Colters Lady (Colters Legacy 2) - Page 34

“Yes, you’ll see me tonight,” Michael said, ignoring Dillon’s outburst. “You’ll be here as will Seth. It’ll take me a little time to arrange things with my house, but I’ll be around for sure. ”

“I have an appointment

with my accountant that’s going to tie me up for most of the day,” Dillon said to Lily. “Michael’s going to get you in to see the doctor at the clinic, and I thought Mom could take you so Seth could get all his paperwork started for his new job. ”

Lily stiffened against Michael, and she chewed nervously at her bottom lip. “I don’t want to bother her. I could go myself. I mean if I could ride into town with Seth, I could just wait there. ”

Michael rubbed his hand up and down her back, soothing away some of the tension. “First of all, you’re not a bother. Mom will be thrilled to get to spend some time with you. If I know her, she’ll have you spoiled in no time at all with the dads’ help. ”

“We’ll take care of all the arrangements, honey,” Seth cut in softly. “There’s not a damn thing you need to worry about. I thought I’d run you out to Mom’s. If Callie’s around, you two could go riding again, and then Mom can take you in to town when it’s time for your appointment. ”

Michael felt her hesitation, but he also saw the longing in her eyes. He squeezed her to him and kissed the top of her head. “Our mom’s going to love you, Lily. ”

She smiled. “If you’re sure she won’t mind, I’d love to go out to the house and maybe ride with Callie again. I’ll even let you check my arm so you can reassure yourself that it’s not about to rot off. ”

He smacked her lightly on the bottom. “Smartass. And don’t think I’m not checking on that wound before you go. I’m also going to make sure Dr. Burton gives it a thorough exam when he sees you this afternoon. ”

“Make the call so I can talk to Mom and let her know what’s going on,” Dillon prompted. “Lily, bacon and eggs okay?”

She sniffed and licked her lips. “It’s perfect. I love bacon. Bacon makes everything better. ”

“Girl after my own heart,” Seth said with a grin.

Michael dug out his cell and punched in the private number for Dr. Burton. He never asked for favors, and Michael had treated Dr. Burton’s kids’ animals on short notice on more than one occasion, so Michael hoped he’d return the favor now.

As he spoke to the doctor, he watched Lily laugh and interact with Dillon and Seth and marveled at how natural it all played out. Maybe it was because he had so many memories of his own parents laughing and loving in such a way, but it felt right.

After gaining Dr. Burton’s assurance that he’d see Lily that afternoon, Michael rang off. “Two-thirty,” he told Dillon.

Dillon picked up the phone and dialed their parents’ number as the others continued to eat.

“Hey, Mom,” Dillon said. “How are you?” He grinned as he listened to whatever she was saying and then he said, “Hey, can you do us a favor? Seth thought he’d run Lily over to the house so she could hang out there, maybe go riding with Callie again. We all have a pretty full day and Lily has a doctor’s appointment with Dr. Burton this afternoon. Do you think you could take her?”

Dillon smiled and after a moment said, “Thanks, Mom. We really appreciate this. I’ll be sure to tell her. I’ll see you later. Love you. ”

He hung up and laid the phone down. “Mom said to tell you she’d be thrilled if you came over to visit and that she’d love to go to the doctor with you. ”

“She’s so nice,” Lily murmured.

“Yeah, she’s pretty great,” Seth agreed. “There aren’t many people who don’t think the world of her. ”

Lily snuck a piece of bacon from Dillon’s plate, and Michael stifled his laughter at the look of sheer innocence on her face when Dillon noticed that his last piece was gone.

“Who the hell took my bacon?” he demanded. He scowled at Seth who was the closest and then his gaze settled on Lily who looked decidedly guilty. “You little thief,” he said with a laugh. “Bacon stealing is a crime punishable by death in these parts. ”

Lily glanced over at Michael and then down to his plate. “Are you going to eat that last piece?”

Her tone was so hopeful, he couldn’t possibly tell her yes. He picked it up and held it to her mouth. She grinned just before taking a big bite of the strip.

She sighed as she chewed. “Heaven. Just heaven. ”

Dillon chuckled. “Well, I know how to keep her happy. Just make her bacon every day. ”

Lily nodded vigorously.

Michael checked his watch and then pushed away from the bar. “I have to go, baby. I wish I didn’t, but the patients await. Come into the living room so I can take a look at your arm before I go. ”

He urged her into the other room and onto the couch. He unbuttoned the shirt enough that he could slide it down her shoulder. He frowned when he saw the bandage had either fallen off or she’d taken it off since the night before.

But when he examined it, it was only slightly pink. The wound had closed. He palpated the area around it, watching her closely for signs of discomfort, but she didn’t so much as flinch.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024