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Firestorm (Sons of Templar MC 2)

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Don’t drool in front of the biker.

“I would recommend you not quit your day job, sweetheart—I don’t think bartending is your calling. Your barside manner needs some work,” he smirked, revealing dimples.


He also reached over and snagged the bottle opener, his hand lightly brushing past my stomach. His touch felt like an open flame that spread south of the spot he had just made contact with. I was certainly attracted to him. His body at least, not his mouth. Actually his mouth was equally as attractive as the rest of him, just not what came out of it.

“Yeah, well, no one else seems to have a problem with my bartending skills,” I retorted, ignoring him pointedly opening the bottles.

He raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down. I felt like his was doing something incredibly naughty and he wasn’t even touching me.

“I can see why, Sparky. I’m thinking most men would drink cold piss if you served it up wearing that. Tits like yours, who cares if you’re a bitch?” He winked and walked off.

I let out a breath and welcomed the flame of irritation this man had kindled. He had just called me a bitch seconds after meeting him! I wanted to pour a beer down his front and simultaneously lift up his tee and lick his abs.

“Holy crap, did you see that? I totally thought Cade was going to pummel Luke for a second. But now I see he is channeling a different emotion.” Lucy peered at the door Gwen and Cade had just exited, leaning on the bar.

I snapped my gaze away from the jean clad ass of the surfer and turned my attention to Lucy, who was joined by Ashley and Rosie.

“Well, it looks like my brother has decided that Gwen is his and she shall talk to no other man,” Rosie joked, sipping her cocktail. “Seriously, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he started beating his chest grunting ‘Gwen mine,’ before he dragged her off.”

I smirked at them “I don’t think the two of them will be doing much talking either. I’d bet her new dress is getting snagged on a brick wall right now.” I paused for a moment, feeling sad about the brutal treatment of such an innocent dress.

Rosie giggled. “It’s about time Cade set his sights on a woman who has class…and someone who doesn’t think belts can double as skirts.”

I glanced at the three girls with a smile. Our arrival in Amber had been so much better than I expected. Not only was our house amazing, the men unnaturally hot and the town actually nice, but we had also seemed to fall right into rhythm with a kick ass girl posse. These chicks not only had good taste in clothes and cocktails but they were genuine and friendly. I felt more comfortable with them than most of the girls I grew up with. They were real. Their fathers didn’t own banks and I didn’t think they summered in St. Tropez, which is exactly what I liked about them. They didn’t their lives in order to impress or incite jealousy in others. They just lived. I dug it.

“I’m just happy Gwen has chosen a guy with so many delectable friends,” I replied, gazing back over at the bikers who didn’t look at all uncomfortable at being in a woman’s clothing store.

Rosie followed my eyes. “Yeah, the guys are freaking hot,” she sighed. “It’s a shame my chances of getting into any of their pants are hampered by the fact my brother would most likely cut the dick off any of his brothers who touched me.”

I gazed at her with sympathy. “That seriously sucks, babe. Having men like that in such close proximity and not even being able to sample their wares?” I shook my head. “It’s a crime to humanity. I’ll be sure to give you explicit details of what happens when I get into bed with one of them…or all of them.” I winked at her and they all laughed.

I spent the rest of the night serving drinks, chatting to the locals and drinking cocktails. I also managed to give Gwennie a good-natured ribbing about her hot guy faceoff and subsequent make out session with a sexy biker. Not that I saw her make out with said biker but by the looks of her when she came back in, she definitely played tongue hockey with Cade. Not to mention the panty-dropping kiss he slapped on her once they got back. I think she had been officially claimed. I was happy for her. She deserved it.

Despite her reservations I think she was going to go for it. I supported her wholeheartedly. That was of course, after I had gotten my Uncle Garrett to get the lowdown on this Cade Fletcher and the “Sons of Templar”.

He had friends in high and low places and didn’t ask any questions. What he had come up with was slightly troubling; they were on ATF and Fed radars for suspected gun running, but hadn’t been charged with anything in years.

Cade had priors, but again he hadn’t been charged for over two years. More importantly, his rap sheet had not contained anything to do with hurting women. In fact, one assault charge had been for protecting a woman. Granted, he had broken the jaw of the guy he assaulted. And the arm.

Not that lack of evidence proved he didn’t hurt women, it could simply mean he didn’t get caught. But I had met him. And Gwen had given me in depth descriptions of their encounters. Although he was no doubt involved in some nefarious things with his club I got a good feeling about him. And about the way he looked at Gwen. It was intense, that was for sure, and it was something that would make my panties set on fire if it was directed at me, but it was good.

Not like the way Jimmy looked at her. Like she was a possession. An object. I had never liked him. From the moment I met him something didn’t seem right with him. His smiles never met his eyes; he was too charming. But I didn’t say anything to Gwen. I didn’t even follow my gut and look into him. I knew Gwen was besotted with him and didn’t want to invade her privacy. It would also put a huge strain on our friendship. So I said nothing. Well, maybe not nothing, but I didn’t scream at her to run from the sociopath as quick as her Manolos would take her.

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