Before I Die - Page 60

“Ethan!” Logan barks, losing the little bit of resolve he was hanging on to. “You don’t understand! Felix doesn’t fuck around, and Nevaeh’s been promised to him, and he won’t stop until he has her. He’s going to kill me!” He tries to shove past me, but I push him, and he stumbles backward a couple feet before he lands on his ass.

“If you step foot on this property again, my men have been ordered to shoot you without question.”

“What the fuck?” Logan cries. “You’re willing to risk all of our lives for some virgin piece of pussy?”

His words set me off, and before I can stop myself, I’m grabbing him by his collar and picking him up off the ground. “Don’t you ever speak about her like that,” I bark. “Ever!” Holding him by his shirt with one hand, I punch him with the other. His face swings to the side and blood gushes from his mouth.

“Ethan,” a voice says, stopping me from taking another hit.

My dad.

“He’s not worth it,” he says. Then to Logan he adds, “Leave now, or I will kill you.”

I let go of Logan’s shirt and he scrambles down the driveway back to his car. The guy shouldn’t be driving in his state, but there’s no way I’m going to stop him. So instead I text Rosco to follow him to make sure he doesn’t kill anyone on his way to wherever he’s going. I also want to know if he goes straight to that guy Felix.

Once Logan’s gone, my dad speaks. “I heard everything.”

I turn to face him. “I’m going to have to kill him.”

My dad releases a harsh breath, but doesn’t say anything.

“I can’t take the chance,” I add, remembering the last time I made a grave error in judgement. “Not again.”

Twelve Years Ago

“I feel like a hippo,” Kelsi whines, rubbing her protruding belly as we walk out of Dad’s casino so we can head home. Well, home, as in my dad’s place. We’ve started looking at places of our own, but Mom said Kelsi will need help and asked us to stay for at least a few months, saying she can be there to help. Kelsi, who has never had a real family of her own, agreed.

“Well, if it’s any consolation, you look beautiful.” She’s eight months pregnant and complains every day about how big and uncomfortable she is.

She, of course, scoffs. “I don’t feel like it.”

“Only a few more weeks and our little princess will be here.”

“I can’t wait.”

We step outside and the lights hit Kelsi’s face, showing her beaming smile. Taking her hand in mine, I lead us around the side, toward my car. It’s late and quiet outside, but in the distance you can hear the noise coming from the boardwalk.

“Want to take a walk?” I ask her, nodding toward the pier.

“Nah.” She shakes her head. “I’m really tired.”

“Okay.” I bend slightly and kiss her forehead. “How about when we get home I’ll run you a bath and massage your feet?”

“Now, that I can get onboard with,” Kelsi says, reaching on her tiptoes to kiss me. “I love you.”

I hit the key fob on my door, and it beeps.

As I’m reaching for the door, a man calls out my name.

When he steps closer, I notice he’s dressed in an expensive suit, but it’s rumpled like he’s been wearing it for days instead of hours.

“I was looking for your father, but you will do,” he slurs, putting me on high alert.

I move slightly to my left to stand in front of Kelsi. I would tell her to get in the car, but I don’t want to draw more attention to her than necessary.

The man stumbles forward and Kelsi pushes herself into my back. She’s scared.

“I lost my job,” the guy says. “My wife left me… I need something, anything. Just enough to hold me over.” He steps closer. His hands are shaking. He’s coming down. He must be someone my dad sells to, and based off what he’s just said, he must owe my dad enough that he cut him off.

“Please, man,” he begs. “I have nowhere else to go. No dealer will sell to me.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, trying to hurry along this conversation. “I can tell him you came by looking for him…”

“Frank,” the man says. “My name is Frank. I’m sure you have something on you, right? Just something to tide me over until your father and I can talk? I have a job interview tomorrow, and I think it’ll go good. Then I’ll be able to pay him what I owe him.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have anything on me. I can relay a message to him…”

“How about you relay this?”

I see Frank reach behind him and, knowing where he’s going with this, I reach for my gun quicker. Before he can even point, I shoot, and he drops to the ground.

Tags: Nikki Ash Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024