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Before I Die

Page 28

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Only, unlike the other guy, he doesn’t stumble. He grabs my arms with one of his strong hands and pushes me against the wall, bringing my hands over my head. His entire body presses against mine, caging me in. With his body so close, his hardness rubs against my lower stomach.

I freeze, knowing I have no way to run. Nowhere to go. This man is stronger than I am. He’s like a snake, distracting me with his beauty, only to bite me when I least expect it. The fear I felt when I was taken is back in full swing. Ethan is even more of a threat than the one who took me, because when I’m around him, I can’t think. I become vulnerable. My body breaks out into a cold sweat at this realization. I thought I could fight, but I never stood a chance.

Ethan gives me a half-smirk as if he can read my mind. Then he leans into me, his cool breath hitting my ear. “Are you going to behave, Angel?”

A chill runs down my spine. “Yes,” I whisper. “Please just let me go. I won’t tell anyone anything. I promise.”

“What’s there to tell?”

I shake my head, wondering if I’ve dug myself a bigger hole than I’m already in. My arms are starting to burn where he still has them pinned above my head.

“I asked you a question.” His hold on my wrists tightens, and his grip ignites the pain from the rope burn, causing me to flinch.

“You’re hurting me,” I whimper.

Thankfully, at my words, Ethan yanks down my arms and releases me. “Answer my question. What do you know?” His eyes are ice-cold and demanding. When it’s clear I’m not going to say anything, he says, “Fine, I guess I’ll have to tie you back up.”

There’s no way I’m going to let him do that. I need to fight, and I need to fight hard, so I can get out of here.

As if my brother is with me, I hear him murmur the words he said to me the other night: Live hard. Love harder.

I can’t live and love if I’m trapped here, or killed, or worse, sold to the highest bidder.

I have an entire list of things I want to experience. A life I’ve barely even begun to live.

I only have one option: Fight. Fight, and then run for my life.

Without warning, I drive my elbow into Ethan’s stomach. My little stunt surprises him, and he stumbles back, giving me enough room to dart past him and run for the open door he came through a few minutes ago. My heart is thrashing against my chest, and I feel the storm chasing me, but I still have hope. For a second, I think maybe I’m going to make it. I’m going to get away. But the thought ends too quickly when Ethan grabs me by my waist and pulls me to him. My back slams into his hard chest as he drags me back to the spot where he first untied me. And with every step we take, I lose another slice of hope that I’m going to make it out of this mess.

“I should’ve known you’d end up being a pain in my ass,” he grumbles as he drops onto the couch, bringing me with him into his lap.

“Let go of me!” I scream, afraid he’s going to hurt me the way that other guy did.

My arms flail about trying to slap him. My legs kick wildly, aiming for any part of him I can make contact with. My back is flat against his stomach, and even though I refuse to stop trying to escape, it’s obvious my efforts are futile. Warm tears trail down my cheeks as I slowly accept defeat.

He manages to twist me around until I’m straddling him. In this position, we’re close, too close. I squirm in my spot, wanting to get away, and Ethan grabs my hips, holding me in place.

“Don’t fucking move. I’m done playing with you.” He glares at me harshly. “Jesus, who the hell taught you how to throw an elbow like that?”

My mind shifts back to a memory of my brother moving his couches out of the way to teach me self-defense. No move I was taught would’ve worked against either of these men.

“My brother.”

“Your dirty fucking cop brother?” he spits, making the tiny hairs on the back of my nape rise.

“You know him?” I ask slowly, trying to gauge his reaction.

“Yeah, I knew him. Apparently, God wasn’t with him in his time of need, either.”

Without thinking, I bring my hand up and slap him across the face. His head snaps to the side, and I take a moment to bask in the fact I’m stronger than I’ve given myself credit for. A muscle in his jaw ticks, and he swings his fuming gaze back to my petrified one. A malicious grin appears on his cruel lips, and he latches onto my backside, pulling me closer into his body. His breath prickles my skin as his teeth scrape my ear. I shudder, my breathing quickening.

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