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Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC 1)

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“I obviously didn’t get there fast enough. Got to the house, place was empty apart from the garage. That’s where they had Gwen hanging from the ceiling in her underwear.”

The energy in the room turned wired as I watched both of the policemen’s expressions tighten, looking at me with concern and anger.

Luke seemed to check himself. “You with anyone?”

Cade nodded. “Brock was with me when I got the call.”

I wondered why he left Bull out.

“And was anyone else there when you two arrived?” Luke asked.

“No, they must’ve heard us arrive. Bolted just as we got there,” Cade lied smoothly.

Luke raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “And you didn’t give chase? You just let the men who kidnapped your ‘Old Lady’ get away.”

Cade’s body went tight. “I was more concerned that my woman was hanging from the ceiling beaten, half naked and unconscious,” Cade bit out.

“You expect me to believe that you let the men who beat Gwen, who were most likely responsible for Laurie’s murder just run off? Especially when we got reports of an explosion at the compound of the Spiders with multiple fatalities.” Luke’s tone was accusing.

I straightened at his words. Multiple fatalities? Were the men that I had come to like and respect responsible for this? I was barely able to hide my tremble. This whole situation was snowballing into something I wasn’t sure I could deal with.

“I don’t give a shit what you believe Deputy. It’s the truth. As for the explosion, that’s the first I’m hearing about it, I’m not going to say I’m cut up about those rats being exterminated though.” He sounded convincing, I would’ve believed him, if I hadn’t seen what I had seen today.

Luke wasn’t at all convinced. “You think you’re untouchable, you can go around this town like the law doesn’t apply to you. I’m going to find proof that this was you, and I’m going to take you and your lowlife gang down,” he spat, eyes full of hatred.

“Good luck finding proof that doesn’t exist Crawford.” Cade was calm, expression hard.

Luke looked like he was going to say something else when the Sheriff stood.

“That’s enough Deputy, we have their statements. Miss Alexandra here has been through enough and doesn’t need this shit. She’s back safe, thanks to Mr Fletcher. I have a feeling those bastards are long gone, so the chances of finding the kidnappers are slim. We will look into it though.” The Sheriff gave Cade a meaningful glance before continuing. “As for the explosion, that is not our jurisdiction, but the Sheriff over in Barnett is a buddy of mine. They have other suspects who are not Mr Fletcher or any of his associates as they all have alibis. I suggest you shut your mouth on that matter.”

Holy crap. This so sounded like the Sheriff was on the Sons’ payroll. Luke got to his feet, looking murderous.

“You’ve got to be shitting me, you know this was them. Jesus, are you seriously protecting these criminals?”

The Sheriff’s gaze turned dangerous, a quick change from the impassive look on his face moments before. “You watch what you’re saying son and remember who you’re talking to. Stand down before I lose my temper.” The Sheriff ordered quietly.

Luke was quietly seething but he didn’t say a word, just held himself stiffly for a moment before turning to Cade and me. He glared at Cade but when he turned to me his fury had all but disappeared, a tender gaze looking more at home on his handsome face.

“I’m glad you are safe, Gwen, I was worried sick. We’ll have lunch again this week if you’re feeling up to it.” He delivered that parting shot before turning and walking out the door.

Shit. I hadn’t told Cade about the lunches I shared with Luke on a semi regular basis. I didn’t tell him because I knew he wouldn’t like it (huge understatement, he would lose his shit) and I liked Luke’s company. He was a decent man and we got along well. My feelings for him were purely platonic and I genuinely wanted us to be friends, which was hard considering his hatred towards Cade. But we never addressed that leather clad elephant in the room, always steering clear of subjects pertaining to the club. I knew Cade was angry because his body tightened even more. He gave me a look before standing and shaking the Sheriff’s hand.

“Thanks for everything Bill, you have the clubs gratitude.” He sounded respectful, which surprised me.

Bill stared at him. “Don’t need the gratitude just need you to reassure me that no more shit is going to hit my town.” His voice was hard.

“Trust me Bill, club’s looking to move in different directions. After today you have my word nothing else is hitting Amber.” Cade’s voice was resolute.

Bill looked at him a beat then nodded. He then focused his attention on me, face soft. “Glad you’re okay beautiful. By the sounds of it, this boy got lucky getting you. You take care of yourself.”

I nodded, unable to think of a proper response. I was surprised at the Sheriff’s words and I wondered if Luke had been talking about me. Bill gave Cade another nod before seeing himself out.

Cade turned back to me, face unreadable. “Lunch?” he asked quietly, questioning my arrangement with Luke.

Uh oh. How was I going to get out of this? My luck seemed to have turned for the day because at that moment the door flew open and a tear streaked Amy ran through it. Her gaze darted around the living room before settling on me, eyes narrowed on my face, she strode towards me. Brock entered the room behind her.

“Gwennie! Oh my god. Oh my god.” She threw her arms around me.

I tried not to flinch when she squeezed my ribs.

She quickly pushed back and gaped at my face. “Those fuckers,” she hissed.

“Amy it’s okay,” I started softly, but she ignored me.

“Those fuckers!” she yelled, and I jumped slightly. “How can this be happening to you again, Gwen? You’ve been through enough, Jesus you’ve been through hell. You almost died at the hands of crazy fucked up men, now after finally healing, some other bastards get their hands on you. Um no. This is not acceptable.” Her voice was in danger of breaking and I watched as she tried to fight the tears that threatened at the corner of her eyes.

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