Colters Lady (Colters Legacy 2) - Page 26

“Tell you what,” he said, before his selfish nature completely took over. It was obvious she was unsettled with things moving so quickly and not having Michael and Seth to reassure her that they weren’t going to lose their minds if she was intimate with Dillon. “Why don’t you and I spend the afternoon on the couch. We’ll watch a movie or two, or just lay here and talk. I’ll call my brothers and tell them I’ll cook dinner here tonight for all of us. It’ll give the four of us time to spend together, and hopefully that’ll put you at ease. Michael’s probably convinced I skipped town with you anyway. ”

Lily grinned and put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot. ”

He leaned in to give her a quick kiss. “You get comfy then. I’ll go let them know. ”

He left her on the couch but watched as she snuggled deeper into the cushions. She looked so damn cute that he couldn’t wait to get back and wrap himself around her. It was pretty pathetic when he opted for an afternoon of cuddling on the couch over taking a woman to bed, but he was so eag

er to have her in his arms that it didn’t matter how it had to happen.

He called Seth first since he already knew where Lily was, although Dillon was pretty sure Michael knew by now. Seth sounded a little surprised when Dillon gave him the run-down—maybe he was the one who thought Dillon would skip town with Lily. He suppressed a smile and rang off after telling Seth to show up at six. That gave him a few hours alone with Lily before he had to be gracious and share.

Next he dialed Michael’s cell since the odds of catching him in his office were slim.

“Hey man, what’s going on?” Michael said as soon as he came onto the line.

“I’m with Lily. ”

There was a slight pause. “Yeah. I know. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, fine. We didn’t go riding after all. Going to spend the afternoon here. Catch a movie or two. I thought it would be a good idea for you and Seth to come here for dinner tonight. I already called Seth and he’ll be here. ”

“How is her arm? Have you been taking care of it?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. ” He hoped to hell he hadn’t lied. He wasn’t going to admit that the last thing on his mind had been her injury, which probably made him a complete asshole, but it was the truth.

“She’s uneasy about how you guys are reacting to her being with me and I’m sure it’s the same when she’s with one of you. I thought if we could all be together in the same room, it would ease some of her insecurities. ”

There was another long period of silence that had Dillon fidgeting.

“So does this mean you’re on board with this?”

There was a note of caution in Michael’s voice that Dillon wasn’t sure how to take.

“I wouldn’t be inviting you over for dinner if I wasn’t. ”

Michael sighed. “Look, Dillon, you have to admit you didn’t sound like you were open to this the last time we spoke. ”

“I’m not the one who stormed out,” Dillon pointed out. “And excuse me all to hell for not being able to make a life-altering decision in a split second. ”

Michael made a disgruntled sound. “Okay, you got me there. This is just important, and I don’t want us to fuck it up because we can’t get our shit together. ”

“You may not realize it, but this is damn important to me too, Michael,” Dillon said in a low voice. “This is the biggest decision we’ll ever make. I’ve made mine. I think you and Seth have made yours. Now the hard part starts. ”

“Yeah, I hear you. I’ll be over at six provided I don’t have any call-outs. Tell Lily…tell her I’ll see her then. ”

“Will do,” Dillon said as he ended the call.

He slowly lowered the phone to the kitchen table and stood there a long moment coming to terms with what he’d just committed to.

Any sane person would be heavy into the what-the-fucks right now, but he was at complete and utter peace with the decision. He didn’t think for a minute it would all be a bed of roses and they’d live happily ever after in the clouds. But what he did know was that the Colters believed in family above all else. And now Lily was a part of that family. He and his brothers would go to the wall for her each and every day of their lives.

Seth left his parents’ house early to drive into town to see Lacey. He parked in front of the sheriff’s department, and before he made it out of his truck, Lacey stood in the doorway, a hand cocked on her hip as she stared him down.

“Want to tell me why you’re only just now making it in to see me?” she asked. “Word is you hit town yesterday. ”

Seth grinned and held out his arms for a hug. “Still as bossy as ever, I see. ”

She hugged him fiercely and then all but pulled him into her office. After shoving him into a chair, she circled around her desk and took her seat.

“I won’t beat around the bush. I’m sure your dad has talked to you already. I’d like you to take over the rest of my term. I’m going to retire as soon as I find a replacement. ”

“Okay. ”

She blinked and then reared back in her chair, suspicion darkening her eyes. “Okay? That’s it? You’re not going to argue and list ten reasons why you’re not the right person for the job?”

He fought back a smile. “Nope. ”

“Well, hell. I was prepared to have to spend an hour arguing you down, and you come in and take the wind out of my sails. ”

This time he laughed. “Dramatic as ever, Lacey. ”

She leaned forward, her expression serious. “What changed your mind? Adam told me you were reluctant to even consider it. ”

“I want to come home,” he said simply. “Law enforcement is what I do. I could never imagine you not being the sheriff, but if you’re going to retire, I want the job. ”

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024