happened shook her, but that kind of shit could happen anywhere, and unfortunately, in my line of work it’s a risk you have to take.

“They don’t really fight, they just bicker about crap like where we’re going to get married, where the baby—that doesn’t exist—is going to be baptized, who is going to babysit said baby, who’s going to be Nana and who’s going to be Grandma. You know, crap like that. I’m pretty sure they are both certifiably nuts.” She sighs, looking at the wall again when the banging starts back up.

“I say we just give them a baby.”

“Give them a baby?” Her head swings my direction. “Did you hit your head?” She laughs, but I don’t. I want that with her. I want her to be my wife, I want her to have my babies, I want everything with her. “You’re serious?”

“I’m not saying I want a baby tomorrow, but I do want babies with you. I can only imagine how beautiful you will look pregnant with our child, and I know you will be an amazing mom. You love kids and are great with them.”

“You’re serious,” she repeats with wide eyes, and I carefully pull her over and adjust her on my lap to straddle me.

“I’m crazy about you, and I want all of those things with you. Is that so hard to believe?”

“No . . .” She rests her hands on the underside of my jaw while my fingers skim along the skin under the edge of her T-shirt. “I guess I never really thought about having a husband and a family before now.” She smiles, then leans close, brushing her lips over mine. “Please don’t mention this conversation to our moms—they are already hard enough to deal with as it is, and if they get wind that one day we want kids, I have no doubt they will toss my birth control out the window.”

“I won’t tell them.” I smile, and she reaches out, touching my shoulder where there is a bandage covering the wound.

“Have I told you today that I love you?” she asks, lightly touching the gauze with her fingers.

“This morning,” I murmur, and she looks up at me.

“Well, I still do, just so you know, and maybe even more than I did this morning.”

“That’s good to know.” I smile, roaming my hand up the back of her shirt, enjoying her smooth, warm skin against my palm. Feeling goose bumps break out across her skin, my cock, which has been hard since she sat on me, hardens more. I love that she’s so affected by my touch.

“Levi,” she breathes, sounding nervous, and I know that nervousness is because she’s worried about hurting me.

“I need to be inside you,” I tell her, lifting my hips, letting her feel exactly what she does to me.

“We . . .”

“You won’t hurt me.”

“Are you sure?” she questions, running her palm over my erection, and I bite back a curse. It hasn’t been months since I’ve been inside her, but a few days is way too fucking long to go without her.

“You have to promise to stop me if you’re in pain,” she murmurs, sliding her hand inside my sweats and taking my cock into her palm, stroking it.

“I’m in pain now,” I point out, and she rolls her eyes. Sliding my hand down the back of her sweats, I grab her ass, then move around her hip and slip my fingers between her legs.

“I swear, if I hurt you, I’m never having sex with you again,” she says against my mouth as her hips rise and fall and she rides my fingers in sync with her hand pumping my cock.

“Get your clothes off, baby,” I urge, needing to be inside her. Standing quickly she rips her shirt off over her head, then kicks off her pants and panties, all the while keeping her eyes glued to my hand that is running over my cock.

“Christ,” I groan, dropping my head to the back of the couch as she leans forward, taking me into her mouth. Spreading my legs farther, I make room for her as she kneels in front of me, wrapping her hand around the base of my cock while using her mouth on me. Feeling her nails scrape down my thigh, I lift my head and meet her gaze. Her eyes are as wild as her hair, and she looks beautiful taking me down her throat. “Come here,” I command, not willing to come in her mouth, which I know I’m seconds away from doing if she doesn’t stop. She sucks me harder and goes deeper. I groan, then bite out, “Fuck,” as I tug her hair, pulling her head back.

“I wasn’t done,” she complains, and my teeth snap together as she licks over the head of my cock. Lifting her and ignoring the pain it causes in my shoulder, I drop her to the couch and spread her legs wide, then bury my face between her thighs. I could live on her taste alone—she’s like nothing I’ve ever had before. Licking and sucking her clit, I listen to her breathing become heavy, then move my hand up her stomach and take hold of one nipple, twisting just enough to make her pussy walls contract around my tongue thrusting inside her.

She moans, her fingers latching onto my hair and holding me in place as she winds her hips, trying to get more, but I’m not going to let her come like this. Fuck no, I need to be inside her. I need to feel her pussy contract around me. I need to feel her tight walls sucking me deeper. Sitting back, I pull her up with my arm around her back and set her on my length, groaning as she clamps down on me.

“Levi,” she whimpers as I raise my hips and force her down onto my cock.

“Ride me hard,” I demand, and she does, her hips rising and falling rapidly, making me wish I had a mirror so I could watch myself disappear deep inside her. Feeling her walls start to ripple, I know she’s close, and I know she’s going to pull me over with her when she comes.

“Kiss me,” I say, holding on to her tightly. The second her mouth touches mine, I thrust my tongue between her lips and listen to her moan down my throat as she comes hard, so fucking hard that her walls tighten almost painfully around my cock, which sends me over the edge with her. Breathing heavily, she collapses against my chest.

“Did I hurt you?” she asks after a moment, and I shake my head no and relax back into the couch, holding on to the woman who changed everything for me. The woman who has made me want more out of life, the w

oman I want to spend my life with.

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Fluke My Life Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024