Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC 1) - Page 96

“Well isn’t this pathetic, Cade’s latest piece resorting to staking out his bar. He dumped you already sweetheart?” A nasally, spiteful voice asked me.

Great, just what I needed. Ginger stood at the edge of our table flanked by two equally skanky friends. She had gotten her roots done since the last time I saw her, but it wasn’t much of an improvement on the ‘Whore Chic’ look. She had cheap looking extensions in, which only made her stringy hair look worse. The faux leather dress she was wearing with a zip running down the whole front should have been burnt as well as the thigh high heeled boots she was wearing.

“You coming in for a job interview sweetheart?” I asked looking her up and down. “I don’t think even a strip club would lower themselves to hire something like you. Maybe Burger King?” I suggested sweetly.

A gaggle of laughter erupted from behind me, and Amy gave me a fist pump.

Ginger’s face reddened and she narrowed her kohl-rimmed eyes at me in a death stare. “Bitch, you are just the flavor of the month, Cade will come back to me, he can’t get enough of my pussy,” she snarled, stepping closer to me.

“Well aren’t you classy,” Ryan put in, giving her a cold gaze.

She glanced at him, taking in his printed shirt and tan slacks. “Shut up fag, no one asked your opinion.”

Oh no she didn’t. I saw Amy clench her glass and direct a withering glare at the bitch, knowing she was seconds away from throwing said glass at her.

“I suggest you shut your crude mouth and walk away before I catch an STD. Or lose my temper,” I informed Ginger through gritted teeth.

Ginger rolled her eyes, smirking. “Like I’m scared of some townie, I’ll wipe the floor with you bitch.”

I tried to get up, but a hand on my arm stopped me.

“She’s not worth it my darling, what if you rip your Chanel?” Ryan asked me conversationally, glancing at my dress. I was inclined to agree with him until Ginger ran her poorly made up mouth yet again.

“You see, this world has a way of getting rid of the women who don’t belong here. Just ask Laurie. Oh no wait, you can’t.”

“She did not just say that,” Lucy declared icily.

Amy and I stood up at the same time, both advancing on the gaggle of skanks. I was closer, so I got to Ginger first, not before she reared her fist back trying to punch me. I caught it in my hand and laughed in her face. “Didn’t your Dad ever teach you? You never rear back when trying to hit someone,” I shook my head. “Stupid whore.”

I raised my other hand in a lightening quick move and clocked her in the nose. She went down like a sack of potatoes. Amy and Rosie were taking care of the other two while I knelt down, grabbing Ginger by the hair, avoiding the blood coming out of her nose. I seriously didn’t want that anywhere near my dress.

“Don’t you ever talk about my friends in a derogatory way ever again, actually don’t ever come close enough that we have to choke on your cheap perfume. And if you so much as think that girl’s name one more time, you’ll be sorry,” I told her evenly.

She glared at me, trying to struggle out of my grasp. “Fuck you.” Her voice was slightly garbled due to her bloody nose.

I gripped her hair and pulled, making her cry out. “Now that wasn’t the apology I was looking for. How about we try that again.” I pointed her head to Ryan who was calmly sipping his cocktail, looking amused.

Ginger kept struggling, and for once kept her mouth firmly shut.

I shook my head. “I’m not letting go until you say the words, or until your cheap extensions give out,” I told her.

She gazed at me like she wanted to scratch my eyes out, then she turned to her friends for support. One had run off, and the other had her hands behind her back and Amy hanging onto her, smirking.

She stubbornly stayed silent a moment more before whining. “Fine. I’m sorry.” She glared at Ryan, looking like the words caused her pain.

I smiled. “That wasn’t so hard now was it? Run along now, I’m sure you have a penicillin shot to take.” I let her go, pushing myself up and dusting my hands on my dress.

Ginger scrambled to her feet, holding her nose, looking like she wanted to lunge at me, but her (obviously more intelligent friend) dragged her away.

“That was like, the highlight of my week, Gwen! You rock. I didn’t know you had it in you,” Lucy exclaimed, eyes wide, smiling from ear to ear.

“Neither did I.” A deep voice agreed from behind me.

Oh please, don’t let that be who I thought it was. I turned slowly to find my fears confirmed. Cade stood a couple of feet away, arms crossed and a blank expression on his handsome face. Alex, who was beside him and used to this kind of thing with Ryan, Amy and I, only shook his head with a grin. Lucky, who had also seen the performance was wearing a shit eating grin.

“Holy fuck, Gwen, that was fucking awesome, and like off the charts hot. Props to you Ames and Rosie.” He nodded at the girls beside me, who freaking curtseyed.

Drunken idiots. Brock only had eyes for Amy giving her a sexy smile, which made me blush.

“Um. Hi honey, how was the game? Did the…team win?” I asked conversationally, like I wasn’t standing in my boyfriend’s strip club where I had just punched his ex girlfriend while him and his friends watched.

“I wouldn’t know. Since my security team called me, informing me my woman, sister and their friends had arrived at my club. I decided to miss the end of the game to come down and see what you were doing at a strip club.” His voice was even, not betraying any emotion, apart from a slightly raised brow. “Turns out that was a good choice, considering that was more entertaining than any football game.”

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024