Colters Lady (Colters Legacy 2) - Page 51


“Uh hi,” she said in a low voice. “This is Lily. ”

“Lily, how are you?”

It was then she realized it was Adam’s quiet voice over the line.

“I’m good,” she managed to stammer out. “I was hoping to speak to Holly. Is she there?”

“I’ll get her for you. Give me just a minute,” he said kindly.

Lily waited a few moments and then Holly’s cheerful voice bled through the receiver. “Hi, Lily!”

“Hi, Holly. I wondered if you’d mind being my partner in crime today. ”

“Now that sounds intriguing. I’m in. Whatever it is, I’m in. ”

Lily chuckled. “I need a ride to Seth’s office and then I need a ride by the pub. I won’t be long in either place. ”

“I can be over in half an hour. ”

“Thank you. I appreciate this. ”

“Anytime, Lily. I’m glad to do it. ”

Lily finished arranging her hair and even applied light make-up that Callie had picked out. She finished with lip gloss and checked her appearance in the mirror.

She stared for a long moment, transfixed by the change in her. Gone was the sad, homeless, ragtag woman of a few weeks ago. In her place stood a vibrant young woman with love and happiness in her eyes. Hope.

She smiled at herself and then hurried off to find her shoes and her light jacket. Though spring seemed to have finally arrived for good, the mornings and evenings were still chilly.

When Holly drove up to the house, Lily met her on the front steps.

“You look positively radiant today,” Holly observed as the two women climbed into the Rover.

“I’m on a mission,” Lily said. “I got to spend a little while with Michael last night, but Dillon and Seth are both working right now, and I can’t wait a minute longer. I have to tell them. So I’m going to where they are. ”

Holly gave a delighted laugh. “Oh how wonderful! I wish I could see the looks on their faces. This will be absolutely priceless. Want to do lunch after you flabbergast your men?”

Lily looked over and smiled at Holly. “I’d like that. I’d like it a lot. ”

Holly beamed back at her. “Great. And if you don’t mind, I’ll call Callie to meet us. It’s good for her to get out. She spends too much time holed up in the house when she isn’t working. ”

“It’s really nice to have good friends,” Lily said softly.

Holly reached over and squeezed her hand.

They drove first to the sheriff’s department on Main Street. There were a few other parked cars in front and Lily nearly lost her nerve. What if Seth was busy or involved in a meeting? Suddenly what she planned didn’t seem that appropriate.

“Go on,” Holly urged. “Seth will be glad to see you. ”

With a nervous gulp, Lily got out of the Rover and walked toward the door. She hadn’t actually seen the inside of the department yet and wasn’t sure what to expect.

Inside there was a reception desk and a small sitting area with two people sitting while one stood talking to the woman manning the desk. Lily stood awkwardly to the side as she waited for the man to finish his business.

When he finally moved away, the receptionist turned a friendly smile in Lily’s direction as Lily stepped forward.

“What can I help you with?”

“I’d like to see Sheriff Colter,” she said in a low voice.

“I believe he’s on a telephone call right now. Perhaps there’s something I can help you with?”

“If you’ll tell him that Lily is here, he’ll see me,” she quietly persisted.

The woman shot her an inquisitive look. “If you’ll have a seat, I’ll let him know you’re here. ”

No sooner had Lily taken a seat than the door to one of the back offices burst open, and Seth loomed in the doorway looking so deliciously gorgeous in his uniform that Lily nearly had to wipe the drool from her chin.

“Lily? Is everything okay?”

She was on her feet and hurried behind the reception counter toward him. He backed into his office and once she was inside, he closed the door behind them.

Before he could say another word, she launched herself into his arms and planted a toe-curling kiss on him. He stumbled back but caught her against him to steady them both.

He reared back and stared at her through glazed eyes, confusion and a spark of lust in their depths.

“Whoa, what’s this about?”

She kissed him again and curled her arms around his neck to squeeze him against her as tightly as she could.

He hugged her back, and she absorbed his steady strength. She closed her eyes for a long moment, simply savoring the connection. The sense of rightness. That this was where she belonged.

“Lily, honey, what’s wrong?” he asked softly.

She pulled away and gifted him with a brilliant smile, allowing all of her joy—and love—to flow from the depths of her soul.

“I love you,” she said fiercely. “I just wanted to tell you. ”

Then she pulled from his arms and smiled shyly again. “That’s all I wanted. Your mom is waiting for me. I’ll see you this evening. ”

She turned and walked out of his office, leaving him with a baffled, goofy expression, but when she looked back one more time, he wore a grin the size of the Colorado mountains.

Lily hurried from the office, sure her blush would give away the purpose of her visit. She slid into the Rover with Holly. As Holly backed from the parking space, she glanced over at Lily.


Lily grinned, and she found she couldn’t stop smiling as they headed toward the pub.

“Let’s just say I gave your son something to think about. ”

Holly laughed and shook her head. “Poor boy. He’s probably going to be useless for the rest of the day. ”

“One down, one to go. ”

Holly drove the two blocks to the pub but had to park across the street. The lunch crowd was already starting to gather.

“I hope he’s not too busy,” Lily murmured.

“Oh, he’ll probably be in his office. He tends to take care of the business stuff in the afternoon and then he fills in behind the bar when Callie isn’t working. Of course if they get too busy for lunch, he’ll pitch in, but I think it’s early enough that you can catch him in the office. ”

“Okay then,” she said after a deep breath. “Here I go. ”

Lily navigated her way through the people going into the pub and glanced around the crowded interior. Three waitresses bustled around the tables, dropping off drink orders and trays of food. Only two people sat at the actual bar, and an older man was wiping down the counter as they sipped at a beer and ate nachos.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024