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Honeymoon from Hell III (Honeymoon from Hell 3)

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“But don’t worry!” Brian added, “We found the reservation information and canceled it before you got hit with a cancelation fee!”

When she finally managed to look back, she’d expected to find Connor glaring towards the hallway, about to tell her family to go fuck off, but instead he met her with a kiss.

“Oh, God,” she whispered against his mouth, because this was no sweet, “I forgive you,” kind of kiss. This was the type of kiss that he usually gave her just before he ripped her panties off, shoved her up against the wall and fucked her.

He palmed one of her breasts, pinching the nipple between two fingers as he devoured her mouth and-

“Oh, God! Oh, God!” she moaned, rocking her hips against his hand as he slid two fingers inside her. “Connor!”

“What the hell?” she thought she heard someone mutter in horror from the hallway.

“We don’t need to hear this!” was added, followed by a gagging sound that she easily ignored as Connor continued to finger her, rubbing her clit just the right way to make her whimper and moan with each thrust.

He didn’t say anything as he moved his hand over to her other breast, paying special attention to her sensitive nipple as he moved his fingers inside her, harder and faster, leaving her struggling to catch her breath as she slapped her feet against the rim of the tub, spread her legs and did her best to ride his hand.

“I didn’t sign up for this shit!”

“Please don’t stop,” she babbled, grabbing onto the sides of the tub and holding on for dear life as she threw her head back and screamed his name until the pleasure became too much, but the bastard didn’t stop.

Sometime in between the time that she’d grabbed onto the tub and yelled his name, his mouth had found her neck. “Rory,” he groaned against her neck as he kissed and licked her sensitive skin, driving her pleasure higher and higher until she found herself trying to ride his hand, the move grinding her bottom against his hard cock and making her body tremble for it.

“Please, Connor….Please!” she cried out even as a powerful orgasm tore through her.

Groaning and muttering a curse, he somehow managed to pick her up, place her on her knees and force her to grab hold of the rim of the tub as he grabbed her hips, held her still and thrust, filling her in one smooth motion that had her screaming his name and begging him to fuck her harder and faster.

He did.

His hold tightened around her hips as he slammed into her, shoving his cock into her harder with each thrust and sending water sloshing over the side of the tub and turning her inside out as her hold on the rim of the tub tightened and she screamed his name, over and over again until she didn’t think that she could possibly survive one more thrust. Just when her arms threatened to give out on her, he grabbed her, pulling her up onto her knees so that her back was pressed against his chest as he continued to fuck her, slamming into her harder, making her scream his name over and over again until she felt him shudder behind her and heard him growl her name.

Panting hard, he kept one arm locked around her and reached out in front of her and slapped his hand against the tub to stop them from falling forward and slamming into the tub face first.

“What…,” she started to say, only to gasp and have to start all over again, “What was that for?”

“Are you complaining?” he asked, sounding just as winded as she was.

“God, no,” she groaned, licking her lips as she shook her head in denial just in case he couldn’t understand her. “J-just curious,” she managed to get out on a moan as she pushed back against him, savoring the semi-hard cock still inside her.

“To buy us a little privacy,” he said with a weak chuckle as he kissed the back of her neck and reached down between her legs to make sure that their jailers got the message.

Chapter 8

“I haven’t heard them in a while,” she moaned, running her fingers through his hair as she rocked her hips lazily against his mouth.

“Better to be safe than sorry,” he said, tilting his head to the side so that he could slide his tongue inside her.

He heard her chuckle weakly at that even as she continued to run her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to keep licking her out. Even if he wasn’t absolutely positive that her brothers and cousins had stopped coming upstairs unannounced four days ago, he would still be doing everything in his power to make sure that they knew exactly what they were doing. He was making damn sure that they only came upstairs when it was absolutely necessary and since they’d just dropped off their lunch and run off like the cowards that they were, Connor had decided to up his game and buy them a little extra time just in case one of them got it into his head to come up here and check on them.

“Oh God, Connor,” she whimpered through another orgasm, “please, I don’t know how much more I can take,” she said even as she threaded her fingers through his hair and kept his head right where it was.

“Just a little more,” he promised her, although he wasn’t sure just how much more of this he could take.

Every single muscle in his body was on fire. Muscles that he never knew could hurt before were threatening to unite and kill him if he forced them to keep going, but he didn’t have a choice in the matter. He needed to keep going, needed to keep fucking her, needed to make her scream his name even though her voice had gone hoarse a day or two ago, but it didn’t matter, none of it did.

The only thing that mattered was getting out of here and if fucking her day and night to scare off her brothers and cousins was the only way to do that, then that was exactly was he was going to do, he bullshitted himself. His sore cock tried to argue, but the taste of her had his cock hardening and grinding against the sheets, desperate for relief, but she tasted way too fucking good to stop.

“Connor!” she cried his name as she spread her legs and rolled her hips, riding his mouth harder and making his eyes roll back in pleasure.

They should be escaping. No, correction, they should at least be considering the possibility of escaping, but so far, neither one of them had even mentioned the word, never mind made an actual attempt to escape. What they did do was sleep, eat, read, and fuck like it was going out of style.

He should be pissed that they’d done this, but he just couldn’t find it in him to get angry at his in-laws when they’d inadvertently given them the perfect honeymoon. Well, perhaps that was a lie, because when he first found himself locked up in his bedroom thanks to his wife’s weakness, he’d been pretty pissed. He’d been furious at being forced to stay trapped in his house with his wife, but that all changed the moment that he’d slid his fingers inside her.

Now he couldn’t get enough. He’d never been so well-rested or sexually satisfied in his life as he had been these last couple of days and he owed it all to the woman who would most likely kill him in his sleep one night over a cup of hot chocolate. As he gave her slit one last lick and began kissing his way back up her body, he couldn’t help but wonder if the James boys and their asshole cousins realized that in their attempt to stop them from going on a honeymoon that they had actually ended up giving them the perfect one. They had unlimited room service, privacy, peace and quiet, could sleep in without worry, never had a reason to leave their bedroom and were free to spend every second of the day finding new ways to make each other scream in pleasure.

He couldn’t have planned a better honeymoon if he’d tried, and he had tried. Apparently, the Bed and Breakfast that he’d booked them at, which would have been fucking perfect by the way since it was in an old colonial mansion, next to one of those working historical national parks filled with old houses saved from all over New England and the southern states to preserve our national heritage, had been hit with food poisoning, some kind of staph infection, an electrical fire and a few other problems that

made him glad that their plans had been changed. Every single one of the guests had been rushed to the emergency room for one reason or another over the last few days, making him wonder if there might just be something to this bullshit tale.

Then again, he thought as he traced a line from her navel to one incredibly large breast, at this moment he really couldn’t fucking care less, not when the only thing that mattered to him in the world was the woman moaning his name and shifting beneath him, desperate for him to fill her. When she threaded her fingers through his hair, he let her guide him back up her body and took her mouth as he slid inside her. They both moaned as he slowly slid inside her, savoring the feel of her tight, wet core welcoming him. God, she felt so fucking good. He could happily spend the rest of his life inside her and that’s exactly what he planned on doing.


“Breakfast?” came the hesitant question at a moment that would have normally had her cringing, but right now those words made her want to kill her brother.

“Go away!” she yelled, struggling to fight back the moan that threatened to break free, praying that her brother left whatever it was that he’d brought up and left quickly before Connor did that thing with his hips and-

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