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Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC 1)

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“Fuck, baby, when I got that call you’d been taken. I never want to relive that moment, for as long as I fuckin’ live. You were gone for four hours, longest four hours of my life. Knew the boys were one step away from locking me down, but I couldn’t have that. I knew how terrified you would’ve been, not knowing what was happening to you, the way we left things. I walked through that door, not knowing what I was going to find, but if you hadn’t been whole baby, I would be Bull, breathing, existing, but not living.”

He pulled his head back, resting his forehead on mine. “Need you Gwen, like I need air. This life is fucked, it ain’t what you deserve, but I’m going to clean this shit up now. It will never touch you again.” His voice was firm, resolved and I believed him.

“I can’t promise you I’m going to be a choirboy, that’ll never be me. But I am getting the club away from any kind of business that could get you hurt, cos I am never putting you in danger again, for as long as I fuckin’ live. And I intend that to be a good long while, so I can make my life with you, put a ring on your finger, my babies in your belly.”

My breath left me in a whoosh, this was a shit ton of information to take in at one go. Babies? Marriage? I had never even considered this, my life having been focused on my career, my friends. Now I had this declaration on the side of the road after being kidnapped and beaten, this day was definitely crazy.

I gazed into Cade’s eyes, not knowing how to reply but somehow knowing I wanted all of that with him. I didn’t know what to say so I kissed him. He complied for a moment before gently pulling away.

“Gwen your lip, I’ll hurt you.” He sounded conflicted, I could see the desire in his eyes, the same need that I had to be close to him, to connect with him.

“I don’t care,” I whispered against his mouth, resuming the kiss.

His reservations forgotten, Cade attacked my mouth with a ferocity that I had never experienced. It was beyond a kiss, it was a promise, a claim. I ignored the pain in my lip, he pushed me back against the car, mouth never leaving mine. I felt his hardness pressing up against me and I moaned, wrapping myself against him even tighter.

Cade stopped the kiss, eyes on mine. “Jesus, Gwen, fuck.” He shook his head slightly as if he was trying to get his thoughts straight. “As much as I would love to get inside you, I am not doing it on the side of a road, with you hurt, we need to get you to a hospital.”

I gave a little mew of protest as he deposited me back in my seat, he smiled, it was tight and his eyes were stormy but it was a smile.

Cade got back into the car, getting us back on the road home. I looked over at him, he had one hand on the wheel, the other lay on my bare thigh.

“Honey, I know the concern you have for me comes from a place of love, but can we maybe skip the hospital visit? It’s just a couple of bruises, nothing that Ibuprofen and a bottle of wine can’t fix.” I attempted to sound breezy, but my voice was shaky. I wasn’t going to deny that I was hanging on by a thread, I had been kidnapped and beaten by murderers for Christ’s sake, which was kind of scary. But I also knew I wanted to steer clear of hospitals, not only due to the fact I fucking hated those places, but I was scared at the memories those sterile walls might uncover.

“A couple of bruises?” Cade replied quietly, his knuckles were white on the steering wheel. “Look in the fucking mirror Gwen. Half of your face is swollen and bruised, your lip is busted. Best case scenario is your ribs are badly bruised, but they’re more likely cracked so you’re going to the hospital. And you’re staying there until someone can assure me beyond a shadow of a fucking doubt you will make a full recovery, in addition to prescribing painkillers that numb everything down to a broken fuckin fingernail.” His tone brokered no argument.

“Okay, I get your need to protect me, and your alpha male blood is probably boiling right now but I hate hospitals. Not just because they are full of germs and death or because the bed sheets are as scratchy as a fleabag motels, don’t even get me started on the gowns. I could get over all of that to give you peace of mind, but I just can’t go into another hospital, not after spending weeks in one a year ago, I don’t think I can stand being the victim again. Please Cade.” I knew my tone might have bordered on pathetic, but I would rather wear Crocs for a month than be back in a hospital bed.

Cade glanced at me, I knew he was battling internally, and I’m sure my puppy dog eyes didn’t help his struggle, but they helped mine.

“I’m getting a doctor to meet us at your place, he can check you over there, but if he even thinks you might need a hospital visit you will be going.” He sighed as if he was dealing with a child who didn’t want to have a nap.

“Thanks Cade,” I replied quietly, placing my hand atop his.

The hand at my thigh squeezed. “Sure, baby. We can’t have my precious princess in scratchy sheets.” A hint of teasing was in his voice.

Now that was settled, my mind wandered to some important points. “Okay, um Cade?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, babe?” he answered, eyes back on the road.

I fiddled my hands together, trying to ignore the throbbing in my face. “Some pretty heavy shit happened back there, I was kind of kidnapped and you and the boys killed those men.” My voice was quiet, almost trembling.

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