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“It’s so much cleaner without Em here.” She runs her fingers over the spotless dining table. “Almost freakishly clean.”

“And your room?”

“Good point.” She takes my hand and follows me to the stairs. “I miss this place.”

“I miss you here.” Nearly every night, I fall asleep wishing she was in my bed. But I made her mom a promise, that Kaylee would live with Emma until she graduated from college.

Today was Kaylee’s last final. The last day of freshman year. That leaves three years to go.

Fuck, three years until I have her around twenty-four seven.

If I’m lucky, she’ll graduate early.

No, I’m lucky either way.

I whisper in her ear. “Go to my room, strip, and sit on the bed.”

She stops short. “Strip to what?”

“I want you naked on my bed.”

Her tongue slides over her lips.

“I want you coming on my face until you can’t take it anymore.”

Her pupils dilate. She nods and takes a shaky step forward.

I watch her climb the stairs and move down the hallway. She’s practically bouncing. She wants me that badly.

Fuck knows I want her… I’m not sure I have words for how much I want her.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve watched Kay come.

That’s two weeks too long.

I wait until I can’t stand it anymore, then I make my way to my bedroom.

She’s sitting on the black sheets. Naked. Her legs spread. Her palms on her thighs. Her gaze on the mirror opposite her.

My balls tighten.


I need to be inside her now.

But this first.

My voice drops to that demanding tone. “You want to watch as you come on my face, angel?”

She nods.

I don’t have any fucking patience today.

I move right to the bed. Plant next to her, pull her into my lap, and bring my lips to hers.

She kisses back hard and hungry.

I let my hands roam her body. It feels like it’s been months since I’ve touched her.

She groans against my mouth as I toy with her breasts. As I drag my hand down her stomach.

Slowly, I lower her onto her back. I pull her to the edge of the bed, spread her legs, and kneel between then.

Her back arches as I dig my fingers into her thighs.

Fuck, I love the sight of her.

I push her knees apart as I drag my lips up her inner thigh. I go higher and higher, until she’s squirming against my hands.

Then I move to her other leg and do it again.

Her groan is half agony, half ecstasy.

I do it again.


I do it until she’s shaking. Until she’s groaning my name like it’s a curse. Like I’m evil.

I am.

But she fucking loves it.

Once I’ve tortured her thoroughly, I bring my mouth to her cunt.

Relief drips from her sigh.

That feels so fucking good.

And she tastes so fucking good.

I take my time licking her up and down. I do it slowly, mercilessly slowly.

I wind her up again.

I bring her right to the edge.

She squirms against my hands. She bucks her hips. She tugs at my hair.

“Please,” she breathes.

But I don’t relent.

I do it again.

“Please.” Her hand knots in my hair. Her groans run together. Please, sigh, please, sigh, please.

I plant a kiss on her inner thigh. “You watching, angel?”

“No. I…”


She presses herself onto her elbows. Her pupils dilate as her gaze goes to the mirror.

She looks down at me, begging me with her eyes. “I need you.”

Fuck, that’s music to my ears. Kaylee on the edge is the best thing I’ve ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted.

I plant another kiss on her inner thigh.

She groans a you’re evil groan.

Still, I do it again.

I do it until all those curses are running together.

Until I’m sure this is as much as she can take.

Then I bring my mouth to her clit.

I flick my tongue against her.

A soft tease.

Then another.


“Brendon… Please.”

One more tease.

Then I lick her exactly how she needs me.

“Fuck,” she breathes.

She fights my hands.

She bucks against me.

I keep her pinned to the bed as I lick her. A little harder. A little faster.


Her groan echoes around the room.

Her thighs press against my hands.

Her breath gets ragged. Needy.

A few more flicks of my tongue and she’s there.

Her elbows slip. She falls back on the bed. Tugs at the sheets.

Groans my name as she comes.

I lick her through her orgasm.

But that’s not enough. I need her coming again.

I give her a few seconds to catch her breath, then I plant my head between her legs, and I suck on her clit.

“Fuck.” Her hands go straight to my hair.

She tugs like she can’t stand how good she feels.

I keep her pinned to the bed as I suck on her.

She shudders. She shakes. She tugs at my hair.

Then she’s there. She gets sweeter. Wetter.

I savor every fucking drop of her.

Then I pull back. Stand.

Kaylee watches with rapt attention as I strip out of my jeans and t-shirt.

Her eyes go wide as I push my boxers to my knees.

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