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Before I Die

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“By making them live with guilt and judgment? By making them feel like they weren’t ever enough? Nevaeh deserves to know everything.”

“You’re right,” she says. “I know you are. I just wished I had realized it sooner, before I lost Stephen.”

“Well, you haven’t lost your daughter yet. But if you don’t tell her the truth, you will… Nevaeh deserves to live, and I’m going to make sure, even though I don’t deserve her, she lives and loves and is happy.”


The first thing I hear when I come to are monitors beeping. I must be in a hospital… Why am I in a hospital? I try to think back to the last thing I can remember, but everything is fuzzy. And then it hits me.

Meeting with my dad and mom.

My mom storming out.

Texting Rosco.

Felix kidnapping me and stuffing me in a trunk.

My brain feeling like it was going to explode and then me blacking out.

Does the beeping mean I’m alive? Have I been sold? Did Ethan find me?

The only way to find out is to open my eyes. With great strength, I wrench my eyes open and look around. Ethan is sitting in a recliner, his head back, and his eyes closed, sleeping. And he’s never looked as beautiful as he does right now.

I clear my throat and his head pops up, his red-rimmed eyes flying open. “Angel,” he breathes, standing and cutting across the room to my side. “You’re awake, baby.”

I nod, my voice too scratchy to speak.

“Here, have some water.” He pours some into a glass and helps me take a sip. “We’ve all been so worried about you,” he says, dragging a chair over to sit next to me. “You’ve been asleep for three days.”

When my eyes go wide, he explains how I was found on the side of the road and was brought in. I suffered a concussion and some brain bleeding, and it took a little longer than they thought for the swelling to go down, but it finally did, which is why they woke me up.

“Oh, Nevaeh!” My mom comes barreling into the room and envelops me in a hug. “You’re awake.”

Tears stream down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done. I love you.”

“Mom,” I choke out. “What’s going on?”

“I have so much I need to tell you,” she says. “I should’ve told you a long time ago.”

“Let’s give her a few minutes,” Ethan says.

I expect her to argue, but she just nods.

Ethan stands, so she can sit, and he goes out to get the nurse to check me out. After she asks me a few questions, she tells me the doctor will be in shortly to assess me further.

“I’m going to let you two talk,” Ethan says, kissing my forehead. To my mom, he says, “I won’t be far. Don’t stress her out.”

My mom nods in understanding and then Ethan walks out, leaving us alone.

“Your brother was right,” she says. “I did write in my journal I was pregnant by a man I didn’t know, only it wasn’t your brother I was pregnant with.” She waits for what she’s said to soak in and then she continues, and for the next however long, I listen as my mom tells me the entire story. When she’s done, we’re both crying and she’s apologizing for the millionth time.

When she pulls back from hugging me—again—my gown is moved. Her eyes land on my tattoo and I hold my breath, waiting for her wrath.

“Live hard. Love Harder.” Her lips curl in a sad smile.

“Stephen said it to me before he died.”

She nods once thoughtfully. “It was written on the front of my journal. I read it once in a poem and it stuck with me. That’s beautiful.”

I let out a breath. “Thank you. I got it to remember Stephen.”

“I don’t necessarily agree with tattooing yourself permanently,” she says, in the tone I know too well. “But if you’re going to do something crazy, I’m glad it at least has meaning.”

I smile, knowing that took a lot for her to say.

“Good morning, Mrs. Romero.” Dr. Bromfield walks in. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay.” I’m still slightly confused as to how I got here, but that can wait until later. All that matters is somehow I got away from Felix and am safe in the hospital.

“Good to hear.” He checks a couple things on the monitors. “Since you’re here and stable and have already been prepped, I would like to do the surgery. What do you think?”

I think that I’m so grateful to be alive, I’d like to stay that way… And since the only way to do that is to have this surgery, I might as well get it over with.

Before I can even speak, though, Ethan steps into the room. “Nevaeh, please,” he begs, walking over and taking my hand in his. “You have to have this surgery. I can’t lose you.”

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